


Up one directory

Pikmoji: arrow

Tap any pikchr to see its source code.


// Parameters

define startcorner { .e } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .n } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .e } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .nw } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .e } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .s } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .e } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .sw } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .e } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .w } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .n } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .e } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .ne } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .s } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .ne } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .sw } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .ne } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .w } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .n } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .se } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .n } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .s } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .n } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .sw } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .nw } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .e } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .n } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .w } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .nw } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .se } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .nw } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .s } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .se } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .n } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .se } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .nw } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .s } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .e } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .se } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .w } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .s } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .ne } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .s } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .n } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .s } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .nw } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .sw } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .e } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .sw } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .ne } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .sw } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .n } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .s } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .w } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .w } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .e } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .w } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .ne } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .w } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .n } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .w } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .se } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start


// Parameters

define startcorner { .w } // Templated, see bin/arrows -- WIBNI include a (parameter) file
define endcorner   { .s } // Templated, see bin/arrows

leftmargin   = 1
rightmargin  = 1
topmargin    = 1
bottommargin = 1

define wide       { thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick }
define span       { between Square startcorner and Square endcorner }
define along_span { from @from span to @to span }

@side   = 14
@scolor = black
@color  = red	// defaults, WIBNI conditional, i.e. define if and only if

// Inner config

@from    = 0.15
@to      = 0.85
@thick = .41 // *2 = .81 matches `wide` - WIBNI to be able to spec line width directly

Square: box   wide color @scolor fill white width @side height @side
Arrow:  arrow wide color @color             along_span
Cap:    circle     color @color  fill @color radius @thick with c at Arrow.start