
s2: s2sh - The s2 Shell

s2: s2sh - The s2 Shell

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s2sh: The s2 Shell

See also: s2sh2

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s2sh: The s2 Shell

s2 is developed as a library, but its primary intended usage is to be driven from a shell-like application in scripting other libraries. The primary application, used in driving s2's own unit tests, is the "s2 shell," a.k.a. s2sh.

s2sh runs s2 scripts from files, stdin, or (if enabled at build time) an interactive terminal session. Run it with the -? or --help flag to see the list of options (which may vary from commit to commit!).

The shell installs some amount of basic functionality, including all of the prototype-level infrastructure. The following subsections describe shell-specific features it installs, as well as how to extend it, both from script code and C code.

s2sh sees quite a bit of use, relatively speaking. All but one of s2's unit test scripts is driven by it, and its interactive mode is a "must-have" during experimentation with new s2 features, creating code snippets for these docs, and whatnot. Sometimes i start it up simply for use as a calculator:

[stephan@host:~/cwal/s2]$ ./s2sh -v
s2sh> 3 + 7 * 10
result: integer@0x2628240[scope=#1@0x7ffda03cf6d0 ref#=0] ==> 73

Shell-side CLI Flags

s2sh's handling of CLI flags has, as the Germans say, "grown hysterically," which, in German, is a pun, on "grown historically," which means (in German) something like "evolved organically/chaotically."

This section does not document the many CLI flags: run the shell with the -? or --help flags to see the docs. It does, however, explain the conventions:

If a flag is provided multiple times, the last one wins except in rare cases where a flag increases or decreases a setting's value rather than toggling it on or off.

A couple of examples:

Flags which expect a value are in the form -flag VALUE, with no equal sign between the two. This is in unfortunate contrast to script-side flags (detailed below), but, as said above, "grown hysterically," and many scripts and makefiles depend on these hysterical conventions.

Script-side CLI Flags

When processing its CLI flags, the -- flag tells s2sh to stop processing flags and pass all arguments after -- to the cwal-level flag processor, which processes flags for script-side use, which s2sh then exposes to script-space.

The s2.ARGV Array contains all flags passed to the shell after the -- flag, and has the following properties:

Because the flags parsing happens at a deeper level in the API, and because the parser cannot know whether any given flag requires a value or not, the flag syntax varies from the s2sh-side flags:

Note that s2sh historically only defines s2.ARGV and its flags/nonFlags members if at least one flag or argument is provided. The historic reasoning behind that was so that scripts could easily check whether any flags were provided or not, but practice has proven that thinking to be flawed, at least from a usability point of view, and it leads to most scripts including snippets like:

const cliFlags = (s2.ARGV ? s2.ARGV.flags : 0) ||| {prototype:null};
const files = (s2.ARGV ? s2.ARGV.nonFlags : 0) ||| [];

As of 2020-02-06, s2.ARGV, s2.ARGV.flags, and s2.ARGV.nonFlags are always set. As of 2020-02-07, s2.ARGV is itself an array, rather than an object, and contains the unparsed values of all script-side CLI arguments.

An example:

$ s2sh -v -- --foo=hi -bar +baz a b c
s2sh> s2.ARGV
result: array@0x556cab209040[scope=#1 ref#=1] ==> [
s2sh> s2.ARGV.flags
result: object@0x55e6d2146c00[scope=#1 ref#=1] ==> {
  "bar": true,
  "baz": false,
  "foo": "hi"
s2sh> s2.ARGV.nonFlags
result: array@0x55e6d2146c50[scope=#1 ref#=1] ==> [

Startup Wrapper Script

When installing s2sh locally (by copying the binary to one's desired installation location), be sure to take a look at the file It is intended to be installed into the $PATH without the .sh extension, and to be edited to point to the "real" s2sh binary (which can live anywhere, even in the same directory as the wrapper script, but with a different extension, e.g. the script could be named s2sh and the binary s2sh.bin). The script's purpose is to set up various environment variables and/or s2sh flags which may be globally useful. e.g. the environment variable S2_HOME is commonly used by scripts, and it could be set up in that wrapper script. s2sh supports automatically loading an "init script" when it starts up, which can be used to automatically install new APIs or load new modules, as described later on in this document.

