
whcl: Time APIs

whcl: Time APIs

(⬑Table of Contents) (⬑API Index)

whcl Time API

This API contains functions for working with time, all of which may or may not function on any non-Unix-like platform. None of its members require that this object be their this, so they can be copied for use in other contexts.

This API may be installed using:

whcl install-api time

or calling whcl_install_time() from C code.

It adds a whcl[time] object with the API described below.


Usage: mssleep integer

Tries to sleep for the given number of milliseconds. Throws on error.


Usage: sleep integer

Works just like C's sleep(3).


Usage: strftime formatTtring [unixTime=now [useLocalTime=false]]

Formats Unix Epoch timestamps. The 3rd parameter determines whether the time value is treated as UTC (the default) or the local time zone. The full list of formatting options, and a code snippet for trying them out can be found in this demo script.


Usage: time

Returns the current Unix Epoch time, as per C's time(3). If the platform's cwal_int_t is too small for the value then a double is returned instead of an integer (note that that can only happen on 32-bit builds and then might only work properly up to 48 bits of integer time precision).