
s2: The Object Type

s2: The Object Type

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The Object Type

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The Object Type

The Object class is, as in JavaScript, the base-most type for most other types. Objects are used a general-purposes key/value stores, and (unlike JavaScript) are capable of holding properties with keys and values of (almost) any data type. Their property ordering is unspecified - never rely on it (it may even change at runtime).

Property Storage Modes

How exactly their properties are stored, and the resulting performance, is a compile-time build option for the underlying cwal library:

Which mode of operation can, if needed, be determined at runtime using pragma(build-opt CWAL_OBASE_ISA_HASH):

if(pragma(build-opt CWAL_OBASE_ISA_HASH)) { ... hash mode mode ... }
else { ... legacy mode ... }

Sidebar: the property storage mode is compile-time, rather than runtime, because the hash-based variant increases the C-level sizeof() of each instance of each container-type value by approximately 24 bytes. As of this writing (2021-07-29), the plan is to retain both methods of property storage for the foreseeable future. i.e. the legacy mode is not deprecated or "unsupported," but its use of non-type-strict keys "should probably" be considered deprecated. Changing that behaviour, such that keys are type-strict in legacy mode, is a potential TODO but doing so may be disruptive to client-side scripts.

Object Literals

Objects are created using an "object literal" syntax, identical to JavaScript's plus some extensions:

var o = {}; // empty object
o = {prototype:null}; // assignment to null or undefined unsets the prototype
o = {a: 1, b: 2};
var x = 2, y = 3;
o = {x, y}; // JS5-style shorthand for {x:x, y:y}

// s2-specific extensions to JS-like syntax...

// Expression-as-a-key (Eaak) syntax:
o = { [ 'a'+'b' ]: 1 }; // ==> {"ab":1}
// Const properties:
o = {a:1, b:=2}; // b is const (cannot be re-set later).
                 // For prototype:=x, the := is treated as : because we
                 // have no way to record/enforce that particular const
                 // constraint at the C level.
// Copying of properties from another object, like JS
// "spread syntax":
o = {
  a: 1,
  @anotherObject, // Copies *iterable* properties from anotherObject
                  // into the object literal. More details below.

Property access performance tip: remove the prototype, if it's not needed, by assigning null or undefined to it! That will make failed property lookups faster because they do not have to crawl up the prototype chain. It also removes the possibility of unintentional collisions with same-name/different-semantics properties inherited via a prototype.

Caveats and notes regarding the @anotherObject syntax shown in the last example above:

Object Methods

The base Object prototype acts as the basis for nearly all other prototypes in the core API. It includes the following methods:


new {}.prototype()

This exists for completeness, but is functionally identically to (and far less efficient than) an empty object literal. Passing it any arguments causes an exception to be thrown. It is strongly recommended that clients use the object-literal syntax instead.

Object clearProperties()

Clears all properties in this object (not prototypes) and returns this object. For objects which have been "sealed" against changes to their properties, this method will trigger an exception.

Achtung: this method will also remove properties which are set as const. e.g. {a:=1}.clearProperties().# === 0.

int compare(vX)
int compare(v1, v2)

Compares either this object against vX or compares v1 against v2, and returns less than 0, 0, or greater than 0, indicating whether this object resp. v1 is less than, equivalent to, or greater than vX resp. v2.

Note that comparison means almost nothing for most types, except that two instances of types which don't have well-defined comparison semantics will compare with the same result in subsequent compare attempts within a given application session. In any given session, however, they may compare differently because they internally simply do a pointer comparison.

Container copyPropertiesTo( container [, … containerN] )

Copies all non-hidden properties of this object (not including prototype-inherited properties) to the given container(s). Returns the last argument it is passed. It does no checking of whether the destination already contains the properties - it simply overwrites them if they already exist. Throws if this or any of the arguments is not a Container type, if the source object is also a target, or if any target object is currently being iterated over (modification during iteration is not supported).

