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The Exception Type
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s2 uses exceptions to report non-fatal errors which scripts can
potentially recover from. When thrown, an exception will propagate up
the stack until it is "caught" (via the catch
keyword) or the top
scope is reached, at which point the script exits and the C/C++-level
app might report the problem to the user. Exceptions are first-class
values created via the throw
or exception()
keywords. throw
creates a new Exception object, sets
's operand as the exception's message
property, collects
source location information and a call stack trace, then puts the
interpreter into an error-propagation mode so that the exception (a
Value instance subject to normal lifetime rules) survives its ride
back up the call stack. The exception()
keyword creates an
Exception, optionally with a custom error code, and captures a stack
trace, but does not throw the exception.
ACHTUNG: note that s2's class model makes it somewhat awkward to differentiate various types of exceptions from one another, meaning that it's usually not feasible to know, at catch-time, whether we have just caught an exception thrown in a lexically local block or one which was propagated via a function call, nor whether it was caused by an intercepted syntax error or via an explicit
in client code. See the custom exception types section for a discussion of approaches to working around that.
Examples of using throw:
throw "My God! It's full of stars!";
// the message may be any value type *except* exception (see below):
throw { what: "foo", where: __FLC, who: someLocalValue };
// we can also catch and re-throw them:
if(const ex = catch{ throw 42 }) {
ex.additionalInfo = '…';
throw ex;
// or, if one prefers a geekier style:
(const ex = catch{ throw 42 }) && (ex.additionalInfo = '…', throw ex);
// minor difference: in the second form, ex is declared in the local scope
That last line demonstrates an exception (as it were) to the rule: if
is given an Exception object, it re-thrown it as-is, rather than
creating a new one and setting the older one as its message
Re-throwing retains the original source location and stack trace
information, and does not include location information for the point
where the exception was re-thrown. Feature or bug? You decide.
(We (the royal we) initially experimented with setting the re-thrown
exception as message
property of a new exception, but doing so was,
for all cases where it was used, just extra noise.)
Examples of using the exception()
function-like keyword:
var e = exception("error!");
assert 'CWAL_RC_EXCEPTION' === e.codeString();
assert 'error!' === e.message;
e = exception(1,2);
assert 1 === e.code;
assert 2 === e.message;
e = exception('CWAL_RC_MISUSE', "don't do that!");
assert 'integer' === typeinfo(name e.code); // some unspecified non-0 value
assert 'CWAL_RC_MISUSE' === e.codeString(); // cwal-level enum entry name for that integer
assert e.code; // non-zero
assert e.message === "don't do that!";
The code (first parameter, if two are passed in) is intended to be
either an integer or the string form of one of the CWAL_RC_xxx
family of C-level enum values. e.g. the string
. If passed a string, it tries to
resolve the code to its equivalent C-level integer value, defaulting to
. Note that none of the CWAL_RC_xxx
C-level enum
entries have well-defined values except that CWAL_RC_OK
guaranteed to be 0 and all other values are guaranteed to be non-0.
Trivia: catch
doesn't need braces around its RHS. Without braces, it
can evaluate any single expression, e.g. a function call:
if(const ex = catch someFunc()){
print( __FLC, ": ", ex );
throw ex;
When initially thrown, the interpreter adds the following properties to an exception, insofar as it can at that point:
- integers line (1-based) and column (0-based) of the source code location. These numbering conventions are taken from emacs, and might not line up with your editor's 0- or 1-based line/columns.)
- integer code contains a C-level result code. For script-thrown
exceptions (and some C-thrown ones), this is almost always
, but that can be changed using theexception()
keyword. Note that s2 does not care what range of integer values is used for the code - we simply tend to use, by convention, cwal-derived codes because they're within easy reach. - message is the value which was passed to
or set via C code. Note that it may be an arbitrary type. - script is the name of the script, if it is known. Note that it might be a "virtual" name (like "shell input"), and need not be a filename. It might even be empty.
- stackTrace: if the exception comes from anywhere but the top
of the call stack, this property holds an array of stack trace
information, with the closest (in terms of stack frames) entries
at the front of the list. Each entry in the array in an object
with the properties
, andscript
, with the same semantics as described above, listing a function call point leading up to the exception. Exceptions thrown from the top of the call stack do not have this property. Each function call currently active has an entry in the call stack, and this information can be invaluable in finding out which code led up to the exception being thrown. Trivia: thepragma
keyword can be used to disable the generation of exception stack traces.
Note that error location information in general (not just in exceptions) might do weird things when second-pass evaluation of an eval'd string triggers an exception or fatal error. The line/column/script information cannot generally be trusted in such a case, as it is relative to a dynamic string which does not exist directly in source code (and might not exist at all by the time the exception is reported). It's not entirely clear how best to fix that in a way compatible with how function location information is gleaned. If it becomes a problem, wrap the to-be-eval'd contents in a Buffer or String and use its evalContents() method to "anchor" the script for error reporting purposes.
Exception Methods
Exceptions derive from Objects, and thus have the same methods, plus:
string codeString([integer code=this.code])
integer codeString(string enumEntryName)
This function has two distinct uses:
If passed a string in the form
then it (slowly!) performs a reverse mapping from the C-level enum entry name to its integer value. Returnsundefined
if the string does not match any enum entry names.If passed no arguments or a non-string, it is assumed to be an integer, defaulting to the exception's
property, and returns the equivalent of passing the code value to the C functions2_rc_cstr2()
. i.e. it returns a string-form name of the cwal/s2 result code value (so it only works with values from that set, but all errors triggered directly from s2 use those). It returnsundefined
if passed no parameter and this exception has nocode
property, andnull
. Results may be confusing (possibly downright misleading) if passed overlapping integer values from other libraries' result code ranges.
