
whcl: Tips and Tricks

whcl: Tips and Tricks

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WHCL Ticks and Tricks

... for getting the most out of whcl.

Editing WHCL Code

WHCL's syntax is close enough to TCL's that any TCL-based editor support, e.g. syntax highlighting, "should" do a reasonably good job with WHCL. One area which won't work is particularly clever editors which attempt to perform semantic analysis on the code. If, per chance, you have an editor with such features, disable them for WHCL code.

WHCL's own development is primarily done in emacs in tcl-mode.

Saving Memory

Short Strings and Identifiers

One of the underlying engine's core-most optimizations is that all single-byte strings consisting of only one character in the ASCII range 0 to 127 (inclusive) are built-in constants, as is the empty string. That is, they don't require allocating memory nor do they participate in lifetime management like most values. WHCL doesn't always have to allocate a string to handle an identifier, but it always does when they are used as unquoted strings. Using single-letter identifiers might not always improve readability, but they're guaranteed to use less memory than longer ones.

The distinction between these built-in values is visible via whclsh:

$ whclsh -v
whclsh> eval ""
result: string@0x66493c[scope=#0 ref#=0] ==> ""
# ----------------------^^^^^^^^ anything in "scope 0" exists outside
# of the lifetime management system (i.e. is a builtin value).
whclsh> eval "a"
result: string@0x665c5f[scope=#0 ref#=0] ==> "a"
# ----------------------^^^^^^^^ built-in
whclsh> eval "aa"
result: string@0x16b3a30[scope=#1 ref#=0] ==> "aa"
# -----------------------^^^^^^^^ this is an allocated value

The "ref" values are the current refcount, which is always zero for builtin values. In the final line, with an allocated value, that value has just reached refcount zero and will be cleaned up as soon as the result-outputing bit has finished reporting its result.

Builtin Numbers

Another core-most optimization is that the integer and floating-point values -1, 0, and 1 are built-in constants. (Age-old testing showed that those are the three most common numbers seen in scripts.) The range of built-in numbers is actually normally higher than that, but those three are the bare minimum. (That same age-old testing showed that increasing the range of built-in numbers beyond those three led to negligible reductions in memory allocation.)

For the curious, there is a way to determine the full range of built-in numbers, noting that this is a built-time option in the underlying cwal library and subject to change...

$ whclsh -v
whclsh> eval -10
result: integer@0x6642dc[scope=#0 ref#=0] ==> -10
# -----------------------^^^^^^^^ anything in "scope 0" exists outside
# of the lifetime management system (i.e. is a builtin value).
whclsh> eval -11
result: integer@0x16b2dc0[scope=#1 ref#=0] ==> -11
# ------------------------^^^^^^^^ this is an allocated value
whclsh> eval 20
result: integer@0x66487c[scope=#0 ref#=0] ==> 20
# -----------------------^^^^^^^^ built-in
whclsh> eval 21
result: integer@0x16b2d00[scope=#1 ref#=0] ==> 21
# ------------------------^^^^^^^^ not built-in