
whcl: exception

whcl: exception

(⬑Table of Contents) (data types)


Like most not-entirely-low-level languages, whcl offers support for so-called "exceptions" for reporting errors from script code. Exceptions change the flow of a script, propagating an error up until the next instance of the catch builtin command, which stops propagation of the exception. If no catch is in place, the "uncaught" exceptions bubbles up out of the script and is passed to the C-level caller, who may deal with it as they please.

An exception contains information about where it was thrown and the call stack leading up to that point, making it easy to track the location of an exception.

Exceptions in whcl are relatively limited, namely in that a catch statement cannot distinguish between different types of exceptions. For the vast majority of cases, all exceptions are equal in whcl's eyes.

Using Exceptions

There are several distinct ways to use exceptions:

An exception by itself does not trigger an error. The triggering happens via the throw builtin (or equivalent C-level code).

Exceptions have three significant key/value pairs:

As alluded to above, "activating" an exceptional error case requires the throw keyword or equivalent C code. The most common usage is simply:

throw exception "This is my message!"
# Equivalent to:
throw new whcl[Exception] "This is my message!"

If passed a single argument, the code defaults to CWAL_RC_EXCEPTION, but it may optionally be passed as the first of two arguments:

throw exception RANGE "Number out of range."
# Equivalent to:
throw new whcl[Exception] RANGE "Number out of range."

The name RANGE there is the suffix of a cwal_rc_e enum code (the One True set of result codes used by the library). The exception constructor accepts three different forms of code value:

If passed a value of 0, or a value which is not in one of the above forms, the value CWAL_RC_EXCEPTION is used. Note, however, that none of the values from the cwal_rc_e have well-defined values except for CWAL_RC_OK, which is always 0. All others are guaranteed only to be non-0.

The code-string Method

The exception prototype has a method called code-string which has the following distinct uses:

This method primarily exists to facilitate testing of C-level code which uses the cwal result code range (e.g. whcl itself). For example:

catch x { ... }
assert CWAL_RC_RANGE == [x code-string]

Or, more succinctly:

assert CWAL_RC_RANGE == [[catch {...}].code-string]