
s2 Modules

s2 Modules

(⬑Central s2 Documentation Hub)

Supplemental Script APIs and Loadable Modules for s2

This document covers "supplemental" (non-core) script APIs and loadable modules developed for the s2 scripting engine which may have generic applicability in arbitrary s2-using clients. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with s2.

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Tier One: these are modules which i actively use, primarily as part of CGI scripts. Listed in very rough approximate order of their overall prevalence in their ecosystem:

Tier Two: these modules exist essentially "because they can," and are sometimes interesting to tinker on/with, but do not necessarily see much real use. In alphabetical order:

See also:

s2sh Loadable Modules Mini-HOWTO

Most of the modules covered by this family of docs are available as "loadable modules" which can either be loaded at runtime using s2.loadModule() or (in most cases) be compiled directly in to s2sh or s2sh2.

Though s2 is designed to be embedded in arbitrary software, it of course has a "default" shell application, generically called s2sh, which supports interactive use and running script files. Though the library can import loadable modules from DLLs both with and without the shell, the shell supports build-time options for statically linking modules directly into the shell, such that they are always available to it without having to load them "by hand". Here's a quick how-to…

First, take a look in the directory /s2/mod and decide which modules you'd like to include. (Not all loadable modules have the build infrastructure to support static linking into the shell, but most of them do.) Also note that some of the modules are superfluous because the shell embeds those APIs directly (e.g. the json and io modules). Those exist as modules primarily to support apps other than s2sh which don't bind those APIs themselves.

Secondly, via the configure script, tell the build tree which modules to include:

$ ./configure --s2sh-modules='regex_js dirent popen2'

If you only want dynamically-loadable modules, don't use the --s2sh-modules flag - that flag only specifies which modules to compile statically into the shell. Pass the --help flag to see all available options.

The module name all can be used to include all modules which (A) can be built statically and (B) the configure process does not implicitly exclude due to missing prerequisites. Additionally, the --cgi configure flag pre-sets a list of modules which have proven useful in implementing CGI apps (the exact list is defined somewhere in auto.def).

For example:

$ ./configure --cgi
Sanity-checking s2sh modules ...
	[cgi]: found s2/mod/cgi/static_module.c
	[hashing]: found s2/mod/hashing/static_module.c
	[ob]: found s2/mod/ob/static_module.c
	[regex_js]: found s2/mod/regex_js/static_module.c
	[regex_posix]: found s2/mod/regex_posix/static_module.c
	[require]: found s2/mod/require/static_module.c
	[sqlite3]: found s2/mod/sqlite3/static_module.c
	[uuid]: found s2/mod/uuid/static_module.c

Then build everything:

# From the top of the source tree:
$ make # builds the core libcwal
$ cd s2
$ make # builds libs2 and s2sh/s2sh2
$ make unit # runs the unit tests

That's all there is to it. The resulting s2sh and s2sh2 binaries contains the given modules and will initialize them when it starts up (s2sh's --M flag, and s2sh2's -nomi flag, can be used to suppress that initialization, but that would rarely be an interesting thing to do1).

See s2-home for recommendations about how/where to install the s2sh/s2sh2 binary.

To build dynamically loadable copies of the modules, one more step is needed:

# from the s2 directory
$ cd mod
$ make
$ make test

(There may be modules which don't get built - that's because the configure script didn't find prerequisite libraries, headers, and/or compiler needed for them (some require C++).)

Each module lives in its own directory and has an .so file with the same base name as the directory. Those .so files can be moved anywhere you like and be loaded at runtime using s2.loadModule(). There is no "standard" for where these need to live, nor is there currently a common installation process, so simply copy or move the shared libraries wherever is appropriate for your installation. That said…


The functionality described here is installed by s2sh and s2sh2 using the name s2.loadModule() and/or $2.loadModule(), but client apps may install it using any name they like.

s2 includes a basic module loading system so that new components can be loaded from DLLs (that's "shared objects" for you Unix users), from C or script code, at runtime. It currently has implementations for platforms hosting dlopen() or lt_dlopen(), and patches for other platforms are welcomed. See the sample module for a complete example.