Global Objects & Functions

s2sh installs the following global symbols:

Function print(...)

A convenience reference to (described on the io API page). This is not a const, by the way, and clients are free to overwrite it with their own implementation. It returns itself, so calls may be chained.


This object acts as the top-level namespace for all features provided by the s2 library which s2sh plugs in.

Sidebar: This symbol should have been made a language-level keyword which refered to a client-defined global-scope value instance, as opposed to being a global-scope value instance, but changing that now would break probably 90% or more of my hundreds of scripts. Oh, well.

The s2 Object

The const global s2 object acts as a namespace for most of the s2sh-installed functionality. Aside from the print() function, which is provided primarily because it's damned convenient to debug scripts with (in particular with the __FLC keyword)1, the s2 object is the only global symbol exposed by s2sh. Because client scripts (almost) never run in the global scope, they have no way of injecting other truly global values. For that reason, s2sh reserves the property s2.client specifically for client use in storing data which needs to be used across multiple scripts, but which has no better place to be stored. s2sh will never set nor use the s2.client property.

The s2 object contains the following members, none of which require that s2 be their this object (so they can be copied for use in other contexts):

integer compare(Value lhs,Value rhs [, bool typeStrict=false])
integer compare(Value rhs)

Compares the given values using cwal's built-in comparisons and returns 0 if the values are equivalent (or the same instance), a negative value if lhs is "less than" rhs, and a positive value if lhs is "greater than" rhs. If passed only 1 argument, it uses the current this as the lhs and the 1st argument as the rhs, but that form cannot use the type-strict flag. In the 3-arg form, the 3rd parameter controls whether type-strict comparisons are used (equivalent to the == resp. === operators).

object cwalBuildInfo()

Returns an object which describes a variety of build-time configuration options for libcwal (the basis off of which s2 is built). e.g. it holds the compiler flags and "bitness" of the script engine.

void dumpMetrics()

Dumps a great deal of cwal- and s2-level metrics to stdout and/or the engine's defined output channel. Might output more if the -v (verbose) s2sh flag is used once or twice.

void dumpVal(...)

A debugging-only function: runs each value through s2_dump_val(), outputting the result to stdout2.

string|undefined getenv(string key)

Works like the standard C function of the same name. Returns undefined if no such environment variable (case-sensitive) is found.

mixed fork([bool returnFromChild=false ,] Function)

Only works on Unix builds (throws an exception if it is disabled). This fork(2)'s the current s2sh process. The parent process gets the child process's ID (an integer) as the return value of fork(). By default the child process exits after forking (as if s2's exit keyword had been used, as opposed to C's exit()). If passed more than one argument, the first is treated as a boolean, the value of which determines whether the child process exits (pass in a falsy value) or returns (pass in a truthy value). The second (or only) argument is a callback function implementing any work for the child process. If a child process returns (as opposed to using exit, fatal, or similar), it returns to its own process, not the parent process, and the fork() return value will be the value returned from the callback function.

string getenv(string key)

Uses getenv(3) to search for an environment variable. Returns its value as a string if it finds one, else undefined.

bool glob( string needle, string haystack [, int globStyle=-1] )

Returns true if the glob pattern needle matches haystack, else returns false. The globStyle determines the type of pattern matching used: <0 = conventional Unix-like patterns (case sensitive, the default), 0 = SQL LIKE (case insensitive), >0 = SQL LIKE (case sensitive). Throws if passed non-strings for the first two arguments (with the note that, like most string-wielding APIs, it treats Buffers like strings). The complete rules for the glob types can be found in the C API docs of s2_glob_matches_str() in s2.h.

mixed import(string filename)

As of 20200118, this function is deprecated in favor of the import keyword. It behaves behaves exactly like that keyword except that it does not do any path-searching for the filenames passed to it. To make the import keyword behave equivalently to the historical behaviour of this function, pass false as the first argument to the keyword to suppress its path-search feature.

mixed loadModule(dllFileName[, symbolName])
mixed loadModule(dllFileName)

As described in the loadable module docs.

