
whcl: expr Builtin Command

whcl: expr Builtin Command

(⬑Table of Contents) (builtins)

It's Just an Expression

Like TCL, whcl does not build math or logical operations into the core of the language syntax. Instead, it delegates such operations to a builtin command known as expr. Many constructs use expression evaluation, but expr is the command which exposes that feature for client-side use. The expr builtin command is responsible for the language's math, logical, and bitwise operations.

Usage: expr ...operators and operands...

Arguments to expr may be any of the following:

Achtung: all tokens must be space-separated. e.g. 1+2 is not legal in this context because it's actually two tokens: numbers 1 and +2. By the point that it's evaluated, the fact that it could have been interpreted as three tokens is lost.

The above conststructs are all treated as values. The remaining operators have C-like precedence and associativity but their semantics may differ slightly:

Achtung: unlike TCL, operators and operands do not (normally) strictly require spaces between them. This is a side effect of WHCL being more strongly-typed than TCL.

Note that the math and bitwise operators expect to be given numeric values and will coerce non-numeric values to numbers. Any values which cannot be coerced to numbers are silently treated as the number 0.

The comparison operations can take any value type and will try to do something sensible with them, noting that:

  1. There are no built-in, deterministic comparison operations for the various container types, with one exception: any value, regardless of its type, will always compare equivalent to itself.
  2. It will not compare different types as equivalent except that it will freely compare integers and floating-point numbers. It will not compare string-like numbers to numeric types (all comparisons will evaluate as false). However, number-like strings can be coerced to numbers by prefixing them with +. e.g. expr +"123" == 123 is true.

The following examples implicitly invoke expr via the assert keyword, which takes an expression.

pragma trace-assert 2
decl a [array 1 2 3]
assert $a[0] == 1
assert $a[2] == 3
assert $a[0] < $a[1]
assert $a[1] > $a[0]
decl o [object {1 'int one' "1" 'string one' 1.0 "double one"}]
assert $o["1"] == "string one"
assert $o[1] != $o["1"]
# Numeric comparison is an exception to the type-strict compare rule:
assert 1.0 == 1
assert 1 + 4 == 1 + 2 * 2
assert "123" != 123
assert +"123" == 123
assert !(+"123" != 123)
assert -"123" == -123
assert +"-123" == -123
assert !(+"123" !=
assert 1<<2>>1 == 2
# ^^^^ note that spaces between operators and operands are
# not strictly required except between two operators.
assert 0b1001 | 0b1100 == 0b1101
assert 0b1001 ^ 0b1100 == 0b0101
decl -const MAX_INT [expr ~0 >> 1]
decl -const MIN_INT [expr $MAX_INT + 1]
# set MIN_INT 0 # will fail with a constness violation
assert $MAX_INT > 0
assert $MIN_INT < 0
assert $MIN_INT - 1 == $MAX_INT
assert $MAX_INT + 1 == $MIN_INT

assert -3 == -0b11
assert -3 == -0x3
assert -3 == -0o3

# Short-circuiting:
assert 1 || [exit "should have been skipped"]
assert !(0 && [exit "should have been skipped"])

assert 2 == [
# Or, more succintly:
assert 2 == (

Result Types of Math Operations

When adding an integer and a floating-point number, what should the result type be? It's tempting to say "floating point, obviously," but there's a catch: C double types have a smaller numeric range than 64-bit integers. So obviously we should switch to integers when the number is too large, right? If we did, math operations would not necessarily be commutative.

In order to ensure that math operations are commutative, if a math operator other than modulo (%) has any floating-point argument, the result is also floating-point.

1.0 * 3; # ==> double 3.0
3 * 1.0; # ==> double 3.0

The obligatory exception is the modulo (%) operator: in whcl its result is always an integer, regardless of the input types.

For integer artithmatic, whcl internally uses unsigned values so that overflow and underflow behave predictably. (whcl's implementation language, C, specifically has undefined behavior for overflow and underflow of signed integers.)