Achtung: the interface changed significantly (but subtly) on 20180101. In short: all modules now return their values directly via loadModule(), rather than via a caller-provided intermediary object. (The older approach led to too much confusion in client scripts.)

The core script-level API for loading modules has one function and two usages:

mixed loadModule( string dllFileName )
mixed loadModule( string dllFileName, string symbolName )

The first argument is a DLL file name (a.k.a. an .so file on Unix platforms).

The first form opens the given DLL and looks for a "standalone" s2 loadable module. If a DLL contains multiple modules, the second form must be used to distinguish between the modules: they will (if built properly) each be built with a symbol named s2_module_{name}, and that {name} part is what should be passed to this function. For the gory C-level details, see the docs in s2.h: search for S2_MODULE_DECL and s2_module_load. In practice, the second form is never used/required because modules get built one per DLL.

The result of the module's initialization is returned via loadModule(). Most modules tend to return an object containing their APIs. Some return a single function. Hypothetically they can return an integer or some other trivial value. Some rare few extend built-in prototypes, e.g. libfossil added zlib compression support to the Buffer class before that feature was moved into the s2 core library.

If loading the DLL fails for any reason (e.g. cannot be found or inits init routine fails), loadModule() throws an exception.

Configurable loadModule() Paths

Note that loadModule() requires that the caller know the path to the module and its platform-specific file extension. The PathFinder class can be used to create a wrapper around this function which uses configurable DLL search paths and file extensions. With a native binding for getenv(3) (like the one provided by s2sh), the options could be loaded from the environment (or the environment could be probed to try to determine the OS, and adjust the paths accordingly). Rather than leave that as an exercise for the reader, here's a simple example suitable for use in script initialization code:

affirm typeinfo(isfunction s2.loadModule);
affirm typeinfo(isfunction s2.getenv);
const cliFlags = (s2.ARGV ? s2.ARGV.flags : 0) ||| {prototype:null};
const pathFromEnv = proc(f,e){
    var p = F[f] ||| E(e);
    return typeinfo(isstring p)
        ? p.split(p.indexOf(';') >= 0 ? ';' : ':')
    : undefined;
} using {E:s2.getenv, F: cliFlags};

s2.loadModule2 = function(name,symbol){
    affirm typeinfo(isstring name);
    const n = name );
    n || throw exception('CWAL_RC_NOT_FOUND',
                          "Cannot find '"+name+"' in search path "
    const a = [R ? R(n) : n];
    symbol && (a[] = symbol);
    return L(@a);
} using {
    L: s2.loadModule,
    R: s2.fs ? s2.fs.realpath : undefined,
    P: new s2.PathFinder(
        // Directories...
        pathFromEnv('s2.module.path','S2_MODULE_PATH') ||| ['.'],
        // Extensions...
        pathFromEnv('s2.module.ext','S2_MODULE_EXTENSIONS') ||| ['.so','.dll']

See this script for the above code and its documentation, as well as a similar variant which extends s2.import() (for loading s2 scripts).

Here's an example of how it's used (from the s2sh interactive shell):

s2sh> var m = s2.loadModule2('sample_module');
result: native@0x6e7d0[scope=#1@0xbe8113b0 ref#=1] ==>
result: string@0x6ebf0[scope=#1@0xbe8113b0 ref#=0] ==> "Hello
from 0x6CB70->foo()"
s2sh> var x = s2.loadModule2('nope'); 
EXCEPTION: exception@0x6e9f8[scope=#1@0xbe8113b0 ref#=0] ==> {
"code": 104,
"column": 8,
"line": 16,
"message": "Cannot find 'nope' in search path ["."]",
"script": "./s2sh.s2",
"stackTrace": [{
 "column": 22,
 "line": 1,
 "script": "shell input"
s2sh> unset m
MARKER: sample_module.c:43:my_native_finalize():Finalizing
my_native@0x6e7d0 (and avoiding an unused var warning while doing it)
result: undefined@0x6a424[scope=#0@(nil) ref#=0] ==> undefined



  1. ^ There are hypothetically cases where module initialization could fail, which would keep s2sh from starting, and that flag can provide a temporary workaround. In practice, i've never actually seen it happen, but it's technically a possibility.