Buffer minifyScript(string|Buffer scriptContent)

"Minifies" s2 script code by removing comments and most extraneous space. This is not yet known to be 100% reliable - use at your own risk. That said, several of the s2 module builds use it and it "seems to work," even with the relatively complex require.s2 module.

mixed sealObject(...)

Requires that each argument be a container-type value. Flags are set on each argument which "seals" it against future changes: assigning to its properties, or attempting to add new ones, will trigger an exception. It returns the last value passed to it.

Pre-installed s2 Modules/APIs

Aside from the functionality described above, s2sh installs the following API modules by default (noting that this list may be modified by the build process): API

The object is only installed when running in interactive mode (which works only if s2sh is built with interactive editing support) or when passed the flag (with a single dash). It providing access to some of the shell's interactive features:

void exit()

Exits the interactive shell mode, similarly to the EOF sequence, except that the exit is (A) delayed until after the complete expression which includes this call completes and (B) does not accept an result value like the exit keyword does. The exit keyword, however, does not end interactive mode, which trumps the exit, fatal, a failed assert, and similar, and remains in interactive mode.

void historyAdd(string)

Adds a line to the interactive editing history. Make sure the line contains no newlines, or it will be stored as multiple history commands!

void historyLoad(fileaname)
void historySave(filename)

Load resp. save the shell command editing history.

string readLine([string prompt])

Reads a line of input from the console using whatever input mechanism it is configured for, without a trailing newline. Returns undefined if the user taps the EOF sequence (Ctrl-D on most Unix terminals, Ctrl-Z(?) on Windows) or an empty string if the user simply taps <ENTER>. The line is not automatically inserted into the history: use historyAdd() for that.

Typical usage:

const x =;
if(undefined===x) { ... leave this block/loop/function ... }
else if(""===x) { ... user just tapped ENTER ... }
else {
  ... we got something ...
array tokenizeLine(string)

Takes an a string and tokenizes it using s2's core tokenizer, returning an array of the individual tokens in their s2-appropriate data type.


s2sh>"'hi there' 123 4.5 true null undefined")
result: array@0x56082eccfb20[scope=#1 ref#=0] ==> [
  "hi there",

Sidebar: that last element is output as null, rather than undefined, because the JSON API translates list entries (but not object properties) with the undefined value to null. Object properties with that value are not emitted in JSON mode (because JSON does not support the undefined value and that's how JavaScript's JSON mode works).

Extending s2sh

s2sh is designed to be easily extensible by client-side scripts or C code, without having to modify the core shell.c source file.

Extending s2sh with Script Code

s2sh supports auto-loading an initialization script at startup. It has two options:

  1. First, it looks for a file named by the environment variable S2SH_INIT_SCRIPT.
  2. Secondly, it looks for a file with the same directory and base name as the s2sh binary, plus an ".s2" extension. That is: if your binary is named /foo/bar/baz, the autoload script should be named /foo/bar/baz.s2. Note that any ".exe" part of the name is ignored for this purpose, so an interpreter named foo.exe looks for a script named foo.s2, not foo.exe.s2.
    Bug: this 2nd approach does not canonicalize the binary's name (because doing so requires platform-specific code), so it does not work together with $PATH resolution (it won't find the init script, or will find it only incidentally).

See s2sh.s2 for an example init script.

s2sh only uses the first one of those it finds. Not finding an init script is not considered an error, but an error triggered by the init script will abort the shell's startup.

Autoloading of the init script is enabled by default in the canonical build, but may be disabled by default in custom builds. The -a flag (one dash) explicitly enables autoloading and --a (two dashes) explicitly disables it (which can be helpful if the file has an error which casues s2sh startup to fail).

The init script can be used to perform arbitrary amounts of work, e.g. loading commonly-used functions and modules, or installing/extending client-written modules3. Such a script may use s2.import() (or equivalent) to include other files, and PathFinder can be used to find those files.

The init script is not imported when s2sh is run with the -cleanroom flag because in that mode the interpreter is extremely bare-bones, with no public APIs installed (only in-language features like keywords and operators).

Extending s2sh with Native C/C++ Code

What follows applies equally to s2sh and s2sh2, the only difference being that the former's main file is shell.c and the latter's is shell2.c. In the instructions below, shell2.c may be substituted for shell.c.

