
Scoping and Memory Management

Scoping and Memory Management

(⬑Central cwal Documentation Hub)

Achtung: these docs are very much in-progress, being ported and rewritten from older documentation.

See also: Value Type model

Scoping and Memory Management in cwal

cwal, at its core, is essentially a highly-specialized memory management layer. Its primary use is managing memory of so-called Values on behalf of client code. This document covers the various abstractions it uses for such management. A summary of the types of memory cwal manages:

Historically, in particular cwal's first 8 years, an inexplicably tremendous emphasis was placed on squeezing every possibly byte out of cwal's core. As of Summer 2021 that's been relaxed slightly, but low memory usage is still a fundamental goal of the core library. The higher-level client code, e.g. s2 and whcl, places less emphasis on sweating blood to trim every byte while still aiming to be memory-efficient.

All memory within a cwal session is managed by a single cwal_engine instance. It's not possible, in cwal, to allocate memory without such an instance. In practice, cwal engines (as they are called) are themselves stack-allocated or embedded as a member of a higher-level type.

Sidebar: the tying of all memory allocation to a specific engine instance has proven to be a mixed blessing. On the one hand, it gives us a great deal of freedom in how we internally optimize the use of that memory. On the other, it's not possible to use generic features of the library (like the cwal_buffer generic memory buffer class) without first instantiating and initializing a cwal engine instance (which, admittedly, is a bit "involved").


The cwal_scope class, hereafter simply referred to as "scope," plays two roles in cwal, one of them optional:

  1. Every Value belongs to a scope. Initially it belongs to the scope which is active when the Value is created, but Values are often rescoped into older scopes. This affects only the lifetime management, not the client-side visibility of the Values.
  2. It optionally offers a feature for storing and fetching variables. s2, for example, makes use of this, whereas whcl implements its own in order to impose different symbol lookup rules. This particular feature of the class is considered to be a convenience API for certain clients (or bootstrapping new ones), not a core-most feature, and we won't go into detail on that feature here.

The library's scoping model is based on the assumption that scopes work more or less how they do in single-threaded C/C++: only one scope is ever active and that scope is always the newest scope in the stack of scopes. The library's lifetime management very much depends on that assumption and its internals require that scopes logically be managed like a stack, though it does not actually require (nor use) a stack data structure for doing so.

Sidebar: we tend to refer to scopes as "older" and "newer" instead of "higher" or "lower" because stacks of this sort are commonly envisioned as growing from the top-down, which is just plain weird and often leads to terminology confusion on my part.

Trivial: in practice, scope instances tend to be stack-allocated in most client code, pushed at the start of some client-side C function and popped at the end of that function. whcl allocates them on the heap for reasons of its own, but it's an outlier in that regard. It still pushes and pops them in the same way, behaving like a conventional stack.

Scopes keep track of Values in several linked lists, each of which is primarily used for constant-time operations. The lists include:

Though the majority of scope-level list manipulation is O(1), scope cleanup has an O(N) factor directly related to the number of Values the scope owns and the number of reference points they consume. Sweeping is a "fast O(N)" operation, with N being the number of temporary values to clean up. Vacuuming's computational complexity is... it's almost certainly worse than O(N), but how much worse (or whether it's just got a potentially large N) is not clear. Despite being able to conceive of and implement it, determining its computational complexity is a bit above my proverbial pay grade. (As nobody's paying for cwal's development, though, it seems only appropriate that some of its edges are "not quite finely-sanded.")

Reference Counts

Every cwal-managed Value, except for builtin constants, has a reference count (a.k.a. refcount) which provides the most fundamental basis of lifetime management. Were it not for the ability to create cyclic data structures, refcounts would be the first and last line of defense in managing Value memory. Cyclic data, however, very effectively breaks reference counting. So why do we use refcounts? Because it works great until cycles are introduced and most data structures do not contribute to cycles.

Counting Starts at Zero

When a new Value is created in cwal, its initial refcount is zero, not one. Why?

  1. Because an old article from C++ guru Scott Meyers once suggested that it's overall easier to manage when the client is required to both give and take the initial refcount point.
  2. Experience has unequivocally bore that out. When a Value comes into existence with a single refcount point, certain usage patterns introdue a great deal of uncertainty because the person who has the Value in their hand cannot know, with certainty, whether the single refcount point a Value is was from them or some other source. This point won't be drawn out in detail, but suffice it to say that practice has shown the "start at 0 instead of 1" approach to be a far, far better fit for working with this library, primarily because it allows us to always unambiguously know when to get and release a reference point. Certain features, e.g. the built-in string interning or fetching a property via a property interceptor method, both of which operate behind the scenes where clients do not see them, otherwise make the "start at 1" approach completely untennable client-side.