Custom Exception Types
Though it's seldom necessary to do so, given the typically small scale of s2 scripts, s2's basic exception mechanism can be bent a little bit to allow it to convey custom error types...
Inheriting from exception
It is (apparently) possible to create and throw custom exception types in s2, but how to do so is admittedly so far from intuitive that s2's own author didn't see how to do it until 20191228, when s2 was some 5.5 years old.
Creating a custom exception type which will, for most purposes, behave
like an exception (e.g. capture stacktrace info and be caught by the
keyword), requires doing something like the following:
const MyEx = {
prototype: exception, // exception prototype, for inherited method(s)
__typename: 'MyEx', // optional
__new: proc(msg = __FLC){ // constructor
/* Some prototype gymnastics are needed... */
const p = this.prototype /* === MyEx */;
this.prototype = exception(msg)
/* This new exception captures stack trace, but now
"this" no longer inherits MyEx, so... */;
this.prototype.prototype = p
/* ^^^^ without this part, "this" will inherit exception but NOT
MyEx. */;
// That's the entire implementation. What follows is the test code...
const check = proc(x){
assert x inherits MyEx;
assert !typeinfo(isexception x) /* because x is not "directly" an exception, but: */;
assert typeinfo(hasexception x) /* because x inherits an exception */;
assert "MyEx" === typeinfo(name x);
assert typeinfo(isarray x.stackTrace) /* actually, it's inherited: */;
assert x.prototype.stackTrace === x.stackTrace;
assert x.stackTrace.0.script === __FILE;
assert "blah!" === x.message /* derived from x.prototype */;
assert typeinfo(isinteger x.code) /* derived from x.prototype. */;
assert typeinfo(isinteger x.line) /* derived from x.prototype. */;
assert typeinfo(isinteger x.column) /* derived from x.prototype. */;
assert 'CWAL_RC_EXCEPTION' === x.codeString();
assert !x.hasOwnProperty('script');
assert x.script === __FILE;
// And now...
check(catch throw new MyEx("blah!"));
check(new MyEx("blah!"));
Regarding the inheritance of the exception-inherited properties: the
keyword uses a default code
value of
if it's passed only a message value or an integer
code value of 0. The integer values of the C-level CWAL_RC_xxx
enum entries are unspecified except for CWAL_RC_OK
which is 0 (and never shows up as an exception code). Thus we don't
"really" know, in script code, which integer value the exception will
have, but we do know that it must be an integer (because the C-level
exception type only supports an integer for the code
property). We
could optionally pass our own integer value as the first argument to
the exception()
keyword in MyEx
's constructor, and such values
need not necessarily correspond to those from the C-level
and S2_RC_xxx
enums. In particular, values 5000 and
higher are guaranteed not to be used by those enums.
There's one optional change we can make to the above which is arguably a usability improvement but also arguably not...
__new: proc(msg = __FLC){
const p = this.prototype,
x = this.prototype = exception(msg);
x.prototype = p;
/* ^^^ That's exactly as demonstrated in the example above,
but now we add... */
Optional (but arguable) cosmetic improvement:
x.line/column/script refer to this constructor function,
which may be a bit confusing in practice. We can instead
"steal" those from one level up in the stack trace (which
may, of course, also be "differently confusing" in practice)...
if(const s = x.stackTrace.0){
x.line = s.line;
x.column = s.column;
x.script = s.script;
Sidebar: this section of the docs above example was the inspiration for changing the
keyword to resolve to the base exception prototype if it's invoked without a(
following it.
Using Singleton Error Objects
Another viable approach to conveying custom error types is to use the Singleton pattern. By and large, an application only has one relevant exception at a time, and that can be modelled by creating singleton-style exception values. For example:
const FooError = {
__new: proc(msg = __FLC){
const f = this.protototype /* FooError */;
f.message = msg;
return f;
const BarError = {
__new: FooError.__new
throw new FooError("Hi, there!");
Catching that would result in an exception with FooError
set as its
property. The constructor returns the prototype object,
which effectively gives it singleton semantics. For BarError
simply copied FooError
's constructor, turning BarError
into a
functionally equivalent singleton with its own distinct value, so that
we can later distinguish such error types:
if(const ex = catch { ... }){
if(FooError === ex.message){ ... }
else if(BarError === ex.message){ ... }
Alternately, by taking advantage of the fact that any type of value may be a property key, we can create a map of them to eliminate our downstream use of their symbolic names and simplify checking for them...
const FooError = {...as above...};
const BarError = {...as above...};
const ErrorTypes = {prototype:null};
foreach(@[FooError, BarError]=>e) ErrorTypes[e] = e;
And now catching them looks more like:
if(const ex = catch { ... }){
if(const et = ErrorTypes[ex.message]){
// et is one of our custom error types
Where to Store Custom Exceptions?
Because of s2's funky symbol resolution rules,
it makes sense to "anchor" the custom error objects somewhere with
global visibility, e.g. as a property of the exception
Extending the example from the previous section:
exception.FooError = {...};
// Changing its usage to:
throw new exception.FooError(...);