
s2: Symbol Resolution

s2: Symbol Resolution

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Symbol Resolution

The topic of symbol resolution is second-nature to programmers, but s2's symbol resolution rules are... how to put this diplomatically... unconventional. Please read this section carefully to understand how s2 resolves symbols in scripts...

s2's scope-level symbol lookup resolution rules are intuitive, in their own way, but extremely unconventional: when a non-keyword identifier is found outside of a property access operation, the engine looks in the current scope for it. If it's not there, it looks in the previous scope (the one which started this scope), etc., all the way up the chain of scope-pushers. This effectively means the entire call stack, back up to the global scope if needed. It resolves its symbols from anywhere in the current scope/call chain:

var f = function(){ return x }; // where does 'x' come from?
var ff = proc(){ var x = 1; return f(); } // from here!
assert 1 === ff();
f(); // will throw because it cannot resolve x anymore.
assert 3 === f(var x = 3); // Wha!?!? (Welcome to s2, baby!)
assert !typeinfo(isdeclared x);

That might look superficially familiar to JavaScript programmers, but the above has these notable differences from JavaScript:

  1. x is not bound when the code for f is first traversed, but resolved anew each time f is called.
  2. f() only resolves "our" x as long as x itself is still in scope. If a "different" x is in scope at call-time, that x will be used.
  3. f() will resolve x even if x is a local variable (including function parameter names) of a different function which (possibly indirectly) has called this function.
  4. If x is not resolvable at call-time, s2 will throw an undefined symbol exception.

Here's another one:

const f = function(){ assert typeinfo(isstring x) };
const fx = function(x){ f() }; // note the x parameter!
fx("hi"); // okay, but...
fx(); // will throw b/c x (declared parameter of fx())
      // has the undefined value, so the assert in f() fails.

Now imagine that sort of symbol lookup going up 10 scope levels, across function calls, even spanning script files if needed. Contrariwise, if the Function object is moved into a scope where no x symbol is resolvable, calling the function will trigger an unknown symbol error. Another possibility is that x is (at the time of the call) an entirely different (semantically speaking) symbol altogether than the one the function is expecting, potentially leading to a semantic error while the script keeps chugging happily along because it could resolve x. Alternately, a simple ++x intended for an older-scoped x might increment a different x which has been declared somewhere between the intended target's stack frame and the current call stack frame. To be clear: in practice that has never become a problem, and would require a really unusual construct, but it is a hypothetical problem (but is real in that it's easy to construct, just highly unlikely to do by accident).

Function.importSymbols() and the using function definition modifier can be used to bind a specific instance of symbol resolution to a function for long-term use (as well as speed up resolution of far-away symbols), and they are a staple of any non-trivial s2 code.

Assignments can overwrite non-const symbols living in higher-up (older) scopes, but the unset keyword is restricted to working on symbols declared in the current scope (or container properties, regardless of the container's owning scope).

That's life in s2's symbol resolution world. While it initially sounds scary, in practice it has not proven to be problematic, and has sometimes even proved useful.

Nonetheless: prefer const over var where feasible, to help avoid unwanted side-effects from deeper scopes assigning over your variables! (That said - i've never actually seen that happen in well-mannered script code, but it's trivial to construct such cases intentionally.)

Why resolve symbols this way? Because, to be honest, nothing better [which fits current code] comes to mind and this approach is trivial to implement because it's a 100% natural fit for the underlying C structures and calls. A more conventional solution would require that we create artificial border-points which interrupt symbol lookup, or come up with a mechanism for specifying which namespaces are in effect at any given time, and that's difficult to do (philosophically speaking) when functions contain functions which contain functions (ad nauseum) which might eventually be propagated up outside of the original outer function. Likewise, there is not (insofar as script code can tell) any single, well-defined global scope - an app may push any number of scopes before it runs a given script, and each script (unless C code runs it otherwise) runs in its own scope. Where does symbol resolution begin and end in such a world, if not simply along the current call stack scopes? That's not clear to me. Suggestions are welcomed, and s2's symbol resolution code is encapsulated enough that it "should" be fairly simple to experiment with other approaches without requiring a code overhaul or major breakage.

Reminder to self: since we now have s2_scope, we could move the var decls there and give each scope a flag telling us whether or not it blocks lookups (is a function call boundary). That would break a good bit of code, some of it irrevocably (require.s2's requireS2 symbol, but that could be define'd if needed), but it might be saner.