
s2: arrays

s2: arrays

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The array Type

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Arrays are generic heterogeneous lists of values.

Arrays are created using a "literal" syntax identical to JavaScript's:

const a = []; // empty array
const b = [1, 2, 3]; // array with 3 entries

Though an array's indexed entries can be accessed using anArray[index] or anArray.index (where index is an integer value), note that function calls made through such access do not bind the LHS to the array as the this to the call. For example:

const ar = [0, proc f(){assert f===this; return this}, 2];
assert ar.1 === ar.1() /* 'this' is not the array */;

That applies only to integer properties (i.e. indexed array entries), not to "normal" (object-level) properties, which bind the LHS as this just like Objects do (because Arrays derive from Objects).

Array Methods

The base Array prototype inherits the Object prototype and brings the following methods with it:


new [].prototype(…)

This exists for completeness, but is functionally identically to (and less efficient than) an array literal. All arguments are added as elements of the new array in their given order.

Array clear([bool clearPropertiesToo=false])

Clears the array list's contents and optionally (if passed a truthy value) any properties set on this object (not those in prototypes). It does not change the reserved number of list slots (i.e. does not reallocate the list memory). Returns this array.

Array eachIndex( Function(value,index) )

For each index entry in the array, it calls the given function, passing it the value and its index in the array (in that order). Returns this array. If the callback returns a literal false then looping stops without an error.

Trivia: the argument order for the callback (value,index) is the opposite of Object.eachProperty() (key,value) because in practice the 2nd argument to the eachIndex() callback is normally ignored (and often not specified in the callback's signature).

Note that foreach(@anArray=>...) is normally a much more efficient approach to iteration, but eachIndex() predates foreach() by a couple of years.

Array filter( Function(value) [, invert=false] )

Each element in this array is passed, one at a time, to the given callback function and a new array is returned which contains only the elements for which the callback returns a truthy value. If the 2nd parameter is truthy then the filter is inverted, returning only elements for which the callback returns a falsy value.

TODO: if passed a non-function value, simply compare each array entry to that value, resulting in a list of equivalent values.

mixed getIndex(integer index)

Works identically to this[index].

integer indexOf(Value [, bool typeStrictCompare=true])

Searches for a value in the array and returns the index of the first match. It returns a negative value if no entry is found. If the 2nd parameter is true (the default) then the search will only compare values which have the same type (but note that Object/Array instances never compare as equivalent in s2 except when comparing to themselves, so it has no real effect on such types). If the 2nd parameter is false, a non-strict comparison is performed. e.g. the string '1' matches the integer 1 in non-strict mode, but not in strict mode.

bool isEmpty()

Returns true if the array's length is 0. This is more efficient than comparing 0===array.length() because it does not have to allocate an integer value for the result.

TODO(?): rename this to not collide with the inherited Object method of the same name, as that one has different semantics!

string join(string glue)

Joins each element of the array into a string, using the given "glue" string between neighboring entries. An empty array returns an empty string and a length-1 array will not apply the "glue" part.

integer length()
Array length(integer length)

The first (getter) form returns the array's effective length. That's normally equal to the highest index at which a value has been stored, plus 1 (0 for an empty array), but the setter form of this method can be used to set an arbitrary length. The array's current internal capacity might be arbitrarily much higher than its current effective length, but is never less.

Note that anArray.# is a shorthand form of anArray.length().

The second (setter) form sets the array's length (distinct from its capacity: see reserve()) and returns this array. It trims entries if needed and (effectively) pads new empty slots with the undefined value (it's actually a C-level NULL, but s2 translates that to undefined).

Array operator+=(rhs)

Works like push(rhs) except that it returns this object.

Value push(Value...)

Pushes the given value(s) to the end of the array, in the order given, and returns the last one added. For single values, the []=operator is more efficient/faster. e.g. myArray[]=1 is functionally equivalent to myArray.push(1), but is more efficient.

mixed pop()

Removes the last item from the array and returns it, changing the array's length. Returns undefined if the array is empty or if the element had no value. Note that undefined is the value any unassigned element will hold, so it is not a reliable indicator of end-of-list.

bool removeIndex(integer index)

Removes the given array index, shifting all elements in higher indexes one to the left and reducing its size by one. Returns true if the index is in its range of slots and it removes the slot (whether or not it contained a value), else false (if passed an index out of its range).

Array reserve(integer howMany)

Reserves enough memory for the given number of entries and returns this array. This is solely an allocation optimization. Reserving many very large arrays might effectively "leak" them (or the upper, unused parts of them) when they go through the list recycling. The memory is not lost, but it might go unused when given to a smaller array via recycling.

Sidebar: arrays are implemented as simple C arrays of Values, meaning that if a script array has a length of 100000, then it is (regardless of how many elements it actually contains) taking up a linearly-proportional amount of memory to do so (specifically, sizeof(void*) times the number of value slots reserved). cwal internally recycles list memory amongst arrays, tuples, buffers, and hash tables, so in practice arrays are normally very cheap to allocate, provided they don't get too large (and therefore won't recycle as easily, except possibly with equivalently large buffers).

Trivia: certain uses/patterns of reserve() bypass internal memory-use optimizations and/or memory recycling and might end up allocating more memory than if not using reserve(). Been there, debugged that. That's ironic, however, considering that the purpose of reserve() is to reduce memory allocation counts. Thus reserve() is only recommended for relatively large values (e.g. 20+).