Early versions of cwal experimented with both approaches and the start-at-0 approach was the clear winner in terms of providing unambiguous guidance to client-side code about Value ownership. The start-at-1 approach left too many cases ambiguous for reasons we won't belabor here because, frankly, the library is long past the point of no return on that design decision. (Later cwal developments, such as property interceptor methods, where returned Values may or may not be new or may or may not be owned by someone other than the one receiving them, "really do" require the start-at-0 approach for well-defined refcounts.)

Values with a refcount of 0 are tracked in their own category, called "temporary" or "probationary" Values. Normally when a Value's refcount is reduced from 1 to 0, or would be decremented when it's already at 0, the Value is immediately cleaned up, but it turns out that it's exceedingly useful to be able to reduce a Value's refcount before propagating it back up to client code without risking destroying it, noting that the code on the receiving end might or might not take notice of the Value and might abandon it altogether, effectively stranding it in their current scope.

The act of reducing a Value's refcount is colloquially called unreffing and the special case of reducing it to to 0 without destroying it is colloquially known as unhanding. Unhanding is the basis of sane refcount management in the face of Value propagation (e.g. via "return" Values and the like). Though cwal very probably did not pioneer this capability, it doesn't (to the best of my limited an fallible knowledge) seem to come up "in the literature" regaring reference counting.

TODO: demonstrate examples of where unhanding is useful (or even required) for sane refcount management. Simply for argument's sake, also demonstrate cases where a starting refcount of 1 is problematic. Though i truly hate to harp on it, starting as 0 truly is the optimal solution, however counter-intuitive that may seem.

In any case, refcounts are the first line of management of Value lifetimes.

Scope Cleanup

The final arbiter of a Value's lifetime is the Value's owning scope. Initially this is the scope the Value is instantiated in, but Values are often moved into older (never newer!) scopes for lifetime management purposes. For example:

To reiterate: such reparenting affects only the Values' lifetimes, not the app-side visibility of the Values.

A side-effect of this model, and an invariant of the library's Value management model, is that it is never possible for a Value in an older scope to refer to/contain a Value which lives in a newer scope because the act of referencing/containing such a Value will "upscope" the Value into the older scope for lifetime management purposes. Conversely, it is possible for a Value in a newer scope to reference/contain a Value which is owned by an older scope. Because only the newest scope is every permitted to be active, Values refering to those in older scopes is perfectly valid and permits them to do so without impacting the lifetimes of the referenced values.

When we say "reference" there, we don't specifically mean "holds a refcount point," though that is essentially what it amounts to. More generally, "reference" means (in this context) "holds a pointer to," typically in the form of a key/value property or a list entry. Every time such a pointer is held, a refcount point is also held, so the difference there involves some hair-splitting.

In short, the scope which owns a Value is the oldest scope which has ever referenced that Value, perhaps indirectly (keeping in mind that containers recursively upscope their contained Values, if needed).

When a scope is popped from the stack of scopes, it is cleaned up and any Values which it owns are cleaned up with it. The engine has mechanisms in place for "specially-propagating" Values in order to implement return-style and exception propagation semantics, such that those can propagate automatically with only a minimum of client-side handling. Barring the two "specially-propagating" Values and any optional explicitly propagating Value, popping a scope will irrevocably destroy any Values it owns, invalidating any pointers held to those Values.

Sidebar: the simplest to make, and most common, mistake in cwal client code is using a Value pointer which was cleaned up. The library has tons of assert() statements to try to inflict pain on clients who use such references, but tracking down the origin of such misuse after the Value has been reaped is notoriously difficult, primarily because the engine recycles almost everything and the pointer, though semantically invalidated, is still physically valid. Disabling cwal's Value recycling feature is recommended during testing in order to provoke earlier failure of such misuse. If the Value in question is hidden inside cwal's internal recycling subsystem then a client misusing such a Value might not realize they are doing so until they trigger an assert() in cwal (and then only if it's built in debug mode (which is always recommended!)). Using such a Value is a sure-fire way to corrupt cwal's internal state.

