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require.whcl: A require.js-like Resource Loader

See also: the source code (in directory /dir/whcl/require.d/)

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require.whcl (we'll call it Require from here on out) is almost a clone of the requirejs JavaScript library. In short, Require is a "dependency loader." The caller provides a list of "dependencies," in the form of symbolic module names, Require loads them, and then passes all of the dependencies to a callback provided by the client (or, if no callback is provided, it returns the loaded dependencies to the caller). require.js simplifies dependency loading in JS immensely by hiding the asynchronous module loading behind a synchronous interface and ensuring that all dependencies are loaded before the client code is called. In whcl modules are not loaded asynchronously, but Require can nonetheless greatly simplify the creation of certain types of scripts, in particular when independent scripts can be used together in various combinations.

Incidentally, this model of resource loading is a perfect fit for cwal/whcl's lifetime model and garbage collector, ensuring optimal lifetimes for loaded resources (in particular, non-cached resources).

Require is comprised of a single script and a set of conventions:

TODO: add import-like feature to whcl:

  1. Clients eval the require.whcl file contents. The (callable) object returned by that script is the Require loader, so clients should store it somewhere (in a const/var or property).

  2. Ideally, require.whcl lives in its own directory, under which loadable extensions are placed. This structure allows require.whcl, including its extensions, to be easily copied between source trees (yes, i do that). This documentation refers to that directory (whatever directory it gets import()'ed from) as Require's "home" directory, and it gets set as the "home" property of the Require object.

  3. When loaded, Require adds its home directory to its default search path. The intention (not requirement) is that shared Require-loaded files will be placed there, using subdirectories for organization. The current directory (".") is always added as the first search path, but clients are of course free to modify that.

Loading and Basic Usage

These docs will, for brevity's sake, assume that this module has been installed and aliased with the name R:

decl -const R [whcl.install-api require]

That alias is not strictly necessary. After calling [whcl.install-api require], Require is globally available via whcl.require.

With that in place:

R [array module1 module2] [proc -anon {m1 m2} {
    # … m1 and m2 are the results of eval'ing
    # the files module1 resp. module2 …

The first argument may be one of:

The second argument may be one of:

If the 2nd arg is a function, it is passed one argument for each entry in the list, in the same order they are imported. If it is a code string then it is eval'd in a scope and the loaded modules are made avilable in two forms via the modules local var:

  1. modules is an array, and each index matches up with the indexes in the list passed to this function.

  2. The modules array also gets member properties set with the names matching those passed in in the list. (We cannot declare those names as local vars because the given names may well contain characters not legal for that purpose.)

Note that these callbacks may recursively invoke Require via a call to whcl.require. (It is often useful to do so, it turns out.)

It returns the result of calling the function (if any), the result of the eval'd code block, or the array of loaded modules (if passed no function/string).

The default behaviour is to cache each imported module, such that loading that module again will cause the same result value to be returned. This can be used to provide data sharing across invocations of the module. Plugins, described later, may change not only the caching behaviour, but also how files are searched, and some plugins don't work with files at all (we call those "virtual" plugins, for lack of a better term).

Alternately, Require can be called without a 2nd argument, in which case it returns an array containing the values which would have been passed to the callback:

decl mods [R.require [array mod1 mod2]]
           #          ^^^ still requires the list as a single array argument!
assert info [is-array $mods]; # just for demonstration

Modules vs. Plugins

Some terminology used heavily throughout the API:

Module is generically used to mean a script or other resource loaded by Require. Module references are strings like "moduleName" and "module/submodule/name".

Plugin, in Require, specifically means a proxy which changes how Require handles loading of a specific type of resource. Plugins allow it to not only load script code, but arbitrary resources, including arbitrary raw file content, database records, and whcl-loadable DLLs.

Some examples:

R [array (
  # ^^^^^^^^ without a module (only legal for some plugins)
  "aPlugin!aModule?foo=hi there&bar=true&baz=3&faz"

Plugins may offer configuration options. While they superficially appear to be URL-encoded, they are not - no special encoding is used except that a & delimits key/value pairs. A key with no value is treated as a boolean true (under the assumption that it is a flag).

If Require cannot figure out what to do with an input string, or if loading a resource fails, it will throw (or propagate) an exception.


Modules, in the most basic sense, are simply whcl scripts which are, for purposes of Require, expected to resolve to some value usable by downstream code. In practice, modules tend to resolve to Objects, Arrays, Functions, and the like, but in principle there is nothing stopping a module from returning an integer, a boolean, a string, or even null or undefined.

Here's an example of a trivial module which provides a couple of methods:

return object {
   method-one [proc -anon {a} {return ($a + $a)}]
   method-two [proc -anon {a} {return ($a * $a)}]

Pedantic sidebar: in Require module scripts, a "return" at the end is not strictly necessary because the final expression in a script is (unlike functions) its implicit result.

