Downloading this code
There are two options for downloading. The first is to log in as the anonymous user and follow the /leaves link. Then find the top-most entry for the "trunk" branch and click that. From there, you can download a zip file containing the latest checked-in source code. Downloading code for non-trunk branches is not recommended, as branches are used primarily for experimental stuff. When a branch is considered to be useful/desirable then it is merged into the trunk.
Optionally, you can use the Fossil SCM:
# fossil clone \ \ cwal.fsl
(All on one line.)
That will copy the repository to cwal.fsl, which you can then open with:
~> mkdir cwal ~> cd cwal ~> fossil open ../cwal.fsl
That checks out the files under the current dir. A Makefile for GNU Make is included.
After building the core library (from the top-most directory), building s2 (if desired) requires cd'ing to the s2 subdirectory and running make from there. Likewise, building the optional s2 loadable modules requires cd'ing to s2/mod and running 'make' from there.
You can keep your copy up to date by pulling the latest changes:
~> fossil pull ~> fossil update # If autosync is enabled (it is by default) then: # fossil update # is all you need