Object eachProperty( Function(key,value) )

For each non-hidden key/value pair in this object (not prototypes), it calls the given function, passing it the key and value (in that order). In the context of the callback, this will be the containing object. If the callback returns a literal false then looping stops without an error. Returns this object. It is not legal to modify an object while traversing it, nor to traverse it recursively. Doing so will trigger an exception (see mayIterate() for why).

Note that a foreach() loop offers a much more efficient approach to object property iteration, but this function predates foreach by a couple years.

mixed get(key)

Works identically to this[key], but is less efficient because it requires a script-side function call.

bool hasOwnProperty(key)

Returns true if this object (not prototypes) contains the given property key, else returns false. This method is kind of a holdover from JavaScript, and is not generally needed in s2 because iteration never includes properties derived from prototypes (as it can, in certain circumstances, in JavaScript). Even so, it has occasional uses in s2.

bool mayIterate()

Returns true if it is legal to iterate over this object. It is illegal to modify an object's properties while an iteration is underway (e.g. via eachProperty() or a foreach loop). (The property storage structure does not support modification during traversal.) Tip: typeinfo(mayiterate thisObj) is more efficient and can be passed arbitrary values, so it is generally more useful.

The semantics of when it is legal to iterate changed (for the better) on 20191211. See typeinfo(mayiterate) for more details.

Array propertyKeys()

Returns an array of all property keys in this object (not prototypes), in an unspecified order. Note that the prototype property is not a real property, and is not included in the returned list.

mixed set(key, val)

Works just like this[key]=val, returning the value passed to it.

string toJSONString([integer|string indentation=0])

Returns a JSON string form of this object. Indentation: a positive value means to use that many space characters per indentation level and a negative value means that many hard tabs per level (e.g. -3 means 3 hard tabs). The number 0 or an empty string means no indentation. A non-empty string will use that string as the indentation. e.g. indentation values of 1 and " " are equivalent, as are -1 and "\t". If the indentation value is an enum entry which wraps either a string or number, the entry's value is used. Important notes:

string toString()

Currently works like toJSONString() except that it does not support an indentation level.

mixed withThis(Function callback)

This unusual function simply calls the given callback with this object as its this. It is equivalent to calling callback.apply(thisObj), but this form is easier to use in some contexts. Its primary use is as a post-construction initializer for anonymous objects. If the callback makes an explicit return of a non-undefined value, that value is returned. If the callback returns undefined or makes no explicit return then this is returned instead (in practice this is the only useful result for this method, but there are other hypothetical use cases). See the following subsection for details.

What Should We do withThis()?

The withThis() method is a function which, on the surface, seems pretty useless, but it can simplify object and function declarations in certain contexts. All that it does is call its argument (a function) using withThis()'s this as the callback function's this, then returns the result of the callback. e.g. the following are equivalent:

proc(){ … return this; }.apply(obj, […]);
proc(){ … return this; }.call(obj, …);

Why? When constructing functions and inlined objects is it sometimes necessary to take a reference to them (give them a variable name) in order to make modifications to members after the object has been initialized. For example:

var f = proc callee(arg){
  // alternately, do the buffer initialization in this call:
  // (callee.buffer ||| (callee.buffer=new s2.Buffer())).reset().append(arg);
  return callee.buffer.toString();
f.buffer =;

The same effect can be achieved without having a named reference using withThis():

var f = proc(...){...}.withThis(proc(){
 this.buffer = …;
 return this;
 // ^^^ optional because: if there is no explicit return,
 // or undefined is returned, then withThis() returns this instead!
 // Related trivia: at this level, s2 cannot differentiate between
 // "no explicit return" and "returned undefined" without adding
 // more per-function-instance overhead.

