



Management summary: this is the source code repository for a set of HTML/JS/CSS-based tools for creating fanware cards for the Dungeon Degenerates family of board games. If that means nothing to you then the whole of this site will mean nothing to you.

This software is developed in conjunction with the Morbad Scorepad Android app, but i am just a Code Minion for that project's main developer.

The live online version is at:

MOAR Dungeon Degenerates stuff can be found over on my main site:


Indeed... there are docs:

Downloading with Fossil

This whole site is a Fossil SCM source code repository. To clone it:

fossil clone morbad-card-tools.fossil
mkdir morbad-card-tools
cd morbad-card-tools
fossil open ../morbad-card-tools.fossil

To pull the latest code from the server, run this from that directory:

fossil update trunk

Become a Contributor!

i am entirely open to having additional code contributors, but, unless i've collaborated with you before, i require some "proof of intent" before providing write access to the repo (e.g. one large patch, a couple smaller patches, or repeated feedback on the source code/CSS): just get in touch. That said: the code-level collaboration would happen here, not github. i despise git.

Backend CGIs for Loading/Saving

The current backend for load/save support requires the tools found at:

Noting that that toolkit itself is just a client for a custom CGI framework which literally nobody in the world aside from myself uses.

That said, the HTTP interface is trivial and would be easy to reimplement using any other database-capable back-ends. (This one uses sqlite3.)