
whcl: proc Builtin Command

whcl: proc Builtin Command

(⬑Table of Contents) (builtins) (data types)

Function doc sections:

Achtung: Calling Conventions

We're getting ahead of ourselves a bit here but need to point this out prominently early on:

Generally speaking a function is called by simply naming it as the first token on a line and passing it arguments as subsequent tokens. That changes, however, for "methods" - objects properties which are themselves functions.

Most classes in this framework opt for a "command-like" syntax:

theObject method-name ...args

That approach requires having explicit language-level support in the form of specific property lookup and dispatch rules built into the language: if the first element in a script line is a value which has or inherits a function-type property named __command, that method is invoked to dispatch the command and it is passed all of the command's arguments. It is up to the __command method to then make sense of the arguments, e.g. dispatching method-name to another function or class method.

Such types may also use a slightly more OO-looking syntax which does not rely on the __command dispatch approach:

theObject[method-name] ...args

However, the Function type (that is, values created by the proc builtin and callback functions bound via C code) only supports the latter convention because the former requires installing a prototype-level function to handle that argument order conversion, introducing an apparently insurmountable chicken-egg situation.

Thus methods of functions, when used, have to use the latter calling convention. Apologies for the inconsistency.

Trivia: the x.y approached x[y] are both faster than the command-dispatch approach because the dispatching adds another level of function calls to the mix.

Creating Functions

The proc command are used to create functions.

Sidebar: once one gets used to typing "proc", typing out the more conventional name "function" just seems like a barbaric waste of keystrokes.

It has 3 distinct uses:

Its syntax is:

proc [-anon|-local|-global] [-xsym] [name] {parameters} {body} [using [-scope] {...}]

The various flags control the scope of the function's declaration, if any. When called with no flags, it defaults to -local or -anon, depending on the context:

The -anon flag is implied, but can be overridden with the -local or -global flags, when proc is called in the following circumstances:

When proc is not implicitly -anon it defaults to -local, declaring the function in the current scope.

The -xsym flag is described in detail below.

Note that the following two constructs are functionally (haha) equivalent:

proc f {} {}; # defaults to -local decl with the name f.
# is equivalent to:
decl f proc {} {}; # defaults to -anon but the decl command names it f.

The main advantage of the second formulation is that the declaration may be made const (cannot be unset or overwritten):

decl -const f proc {} {}

Sidebar: no small amount of experience with whcl's predecessor strongly suggests that global-scope functions and values are rarely necessary and are a poor match for this language's symbol resolution rules. It is more efficient, both in terms of symbol lookup speed and garbage collection, if functions are scope-local in the deepest scope depth which is feasible for that function. When clients need global-scope functions, they should consider instead installing them in a client-specific sub-object of the global whcl object or in the whcl.client object (which is reserved specifically for client-side use). The whcl object is a global-scope built-in value, so does not suffer from issues with symbol lookup speed or name collisions. e.g. creating an object named or and puting one's functionality there is generally preferrable over sticking those functions in the global scope.

The -xsym Flag


As described in the symbol resolution docs, symbol resolution stops looking for an answer when it reaches a function call boundary. However, in the interest of simplifying the passing-on of scope-local functions and eval'able script snippets which should, ideally, be able to access "nearby" symbols without having to jump through the using callback hoops, it is possible to tell a given function that it should not act as such a lookup boundary.

The -xsym flag changes how symbol resolution works: calling a function created with this flag does not create a symbol lookup barrier. That is, code eval'd, or functions called, via that function can resolve symbols in/via the calling scope, as the outer function's call no longer acts as a lookup boundary.

This feature should be used with care, but it enables the creation of certain types of functions which are otherwise more tedious to construct.

In C code, a Function-type value which has the "client container flag" named WHCL_CONTAINER_F_XSYM set on it has its "wall" broken down for purposes of calling it from either script code or via the C-level whcl_function_call(). Script-side functions can get that flag by passing the -xsym flag to the proc command. However, see the disclaimer above regarding "experimental" and "subject to change."

In practice, the only time native C functions look up script-side symbols is when they're eval'ing script code or calling callback functions on behalf of the caller. From that perspective, it would seem feasible to always enable that flag for native functions (but not script functions). That inconsistency, compared to script-side functions, irks me, though. Thus only native functions which explicitly get that flag set during installation get that behavior.