Array reverse()

Reverses the order of the entries in the array and returns this array.

mixed setIndex(integer index, value)

Works similarly to this[index]=value, but will coerce the index into an integer (0 if it's not really an integer) instead of using a non-integer key as a normal property like the array[x] operator does.

mixed shift([integer howMany=1])

Removes the first howMany items from the array and returns the last of those, changing the array's length (e.g. passing 2 reduces the length by 2 and returns the (formerly) 2nd element). Returns undefined if the array has fewer than howMany elements, but undefined is also a legal array entry value (representing either an unused slot or one which explicitly holds the undefined value).

Array slice([offset=0 [,count=0]])

Returns a new array containing the first count elements starting at the given zero-based offset. If count is 0 then it means "until the end." Attempts to copy outside of the array's bounds will be silently ignored and the resulting array will be truncated or empty. Note that slice(0,0) (or the equivalent, passing no arguments) can be used to shallowly clone an array without any problems vis-a-vis cycles - the new array will hold references to the same values as the initial array (and in the same order). i.e. modifying one array does not modify the other, but changes made to (e.g.) an object in one of the arrays will be visible via the other via that object reference. A more efficient way to clone an array is @rray expansion: var clone = [@theArrayToClone].

ACHTUNG: note that the semantics of the 2nd argument to slice() differ from its JavaScript counterpart.

FIXME: use cwal_array_copy_range2() instead of cwal_array_copy_range() so that we have saniter offset semantics. Fixing this is trivial easy, but finding script references which rely on the current semantics is not!

Array sort([Function(lhs,rhs)])

Sorts this array using either the built-in comparison routines or the given comparison function, which gets passed two arguments and must return a value with "memcmp semantics": less than 0 if the first arg is "less than" the second, 0 if they are equivalent, and greater than 0 if the first is "greater than" the second. Returns this. Propagates any exceptions the sorting function throws.

Certain array operations are disallowed while sorting: resizing or changing element values. Because That Way Lies Madness. Likewise, an array which is currently being iterated over cannot be sorted, and calling sort() while iteration is running will trigger an exception.

Trivia: the exact sorting algorithm is technically unspecified, but is currently qsort().

string toString()

Returns a JSON-ized form of its contents. Note that this class also inherits Object.toJSONString().

Array unshift(value [, … value])

Prepends each argument to the array, in reverse order, such that they are appear at the front of the array in the same order they are provided to this function. Returns this array.

Trivia: this is not a terribly time-efficient way to splice lots of values to the start of an array, as it re-shifts the array for each element added. It only re-allocates the array (at most) a single time, but it may re-shift the array elements a number of times equal to the argument count.

@rray Expansion

(Added 2016-02-27.)

The "@rray expansion" feature (as it's locally known) allows arrays and tuples, in very limited contexts, to be expanded as if they were a list of individual expressions. It provides at least one unique feature (generically forwarding arguments to constructors) and a couple other interesting features which aren't otherwise easy to achieve in s2 scripts.

This syntax simply prepends a @ to an array/tuple expression and causes the list's entries to be used as inputs to the evaluation engine as if they had come from separate expressions, as demonstrated here via an s2sh session:

s2sh> print( 1,2,3 ) // A basis for comparison: 3 arguments
1 2 3
s2sh> print( [1,2,3] ) // basis for comparison: 1 arg (3-element array)
[1, 2, 3]
s2sh> print( @[1,2,3]) // Compare the inputs and outputs to those above
1 2 3
s2sh> print( [1,2,[3,4,5]] ) // Another plain array
[1, 2, [3, 4, 5]]
s2sh> print( [1,2,@[3,4,5]] ) // An expansion inside an array literal
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
s2sh> print( @[1,2,@[3,4,5]] ) // Inner/outer expansions (expanded left to right)
1 2 3 4 5
s2sh> print( 1,@[2,3,4],5 ) // In-between other arguments
1 2 3 4 5
s2sh> print( 1,@[],2 ) // An empty list behaves like *no* argument, not an *empty* arg
1 2
s2sh> print(@"abc".split('')) // works on all arrays, not just array literals
a b c

This feature is only available in these contexts:

Everywhere else it will trigger a syntax error. Even in cases where it is allowed, it's only allowed in a limited syntactical form: expansions must appear "by themselves," not as an operand to an operator or keyword (other than the comma operator which separates them from sibling arguments). e.g. print(1 + @[1]) will cause a syntax error.

This pseudo-operator, for precedence purposes, acts like a Value, not an operator, and is interpreted as an integral part of its own RHS operand. It evaluates as if the @ is not there, and then (after the RHS completes), remembers that it had an @ and treats its RHS appropriately (as opposed to passing it up the eval chain as a single Array/Tuple value).

Sidebar: @ is not a true operator, as s2's stack machine isn't geared for operators to feed arbitrarily many values back via the stack machine. While it does have a mechanism for doing so (because i thought, at the start, that it would be needed for function arguments), it's been unused since s2's earliest days and there's no driving need to change that. The @ construct's ability to make an empty list appear as if nothing at all was there (as opposed to an empty expression), including the comma before or after an empty list, is unique in the evaluation engine.

One completely new feature this enables, which currently requires creating a proxy closure to accomplish, is generically proxying arguments to constructors. e.g. a function's arguments can be passed as-is to a constructor with new MyType(@argv). Normally that's not syntactically possible because constructors cannot be used [as new constructors] with Function.apply() like most functions can (that's a potential TODO, though). Expansions can also be used to concatenate multiple arrays:

s2sh> print([@[1,2],@[3,4],5,6])
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Nested @ constructs are, in effect, expanded from left-to-right.

Sidebar: @array expansion is essentially the same thing as a list-type-only version of JS's more generic "spread" syntax, but that is coincidental. This feature was implemented a full 4 years before i learned about JS spread syntax.