
whcl CGI

whcl CGI

(⬑Main Module Docs)

CGI: You know, for whcl-powered CGI scripts!

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The CGI module provides a basic framework for implementing CGI scripts using whcl. It's possibly missing a few useful features. What's there works reasonably well, though. Its immediate code predecessor (from which this one was forked) is in active use in several of my own sites to power JSON-centric back-end services.

The CGI loadable module, when its init method is called, populates script-space with various CGI input data and utilities for working with it. It is intended to be used for implementing CGI applications entirely in whcl, and its direct code-predecessor was used to implement a number of CGI-based backend apps for whcl's developer's own sites. This module provides a basis for writing CGI applications, but not a complete framework. All but the lowest-level work is intended to be done in script code (e.g. routing/dispatching, output buffering management (assisted by the C layer), page rendering, ...).

Its main services/features include:

Loading the CGI module:

If this module is built in to libwhcl then:

decl -const CGI [whcl load-api cgi]

If it's a shared library:

decl -const CGI [whcl.load-module '/path/to/']

In order to properly accommodate this module's usage via both a DLL and statically built in to an app, its init method must be called once before its other methods are used. This module can only work a single time, however. It may only be initialized once and its respond method only works once.

CGI Environment Variables

The following description of the relationship of certain CGI environment variables is taken verbatim from code comments in the Fossil SCM project:

REQUEST_URI, PATH_INFO, and SCRIPT_NAME are related as follows:


Or if QUERY_STRING is not empty:


Where "+" means concatenate.

Sometimes PATH_INFO is missing and SCRIPT_NAME is not a prefix of REQUEST_URI. (See

SCGI typically omits PATH_INFO. CGI sometimes omits REQUEST_URI and PATH_INFO when it is empty.

CGI Parameter quick reference:

                      /                              \
\___/   \____________/\____/\____________________/ \_/
  |           |          |             |            |
  |       HTTP_HOST      |        PATH_INFO     QUERY_STRING
  |                      |

CGI Methods

This module defines the methods described in this section. The intent is that the CGI object be fleshed out via script code, e.g. with convenience methods for working with the CGI environment's GET/POST data, as well as any app-specific routing functionality. Those sort of features are much simpler to implement and evolve in script code than in C.



Gets or sets the HTTP response status code. The default, if not explicitly set, is 200 (success). If called with no arguments (the getter) it returns the current status code, else it returns this object. When passing a message, it must not contain any newlines, nor should it be "unduly long", else it may corrupt the response header


Usage: init [object options]

To accommodate this module's inclusion in both a DLL and statically linked in, this module must be manually initialized, by calling this function, before using any of its other methods. Returns this object and throws if called more than once. It optionally takes an object with configuration options for the CGI framework:


Usage: header-timestamp [unixEpochTime = -1]

For a given Unix epoch time, this returns the RFC-7231 time string. A negative time value is interpreted as the current time. This time format is often seen in HTTP headers.


Usage: respond [bool exit=false]

Outputs all pending output, submitting the HTTP headers first, followed by any body content living in the output buffering subsystem (it flushes each buffering level, one at a time - all levels pushed by init or since init was called). This must only be called one time, and calling it cleans up the module internals. Calling any C-native methods on this object after this will trigger an exception. If it is passed a truthy value, it triggers an exit, such that control never returns to the calling script. After this object answers its request, there's really no more for it to do, in any case, and exiting immediately seems easier for script code than handling waiting-to-unwind client code which is expecting to be able to pop output buffers which are no longer there.


Usage: respond-passthrough filename [exit=false]

An alternative to respond (see above) intended for efficiently serving static files. This function bypasses all output buffering, emits any pending output headers, then streams the contents of the given filename directly to the lowest-level cwal-defined output channel (typically sent to stdout, but that can be configured by the cwal client). See respond for details and implications of this function cleaning up the native object, as well as a description of the 2nd parameter.


Usage: set-content-type string

Sets the Content-type header to the given value, replacing any previous one. Please use this function instead of setting that header directly so that we can avoid any case-sensitivity problems (the HTTP standard is case-insensitive with regards to the header keys, but this C code is not!). Returns this object.


Usage: set-cookie key value

Sets the given cookie. Set the value to null to cause it to expire. Setting a cookie multiple times replaces the to-send value each time. By default, all cookies are session cookies, expiring when the browser is closed. Note that this simply queues up a cookie for the respond method, and does not change any visible cookie state. Its value will not be available in cgi.request.COOKIES until the client sends it again. Any basic value type is fine as a cookie value, but if the value is container type then it is expected to have the following structure (all listed properties are optional and extra properties are ignored):

  value mixed     # Use null/undefined to unset the cookie
  domain string
  path string
  expires integer # Unix Epoch time. null/undefined/values<=0 expire the cookie.
  secure bool
  httpOnly bool
  sameSite string #

Those properties all correspond to standard cookie attributes.


Usage: set-header key value

Queues up the given HTTP response header to be sent via respond, overwriting any prior value. It technically accepts any value type, but your mileage may vary with non-strings/numbers. Returns this object. Minor achtung: because HTTP headers are case-insensitive, but this native code is not, this implementation lower-cases all headers so that clients do not have to be 100% careful to use consistent casing.


Usage: set-expiresdunixEpochTime

Sets an "Expires" HTTP header to the specified UNIX timestamp. A negative value sets it for some arbitrarily long time in the future. Each call to this function overwrites any previous call's header value. Returns this object.


Usage: urldecode string

Returns the URL-decoded copy of the given string. Note that the API decodes incoming request data automatically, so this is not normally needed. Intended for decoding individual elements at a time, not a whole query string.


Usage: urlencode string

Returns the URL-encoded form of the given string. Use this for escaping, e.g. values for use in hyperlinks. It is intended to be passed individual values, not a whole query string (it will URL-escape the query string's special characters!).

Non-function Members

Request Data (cgi.request)

Data can arrive to the CGI script via several paths, and those data are encapsulated in the cgi.request Object.

Sidebar: Why uppercase names? It's inherited from PHP, which uses similarly-named globals for this same purpose. It also incidentally avoids any confusion with the built-in Object.get method. It's worth noting that the CGI object removes the prototypes from the GET, POST, etc. objects, to ensure that clients don't inadvertently get (as it were) any inherited properties when checking for request data.

Example Usage

Here is an example, using the interactive shell, which demonstrates the general workflow for a CGI app:

[stephan@host:~/...]$ QUERY_STRING='a[]=1%202&a[]=2' whclsh
whclsh> decl -const c [whcl load-api cgi]
whclsh> c init; # Required before use. init pushes an output buffer
                # onto the stack by default!
whclsh> c set-cookie one 1; # headers get buffered separately
whclsh> c set-content-type 'application/json'
whclsh> echo [ 2]; # goes to the output buffer
whclsh> c respond
        # ^^^^ sends headers first, then flushes pending buffered content
Status: 200 OK
Content-type: application/json
Set-Cookie: one=1

{"GET": {"a": [
      "1 2",

The use of the output buffering API is important so that the content type, cookies, and other headers may be changed throughout the life of the app. Once any output is sent, headers may no longer be set/changed. The respond call will output any headers first and flush any pending buffered output (any number of buffering levels). respond must only be called a single time, and calling it actually shuts down/cleans up the CGI module. Calling any of its methods after respond will cause an exception because they will no longer be able to find their (already destroyed) C-side data.