Regarding Function Names

The function's name is optional only when using the -anon flag or when the function is implicitly anonymous (as described above). If a function has a name, that name gets set as a call-local variable when that function is called, which can be used to implement recursion, returning the function itself from a call, or similar acrobatics. WHCL has a configurable (from C code) stack size limit and will fail loudly if recursion goes "too deep."

Function names may contain dashes, but may not start with one:

proc foo-bar {} {} # legal
proc -bar {} {} # Not legal

Their names may otherwise contain any identifier-legal characters:

proc 🙈🙉🙊 {} {}
assert [info is-local 🙈🙉🙊]

Function Scope

By default, or if the -local flag is used, the function is declared in the current (local) scope:

proc foo {} {}
assert [info is-local foo]

Since functions are first-class values, however, a locally-declared function can migrate to an older scope, as in this completely contrived example:

decl f while {true} {
  break [proc {} {}]
assert [info is-function $f]

If the -global flag is used then the function is declared in the global scope:

proc -global foo {} {}
assert [info is-declared foo]

proc can also create so-called anonymous functions, meaning that it does not declare them as a variable, using the -anon flag, noting that the -anon flag is automatically implied in situations described in the previous section.

Parameters and Arguments

Function parameters may be declared in two ways:

proc {param1 param2 param3} { ... }
proc {{param1 defaultValue} {param2 defaultValue} ...} {...}

WHCL is not strict about how many arguments get passed to a function, much less their type, and does not verify the the number of declared parameters matches what the caller is attempting to pass in. "It's possible" that that will eventually be changed to throw an exception if the declaration does not match what's passed to it, but at this point seems unlikely. Similarly, it is not picky about parameters without defaults following parameters with defaults because, frankly, that level of micromanagement feels unnecessary:

proc {{a 1} b {alsoLegal}} {...}

The implicit default for any parameter is the undefined value.

The list of all arguments passed in to a function is available via the call-local argv variable (an array). argv[0] maps to the first argument, etc. The argv array holds only arguments passed in to the function, irrespective of the number of declared parameters or their default values.

Default values have two significant properties which are not immediately obvious:

  1. They need not be constant values. Any one token is legal, even if it's a "supertoken" (e.g. [...]).
  2. They are initialized after all of the "special" function-local variables are set up. Thus default parameter values may be derived from other, perhaps dynamic, state. Examples of this can be found in a following section, after we've covered what that other state might be.


The -flag Conundrum

In TCL it is conventional to pass optional boolean arguments to functions in the form of flags, and WHCL offers the same for some functions and builtins, e.g.:

echo -n ...
echo -n -s ...
echo -s -n ...

(Note that the flags may be passed in arbitrary order, which distinguishes them from normal arguments.)

Ideally, such flags should not intrude on declared paramters, e.g.:

proc foo {a b c} {
  echo $argv
foo -x 1 2 3

That should assign a to 1, b to 2, etc., without the -x flag interfering.

To make a very long story much shorter, WHCL has support for such flags but requires that functions specifically declare them in order to treat them specially. All leading declared parameters which start with - are considered to be flags. As soon as a single non-flag parameter is seen, all special processing of flags stops and parameter processing reverts to no-flag mode.

For example:

proc foo {-flag-x -flag-y a b c} {...}

That function declares 2 flags: -flag-x and -flag-y. When that function is run, its call-local argv value gets those flags added to it as properties. They will have the value false if not explicitly passed in to the function and true if they are. They will not intefere with the placement of the remaining arguments:

foo -flag-x 1 2 3

That will set the call-local vas a to 1, b to 2, c to 3, and will set argv[-flag-x] to true and argv[-flag-y] to false.

However, it only does this for flags which preceed non-flag arguments. Any flag which comes after the first non-flag argument is treated as a non-flag.

If an undeclared flag-like argument is passed to the function, it is treated as a non-flag. "The problem" is that the function-call infastructure cannot reliably map raw script engine tokens to their arguments after those arguments go through certain levels of redirection, e.g. the call and apply methods. Because of that, the engine cannot, at the point where script-side function arguments are processed, reliably distinguish between a genuine flag (-flag) and a flag-like string ("-flag" or '-flag' or {-flag}).

Similarly, if a function declares no flags, any flag-like arguments passed to it are treated as normal arguments. Only flags declared in the paramter list get special treatment.

