Pikmoji: smilies
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# Basic smiley face C: circle fill yellow dot rad 0.05 at C.n - (0.1,0.18) dot rad 0.05 at C.n + (0.1,-0.18) arc from C.w + (0.15,-0.1) to C.e - (0.15,0.1);
# Ecstatic # By JohnQSmith: https://fossil-scm.org/forum/forumpost/4f6d2f1ebe C: circle fill yellow cylinder radius .1 width 40% height 50% fill black at .05 below C cylinder radius .1 width 40% height 50% at .1 above previous color yellow fill yellow circle radius .05 at .1 above .1 right of C fill black circle radius .05 at .07 below previous color yellow fill yellow circle radius .05 at .1 above .1 left of C fill black circle radius .05 at .07 below previous color yellow fill yellow
# Surprise/shock C: circle fill yellow dot rad 0.05 at C.n - (0.1,0.15) dot rad 0.05 at C.n + (0.1,-0.15) dot rad 0.05 at C.n + (0.1,-0.15) ellipseht=0.15 ellipsewid=0.1 ellipse at C.n + (0,-0.35) fill black
# Surprise/shock C: circle fill yellow dot rad 0.05 at C.n - (0.1,0.15) dot rad 0.05 at C.n + (0.1,-0.15) dot rad 0.05 at C.n + (0.1,-0.15) ellipseht=0.15 ellipsewid=0.125 ellipse at C.n + (0,-0.35) fill black
# Surprise/shock C: circle fill yellow dot rad 0.05 at C.n - (0.1,0.15) dot rad 0.05 at C.n + (0.1,-0.15) dot rad 0.05 at C.n + (0.1,-0.15) ellipseht=0.15 ellipsewid=0.15 ellipse at C.n + (0,-0.35) fill black
# Surprise/shock C: circle fill yellow dot rad 0.05 at C.n - (0.1,0.15) dot rad 0.05 at C.n + (0.1,-0.15) dot rad 0.05 at C.n + (0.1,-0.15) ellipseht=0.15 ellipsewid=0.175 ellipse at C.n + (0,-0.35) fill black
# Basic smiley # With relative coords, making it scalable using various diameters for the circle # By Torsten Berg (https://typoscriptics.de/tcltk-scripting) D: circle fill yellow dot rad D.rad/8 at 0.35 between D.w and D.ne dot rad D.rad/8 at 0.35 between D.e and D.nw arc thick from 0.45*D.rad heading 15 from D.sw to 0.45*D.rad heading -15 from D.se
# Basic sad smiley # With relative coords, making it scalable using various diameters for the circle # By Torsten Berg (https://typoscriptics.de/tcltk-scripting) D2: circle fill yellow dot rad D2.rad/8 at 0.35 between D2.w and D2.ne dot rad D2.rad/8 at 0.35 between D2.e and D2.nw arc thick from 0.3*D2.rad heading -30 from D2.se to 0.3*D2.rad heading 30 from D2.sw
# Basic smiley with a smart smile # With relative coords, making it scalable using various diameters for the circle # By Torsten Berg (https://typoscriptics.de/tcltk-scripting) C3: circle fill yellow dot rad C3.rad/8 at 0.35 between C3.w and C3.ne dot rad C3.rad/8 at 0.35 between C3.e and C3.nw arc thick from 0.55*C3.rad heading 10 from C3.sw to 0.4*C3.rad heading -45 from C3.se
# neutral smiley # With relative coords, making it scalable using various diameters for the circle # By Torsten Berg (https://typoscriptics.de/tcltk-scripting) D: circle fill yellow dot rad D.rad/8 at 0.35 between D.w and D.ne dot rad D.rad/8 at 0.35 between D.e and D.nw line thick from 0.35*D.rad heading 15 from D.sw to 0.35*D.rad heading -15 from D.se