The absolute simplest way to add new script-visible functionality (from C) to the shell is to use the accompanying shell_extend.c as a basis and build it against s2's amalgamation build. The canonical source tree is setup to do this already, and doing so in one's own projects requires doing only the equivalent of:


# From the s2 source directory...
# First, build the amalgamated sources, if needed:
$ make amal
# Then compile the parts we need:
$ cc -c cliapp.c
$ cc -c shell.c -DS2_SHELL_EXTEND
$ cc -c shell_extend.c
$ cc -c libs2.c
$ cc -o mysh shell.o cliapp.o shell_extend.o libs2.o
# Done! But... this shell is missing interactive mode:
$ ./mysh 
rc=305 (CWAL_RC_UNSUPPORTED): s2_engine says error #305 (CWAL_RC_UNSUPPORTED):
  Interactive mode not supported: this shell was built without line
  editing support.
shell.c:2032: rc=305 (CWAL_RC_UNSUPPORTED)
# Let's fix that...

Pedantic sidebar: the canonical build compiles using the highest-possible warning levels and treats all warnings in this project's sources (as opposed to imported 3rd-party sources) as fatal errors.

The above is all that's needed for the batch-mode shell. Interactive shell support requires a line-editing library, and the sources currently support two of them:

For GNU Readline support (with a viral GNU GPL license), do the following:

Alternately, use the semi-built-in linenoise line editing support, which is not as powerful as readline, but is enough for basic work and has a user-friendly BSD license:

Alternately, patch cliapp.c for a different interactive interactive line editing library and submit that back for inclusion in the main tree :).

Here's a demo using linenoise:

# Build the linenoise object files:
$ for i in linenoise/{linenoise,stringbuf,utf8}.c; do echo $i; cc $CFLAGS -c $i; done 
# Rebuild cliapp.c with linenoise support:
$ cc -c cliapp.c -DCLIAPP_ENABLE_LINENOISE=1
# Build the other files exactly as shown in the previous example:
$ cc -c shell.c -DS2_SHELL_EXTEND
$ cc -c shell_extend.c
$ cc -c libs2.c
# Make sure to add the linenoise object files when linking this time:
$ cc -o mysh shell.o shell_extend.o libs2.o linenoise/*.o
# Done!
$ ./mysh -v
s2 interactive shell. All commands run in the current scope. Use your platform's
EOF sequence on an empty line to exit. (Ctrl-D on Unix, Ctrl-Z(?) on Windows.)
Ctrl-C might work, too.


(Tap Ctrl-D or type<ENTER> to exit.)

That's all there is to it. The shell can use any functionality installed by s2sh or via shell_extend.c. That file is intended to be a boilerplate used by client code, which clients use to plugin to s2sh when it starts up.

To upgrade the s2 core library, simply copy the following files from the s2 source tree and (re)build your customized shell_extend.c against those: libs2.{c,h}, cliapp.c, shell.c (or shell2.c), and shell_common.c from the s2 source tree, . The cwal APIs used by such extensions have been quite API-stable (only additions, no major changes) since 2012 and has a client code base to keep working. i.e. it is highly unlikely that upgrading your amalgamation files will cause any breakage at the level of the cwal API. However… the s2-level API, on the other hand, is always subject to change. That said... it's rare that client-side bindings actually need access to the script language's (s2's) API - they tend to work with the scripting engine's (cwal's) API, which is fairly stable.

Here's a sample s2sh session using functions from the default implementation of shell_extend.c:

# ./s2sh -v
…startup messages snipped…
s2sh> sampleCallback()
shell_extend.c:38: Hi, world!
result: undefined@0x6a424[scope=#0@(nil) ref#=0] ==> undefined
s2sh> sampleCallback2()
shell_extend.c:50: Hi again, world!
result: function@0x6f140[scope=#2@0xbee620e0 ref#=1] ==>
s2sh> sampleCallback2()()()
shell_extend.c:50: Hi again, world!
shell_extend.c:50: Hi again, world!
shell_extend.c:50: Hi again, world!
result: function@0x6f140[scope=#2@0xbee620e0 ref#=1] ==>
s2sh> sampleCallback3()
EXCEPTION: exception@0x6f598[scope=#2@0xbee620e0 ref#=0] ==> {
 "code": 305,
 "column": 15,
 "line": 1,
 "message": "You have requested unsupported feature 'foo', so you are getting result code 'CWAL_RC_UNSUPPORTED'.",
 "script": "shell input",
 "stackTrace": [{
 "column": 15,
 "line": 1,
 "script": "shell input"

s2sh> sampleCallback4()
result: string@0x6f5d8[scope=#2@0xbee620e0 ref#=0] ==>
"shell_extend.c:65: Hi again, world!"
s2sh> sampleCallback4(1)
result: integer@0x6a341[scope=#0@(nil) ref#=0] ==> 1
s2sh> sampleCallback4(1,2)
result: double@0x70f58[scope=#2@0xbee620e0 ref#=0] ==> 3.0
s2sh> sampleCallback4(1,2,3)
EXCEPTION: exception@0x6f598[scope=#2@0xbee620e0 ref#=0] ==> {
 "code": 303,
 "column": 15,
 "line": 1,
 "message": "Too beaucoup!",
 "script": "shell input",
 "stackTrace": [{
 "column": 15,
 "line": 1,
 "script": "shell input"

Sample Scripts

The source code repository is rife with s2 scripts, most notably:

Adjusting Sweep and Vacuum Intervals

s2 "sweeps up" its current scope at regular intervals (measured in full expressions, on a per-scope basis) in order to free up any stray values, and once every N sweeps it goes further and vacuums (which also catches orphaned cyclic structures). s2sh intentionally configures the sweep and vacuum intervals to be low (i.e. sweeping up often) because doing so tends to uncover Value memory misuse (invalid unrefs) more quickly. It does, however, impact performance, potentially (depending on the script) drastically. s2sh provides the -w and +w flags to increase the sweep resp. vacuum interval, or the intervals can be modified directly in shell.c: search for "Interval" to find the relevant code, and modify the App global structure to set its addSweepInterval and addVacuumInterval members to higher values. When using the recommended approach of using a wrapper script to start s2sh, -w and +w can be passed in there (multiple times if desired: each increases the corresponding interval by 1).

Tip: the sweep and vacuum intervals may be modified at runtime using the pragma keyword.

Up until December 2014, sweeping was necessary to clean up temporaries created by expressions, as the evaluation engine tended to leave them lying around. As of that point, all the operators do a better job of reference handling and clean up after themselves, insofar as possible, so temporaries generally only hang around when they're created in standalone expressions with no operators:

new Foo();

In the interactive shell, s2sh would catch that and free the stray item immediately (unless it's cyclic, in which case it will eventually be vacuumed up), but in batch mode that happens differently: the batch processor remembers the most recent expression's result and discards it when the next expression completes. Thus:

new Foo();
// at ^^^^^^ this semicolon, the batch processor stashes the
// new Foo instance. This value is cleaned up when the following
// expression is finished:
// ^^^^ at this semicolon, the batch processor stashes the result
// (30), cleaning up the previously stashed result if its refcount
// hits 0.

The interval-based sweeping is performed between expressions, but it will never sweep up the batch processor's stashed pending result. If the new Foo() is cyclic, its destruction will eventually be ensured by the vacuum process, which runs once every N sweep-ups.

This stashing of the most recent expression result is necessary so that any sweep/vacuum run while that result is pending does not garbage-collect the value. At the end of batch processing, the last-evaluated result is given to the caller (unless he expressed no interest in it (by passing NULL for the result value handle), in which case the batch processor does not stash anything at all).


Various TODOs, in no particular order...


  1. ^ Noting that the s2out keyword is, as of 201912, the "preferred" way to post output from scripts, as it's a keyword, so its lookup speed is much faster than that of a globally-scoped variable.
  2. ^ Not the interpreter's client-specified output channel because that function does not always have access to the interpreter engine :/.
  3. ^ When writing plugins or extending the shell in C, it is often easier to implement certain types of extensions in script code once the basic native module has been loaded, and such extensions can be added to (or imported by) the init script.