It is often of use when (and was created to assist in) building "module-style" objects, which often do not have concrete symbolic names but which often need non-trivial initialization. By moving their setup into a withThis() callback, we effectively get a one-shot initialization function, allowing us to get by without having to name the top-level object. For example, a require.s2 module might look like the following (the interesting parts are marked with asterisks):

return {
 myFunc: proc *callee*(arg = *callee.config.default1*){
 *this.myFunc.config* = { // this === the anonymous object above
   default1: 3
 // reminder: withThis() returns *this* by unless the callback
 // explicitly returns any value other than *undefined*.

Used this way, the callback basically acts as a constructor function for the object. Note that withThis() can be used in conjunction with Function.importSymbols():

var f = proc(){...}.withThis(proc(){
 // this === f, but at the time this function is run,
 // f is not yet finished being declared, so we cannot resolve it!

Or equivalently (well almost, except that this form's actually more flexible in some contexts):

var f = proc(){...}.withThis(proc(){

But note that the imported symbols are not visible in withThis() callback (more correctly, they are not in scope at the time that callback is run, even if importSymbols() is called before withThis()) because imported symbols are declared as call-local variables when the function they are operating on is called (in the above example, when f() is called). That said, imported functions may reference other imported symbols because those will all be in scope when the imported function is called from within f().

With such uses, it is important that the callback return this, and to that end withThis() automatically returns this if the callback returns undefined (which is the default if no explicit return is made, as well as the default value for a return statement with no arguments). There are, however, other conceivable use cases (and maybe one will be discovered someday!), so it allows one to return a different value if they need to.

Note that the constructor metaphor can also apply to arrays and hash tables, as in this example:

var a = [1].withThis(proc(){
 const N = 10; // fill array with [1, 2, 4, 8, …] up to the power of N
 for( var i = 1; i < N; ++i ) this[i] = this[i-1]*2;

The same effect as withThis() can (it was discovered much later) be achieved in another way…

e.g. this approach is often seen in JavaScript modules:

var obj = (function(mod){ …; return mod; })({ … });

except that s2 does not require the extra layer of parens:

var obj = proc(mod){ …; return mod; }({ … });


var obj = proc(){ …; return this; }.call({ … });

The end results are identical, only the formulation differs.

"Plain Property Objects" and Overriding Options

It's common to want objects to play the part of "pure property lists," with no inherited properties to collide with. It's also common (e.g. in jQuery) to extend a library-provided set of properties from a subset provided by clients. In JavaScript this normally entails copying all properties from the "complete" set into the destination object, skipping any properties it already has. s2 offers a cleaner solution, in which the derived properties object inherits from a base set:

// A base set of properties we want to derive from:
const defaultOptions = {
 prototype: null, // keeps this object from inheriting Object's methods
 option1: true,
 option2: false,
 option3: "hi"

// An Object which derives from that base set of options...
const myOptions = {
 prototype: defaultOptions, // !!!
 // now override any we want:
 option3: "yo"

assert true === myOptions.option1; // inherited
myOptions.option1 = 1;
assert 1 === myOptions.option1; // now overridden, but...
assert true === myOptions.prototype.option1;
// ^^^ does not overwrite the derived property
assert false === myOptions.option2;
assert "yo" === myOptions.option3;

This could be applied to objects provided by a caller:

const f = proc(optionsObj){
 affirm typeinfo(iscontainer optionsObj);
 optionsObj.prototype = defaultOptions;
} using {defaultOptions: myDefaultOptions};

Or, more generically:

const extendProperties = proc(baseOptions, clientOptions){
 affirm typeinfo(iscontainer baseOptions);
 affirm typeinfo(iscontainer clientOptions);
 clientOptions.prototype = baseOptions;
 return clientOptions;

Note that Objects without a prototype do not have/inherit any methods unless the clients adds them, but foreach can be used to iterate over any non-hidden properties.

It's also possible to use @ expansion to achieve a similar, but less efficient, effect:

const props = {

That will first copy all properties from defaultPropsObj and then overwrite any it defines with those from clientOverridePropsObj.