The algorithm for cleaning up a scope is somewhat counterintuitive. In short, skipping over some of the wrenches which get thrown into the works, the scope simply keeps unreffing the head-most Value of its internal linked list(s) until the lists are empty. Coupled together with a so-called garbage-collection queue (which holds destructed Values in memory long enough for their being-destroyed counterparts to finish walking over any pointers to them), this approach iteratively cleans up all Values it owns. The devil is, of course, in the details, but the core of the algorithm is simply "keep unreffing the head until there is no more head," noting that the head will be replaced with the next value in the chain if that unref destroys the head value.


In cwal, the term "sweep" doesn't really have anything to do with what is commonly called, in the context of garbage collection, "mark and sweep." Abstractly, yes it does, but it's implemented quite differently and any relationship with classical mark and sweep is coincidental. That is, it was (for better or worse) implemented without the benefit of having studied any literature on mark/sweep (because "how hard could it possibly be?" 😉).

In cwal, sweeping is simply the act of cleaning up any Values in the current scope which have a refcount of exactly zero. Recall that cwal not only permits Values to have a refcount of zero, but often very much relies on that capability. A "recursive sweep" - sweeping up temporaries in all scopes in the stack - is safe only if all Values in all older scopes which require a reference actually have one. In practice, a recursive sweep does not clean up much, if anything, more than a scope-local sweep because scope-pushes tend (rightfully!) not to leave refcount-0 Values laying around before pushing new scopes.

Sidebar: despite relying on the ability to have 0-refcount values, the cwal core internals make sure to never call back into client code (e.g. via calls to client-bound Function-type Values) without first adding a refcount point to all relevant values which it's currently working with. In such cases it will also ensure that the Values are, for the duration of that usage, vacuum-proof.

All Values with a refcount point are immune to being swept up. They can, however, be vacuumed.

Trivia: early uses of cwal were not careful enough with where they added references, leading to much pain when algorithms such as recursive sweep were first attempted because it kept wiping out Values which code in older scopes expected to stay alive. Much as been learned in cwal's first decade, however, and "modern" cwal client code is far more thorough and careful, permitting not only recursive sweeping but also recursive vacuuming.

Interestingly, though, the core cwal engine itself cannot trigger the sweep algorithm because it cannot know when it is safe to do so, "safe" meaning "won't destroy Values a client is using in native code." Client-level code, e.g. a scripting language, generally can, though. So cwal provides the algorithm but leaves its invokation up to the client (who is never required to invoke it but very possibly, depending on the client, should do so from time to time). s2 does so after processing every N expressions, where N is some configurable value, and whcl does so after processing every N commands.


The so-called "vacuum" algorithm in cwal's answer to cleaning up cyclic data structures like the one represented by this whcl code:

decl o [object]; # create a new Object-type Value
set o[$o] $o; # o[$o] now refers to o. Yes, $o is a valid key.
              # refcount==3: (var) + (o[$o] (property key)) + (property value)
unset o     ; # refcount==2. The value is now alive but unreachable from script code.

In short, vacuuming applies a trivial algorithm which takes advantage of various cwal-internal invariants to weed out Values which are not what is commonly called "vacuum-proof" (and it does so indirectly, with very little code and no voodoo). Values which are visible to script code are inherently vacuum-proof and the library provides a mechanism for specifically flagging any given Value as vacuum-proof, so that C code can manage Values which are not exposed to script code but also not subject to being garbage-collected out from under the C code. Any Value which is contained in a vacuum-proof Value, or reachable via such a container entry, no matter how indirectly, is also vacuum-proof.

Similar to sweeping, cwal itself does not have enough information to know whether it is safe to run the vacuum algorithm, in the sense of whether it can be run without pulling in-use Values out from under the client. It offers the feature up for client-side code to invoke, but does not strictly require that it be used. Both s2 and whcl replace every N calls to the sweep algorithm with a vacuum instead, N being some configurable value. Though vacuuming infrequently is best for performance, running it as frequently as possible is helpful during development as it often exposes Value lifetime mismanagement in client-level code by triggering one of the hundreds of assert() checks in the cwal core. After development has ironed those out, switching to less frequent vacuuming provides a significant performance boost at the potential price of higher peak memory usage.

Vacuuming, as currently implemented, is only safe to do within the current (i.e. newest) scope. Applying it to older scopes very often destroys Values which are referenced by newer scopes, leading to memory corruption. Until/unless a vacuum algorithm can be found which can work across scopes, cwal will continue to have certain "GC deathtrap" cases.