
Downloading this code

There are three options for downloading, listed here in the order of likelihood that you'll want to use them (highest likelihood first)...

Option 1: Current "Released" Version

Download the current "released" version as a zip file from the downloads page.

That version includes only the files needed by clients to make "normal" use of the tools. Note that the term "release" is used here very roughly: that file is updated at arbitrary times during development of the tools, but not for every little change. Note that each "release" overwrites the previous one - older versions are not retained.

After unzipping it, see the file index.html for instructions.

Option 2: Copy of the Current Source Tree

Download a complete copy of the "trunk" version of the source tree, including "developer-only" files which are not relevant for end users:

That link always pulls the current "trunk" version of the files.

After unzipping it, see the file index.html for instructions.

Option 3: Clone of the Source Code Repository

Optionally, you can download the whole source code repository using the Fossil SCM:

# fossil clone \
   https://fossil.wanderinghorse.net/r/darkventure \

That will copy the repository to darkventure.fossil, which you can then open with:

~> mkdir darkventure
~> cd darkventure
~> fossil open ../darkventure.fossil

That checks out the files under the current dir. Open the file index.html for further instructions. Alternately, from the checkout directory run:

~> fossil ui

To open the site in your browser, open the "Home" link, then follow the link to the docs from there.

You can keep your copy up to date by pulling the latest changes:

~> fossil update
# If autosync is DISABLED (it is enabled by default) then one more step is needed:
#  fossil pull
#  fossil update