Be aware that all arguments explicitly passed to a function, flag or otherwise, become part of the call-local argv array. That means, for example, that:

foo -flag-x -flag-y 1 2 3

will have an argv array with 5 values: two string values (the flags) followed by 3 integer values. Only explicit arguments are in argv, not any default values specified for parameters.

Importing Symbols (Closures (of a sort))

It is often useful for a function to carry around some persistent state from its declaration context. This is generically called "closures," though in WHCL they are "lightweight semi-closures" which need a slight helping hand in order to function. Namely, any "imported" symbols which are to be carried around with a function have to be manually imported into it via the using option:

decl a 1
decl o object {b 2 c 3} 
proc {...} {body} using {
  a $a obj $o

The using part is an object with the same syntax as that supported by the object command, including the -scope flag, and maps keys to arbitrary data. Those keys will be set as call-local variables on each call to the function. An empty using {} block is legal for reasons we'll get to in a moment.

Significant properties and limitations of these imported symbols:

An example of that last point:

proc stateful {} {
    return [incr using[x]]
} using {x 0}
assert 1 == [stateful]
assert 2 == [stateful]
assert 3 == [stateful]

An empty using {} block is seemingly useless but gives a function a place to store persistent stuff, perhaps delaying initialization until the first time the function is called.

Similarly, any function which has a name gets that name set as a call-local variable of type function. Functions are first-class objects and may have arbitrary properties attached to them.

For non-trivial using imports it may be more convenient to use the -scope flag, which changes the interpretation of the {...} part to run as a normal script block and the resulting object contains any variables created in that block:

proc stateful2 {} {
    return [incr $x[y] [get-incr]]
} using -scope {
    decl x object {y 0}
    proc get-incr {} {return 2}
assert undefined == using
assert 2 == [stateful2]
assert 4 == [stateful2]
assert 6 == [stateful2]

Skipping Declarations of using Vars

At times it might be useful, if only from an efficiency point of view, to tell a function to not import the using vars as call-local variables and instead provide access to them only via using[name].

This can be achieved by prefixing the using part of the proc with a single -, as in this example:

proc foo {} {...} -using {...}

If used (haha) that way, it must (still) appear after the function body. Though it looks like a command flag, it's... well, it kinda is, but it still needs to be at the end of the body. Experience with WHCL's predecessor strongly suggests that using is generally more readable when it's placed after the function body.

To demonstrate the difference between using and -using:

proc foo {} {
  assert [info is-local a]
  assert $a == using[a]
} using {a 1}

proc bar {} {
  assert ![info is-local a]
  assert 1 == using[a]
} -using {a 1}

Closures Revisited with alias

With the addition of property aliasing support, closures can take on a power they do not otherwise have: they can refer directly to variables from other scopes, such that getting/setting those variables in the call scope will act as a proxy for the referenced var (or object property) and act on that one instead.

A very brief example:

decl o object x 0
decl x 1
proc f {} {
    set y 2; # y is a call-local var aliasing x
    set z 1; # z is a call-local var aliasing o.x
} using {
    /* The magic happens here... */
    y [alias x]
    z [alias o.x]
assert 2 == $x
assert 1 == o.x

However, be sure to read the alias docs to understand cases where that approach is possibly best avoided.

Automatic/Magic Variables

As mentioned above, but not in a consolidated format, each call to a script-side function (as opposed to a C-native function) has several variables automatically defined in its call scope:

Native C functions bound to the interpreter to not get these, nor do they have any access to the parameter names (there are none in C-bound functons) nor the using object (which is hidden behind interpreter-internal state). They do have access to the argv, this, and function object, though in a different form.

Function-type Methods

Functions, being first-class values, may also have member functions (a.k.a. "methods") which are themselves functions, which may also have member methods, which are themselves functions... ad infinitum.

The function methods are...


Usage: the-function[apply] $theThis $anArrayValue

This calls the-function with $theThis as its this and the array of arguments as its arguments.


Usage: the-function[apply] $theThis ...args

This functions (haha) exactly like apply but takes the arguments without an array wrapping them up.


Usage: the-function.import-symbols [-keep] [args...]

This imports symbols into a function using the same mechanism as the using pseudo-keyword.

By default this function clears all imported symbols before starting its work. The -keep flag tells it to retain any it currently has. Calling this function with no arguments will clear all imported symbols.

Each argument may be one of:

Returns this.


Usage: source-code

If this function was created from whcl code, this returns a copy of its source code, else it returns undefined.

Significant TODOs