
whcl: The new Builtin

whcl: The new Builtin

(⬑Table of Contents) (builtins)

The new Builtin

See also: proc

WHCL has a basic "class" mechanism, vaguely akin to JavaScript's...


As with most languages, WHCL offers a way for client code to create new classes. It's not, because of WHCL's command-style interface, as syntactically suave as, say, C++'s or even JavaScript's, but it's workable.

A class is created in one of two ways, which are functionally equivalent but have slightly different structures.

Approach #1: a class is defined as a function (called a constructor) and the class prototype is defined via that function's prototype. Client code passes that function to the new builtin.

Approach #2: a class prototype is some arbitrary object which has or inherits a method named __new. Client code passes that prototype to the new command and it extracts the __new method for use as a constructor.

For both cases, the new builtin command does the following:

  1. Creates a new plain object. This value will be the default result of the new command.
  2. Sets its prototype based on the class structure (approach #1 or #2, as described above).
  3. Calls the constructor, setting the value from step 1 as the this and passing on any arguments except for possibly one (described in step 5).
  4. If the function returns any explicit value other than undefined, it replaces the object from step 1 as the result of new. This feature is rarely needed but is, on occasion, useful when a function needs to return a "native" type (bound to a C-level cwal_native wrapper). If the function does not explicitly return, or returns the undefined value, the object created in step 1 remains as the result of new.
  5. If the final argument to the constructor is a {code block} then it is not passed to the constructor and is instead run after the constructor returns. That block will be run in its own scope, and this will resolve to new's result. This block is not a function call but does catch any return result and discards it. The intent of this block is to perform any post-construction initialization necessary for the current context.

That might all sound intimidating, but it's rather straightforward, as demonstrated below.

But first a sidebar: all of the capabilities provided by the new command, with the exception of the optional post-construction script block (which is just syntactic sugar), can be implemented entirely in script code, without the use of a builtin command. It's a builtin command because practice has shown that it's much simpler in client-side scripts if the language provides a common way for constructing new instances of any given type, rather than having per-type factory functions.

It's a Brand new Car!

Our Car class:

proc Car {name {color red}} {
    affirm [info is-newing] /*else it was called without `new`*/
    set this[color] $color
    set this[name] $name

For very, very basic cases, that's all we need, but most cases will also want member functions (a.k.a. class methods). Those are defined in the prototype of the class. The syntax for that is, because of WHCL's command-style syntax, a tiny bit awkward, but it does the job:

set Car[__prototype] object {
    say-name [proc {} {
        echo "My name is" this[name]
    say-color [proc {} {
        echo "My color is" this[color]

However, because that syntax is somewhat unsightly and unweildy for non-trivial cases, a new approach was invented:

set Car[__prototype] object -scope {
    proc say-name {} {
        echo "My name is" this[name]
    proc say-color {} {
        echo "My color is" this[color]
    # Any normal script code is legal here and all scope-level
    # vars become the properties of the resulting object,
    # retaining special attributes such as const. e.g.:
    decl foo 1
    decl -const bar 2

With one of those options in place we can make use of our car like so:

decl c new Car "WHCL 2000"
#   dollar ^^^ prefix is optional there.
assert c[__prototype] == Car[__prototype]
assert "WHCL 2000" == $c[name]
assert red == c[color]
c[say-name]   ;# This is the "native" call syntax but...
c say-color   ;# see notes regarding the call syntax below.

That's really all there is too it, but we need to say something about those last two lines...

Method Call Syntax

When whcl examines the initial token of a line (the so-called "command position"), it checks whether it is a function or inherits a function named __command via its prototype chain. In the former case, the command's arguments are all passed to the function. If, however, the value inherits a __command method then that method is called. (If both cases are true, prefers the former.)

In our example case, Car inherits from the default object class. That class implements a __command method. That method looks for a property in its this object named by the first argument to the command (say-color in the example above). Since its this (our c object) inherits say-color, it calls that method, passing it on all arguments after say-color and applying our c object as the this for that call.

That approach will work as-is for classes which inherit (perhaps indirectly) from the built-in object type. For the sake of discussion, however, let's clear out the prototype of Car's own prototype, noting that this is actually a perfectly sensible thing to do for some use cases:

unset Car[__prototype][__prototype]

(Or add __prototype null or __prototype undefined to the object which defines the prototype - the effect is identical.)

Once we do that, using the c say-color syntax will fail with an exception telling us something like "Symbol 'c' does not resolve to a command"! We're seemingly forced to use c[say-color] syntax after that! Oh no!

We have a few options, however:

  1. Limit client usage to the obj[method-name] call syntax. Meh. (The one advantage of this, however, not to be understated, is that this syntax works for all data types, so users don't need to switch syntaxes for cases which don't support it, nor do they need to understand why it might not be available for a given class.)
  2. Implement our class's own __command method which works however we like.
  3. Copy a generic __command method from some other object.

Option 3 is actually very simple. We simply need to copy that method from any object which inherits it:

if {true} { # create a new scope
  decl x object
  set Car[__prototype][__command] x[__command]

Now the Car class has its own copy of the core-most __command implementation without having to inherit all other methods of the object class.

Post-Construction Initialization

A call to new may optionally end with a {code block}, e.g.:

decl c new -post Car "Blayzor 2022" blue {
  set this[license-plate] BLUBLAYZ

Note that without the -post flag, that final {...} arg is treated as a string to pass to the constructor.

That block is run only if the constructor returns (does not throw an exception). It is not a function call but it behaves like one in two ways:

  1. this resolves to the just-constructed value.
  2. It handles the return command intuitively, exiting only that block without returning from an outer function or script.

Unlike a function, however, it discards any return result because new's result is object which it's currently constructing.

Returning not-this from a Constructor

Recall that if a constructor explicitly returns a value other than undefined, that value because the result of a call to new. That isn't usually necessary, but it is when a constructor wants to return a type other than the core object type. The most glaring example is when a C-bound constructor wants to return a cwal_native-type value.

Though it is not normally necessary it can, to quote Captain Malcom Reynolds, on occasion be hilarious:

proc MyCtor {} {
    decl -const self array
    return self

That's enough to return a different type from the constructor but it's missing one important piece: the prototype of that returned value is not the prototype of the constructor. Instead, it's the prototype for the array type. In order for this constructor to play nicely in the new ecosystem, it must (or really should) set the prototype of the returned object to the constructor's own, like so:

proc MyCtor {} {
    decl -const self array
    set self[__prototype] this[__prototype]
    return self

The obligatory caveat being that self will no longer inherit the various methods provided by the array class. It will still "be-a" array, in that it is an instance of the C-level cwal_array class, but it will be missing the class methods provided by its previous prototype (which itself is not an array!). How do we retain both worlds, such that objects returned from MyCtor are both true arrays and retain the inherited array APIs? Here's one of several valid formulations:

set $MyCtor[__prototype] object -this {
    ... our methods and such go in here...
    set this[__prototype] [array][__prototype]

An alternative formulation is to wrap up all of that in a construct like...

decl MyKlass eval -scope {
    proc ctor {} {
        decl -const self array
        set self[__prototype] this[__prototype]
        return self
    set ctor[__prototype] object -this {
        # Re-assign the ctor prototype's prototype to be that of an Array:
        set this[__prototype] [array][__prototype]
        ... add any inherited methods or properties ...
    eval $ctor; # becomes the outer eval -scope result

Complete Example

Several fully-formed and documented examples of creating new-compatible classes can be found in this unit test script.