If we place that content in a file named my-module.whcl somewhere in Require's search path, we can then use it like this:

R my-module [proc -anon {my} {
    assert 2 == [my.method-one 1]
    assert 4 == [my.method-two 2]

Or, with a script snippet as a callback:

R my-module {
    decl my
    assert 2 == [my.method-one 1]
    assert 4 == [my.method-two 2]


Plugins implement the actual "loading" of a resource. They are defined as an Object with a minimal interface documented in require.whcl's source code and summarized below.

Built-in Plugins

  1. default: handles non-plugin module calls and provides the file search paths for other plugins which use files but do not provide a search path of their own.
  2. nocache: works like default, but bypasses the cache and does not cache the result.
  3. text: resolves to the given file's contents as a String.
  4. buffer: resolves to the given file's contents as a Buffer.

It also comes with examples of dynamically-loadable plugins in its source dir.

For completeness' sake, let's demonstrate how clients can create their own. First, let's create a plugin which returns entries from a hypothetical app-level configuration object.

Assume we have an application-level configuration object (somewhere!) with multiple levels of options. For example's sake, let's assume that object looks like:

whcl.install-api PathFinder
return object {
  ui {
    showLog true
    disableAnimations true
  resources {
      iconLoader [new whcl.PathFinder
        [array ".svg" ".png" ".xpm"/*[^3]*/]

A plugin can be added to Require using two different approaches. First, it can be added to a file with the same name as the plugin (optionally with a subdirectory component), with an .whcl extension, and placed in the directory REQUIRE_HOME/plugins. Secondly, it can be passed to R.add-plugin.

Before demonstrating the implementation, let's show how the plugin should be used:

R 'myPlugin!configOptionName' [proc -anon {configOpt} {...}]

The R.get-plugin method can be used to fetch (lazily loading, if needed) a plugin object, but it is not expected that clients will ever really need to do so except possibly to modify the search paths used by them. In particular, modifying the path and extensions properties (search path and extension lists, respectively) of the default plugin changes the search path/extension list for any other non-virtual plugin which does not define its own search path and/or extensions.

Now both installation approaches…

Contents of REQUIRE_HOME/plugins/myPlugin.whcl:

return object {
  is-virtual true /* means Require must not do file lookups for our plugin */
  cache-it false /* means Require must not cache load() calls for this plugin */
  config [getMyGlobalConfigObject], /* how you get this object is your business */
  load [proc -anon {name opt} { /* called by Require when the plugin is used. */
    /* this == the plugin object.
       name is the "name" part after the "!" in the string passed by the client.
       May be a falsy value (no name provided).
       If the caller passes URL-style arguments (?a=b&c=...) then they are
       provided as an object (key/value pairs) via the second parameter.
       Passing options always bypasses the cache, because the options presumably
       affect how the plugin behaves.
       [^4] */
    affirm [info is-string $name]
    return this.config[ $name ]

Or install it using R.add-plugin:

R.add-plugin 'myPlugin' { … the plugin object … }

Of course, the above implementation could be enhanced to support traversing sub-trees of the configuration, e.g. via myPlugin!parent/child/option, but that's beyond the scope of this demonstration. Note, also, that the config object itself can be a Require module, such that loading, e.g. the myConfig module resolves to the top-level configuration object. In fact, this particular use case (serving config options) is arguably better served by a module (which provides APIs to the client for fetching/modifying config data), as opposed to a plugin, but... my imagination for creating a custom plugin to demonstrate is failing me :/.

Search Paths and File Extensions

By default, modules are assumed to be base names of files (possibly with a subdirectory component), and Require searches for them using a plugin-dependent set of search paths and file extensions, defaulting to those of the default plugin. Setting the is-virtual plugin property to a truthy value disables this - Require will then perform no file lookup for the module name, and will pass it on as-is to the plugin for handling (which might do its own file lookup!). The search paths and file extensions are set via the path resp. extensions properties of a plugin (these properties are derived from the PathFinder class, which is used to search for files, as it uses those naming conventions). If a plugin is not virtual but has no path/extensions properties of its own, those of the default plugin are used.

See require.whcl (search for "path" and "extensions") or the dynamically-loadable plugins for several examples of setting up paths and extensions.

By default, the search path includes the current directory and Require's home directory, and the only file extension used by default is ".whcl". Clients are of course free to modify both of those lists (whcl does not require any specific file extension for script files, of course).

Generic modules which have no dependencies on project-local code "should" be placed under Require's home directory, using subdirectories to group functionality. One useful convention for is ProjectName/FeatureSet/FeatureName.whcl. For example, "myProj/db/users" or "myProj/dogs/puppy".

The main require.whcl source dir has examples of modules and plugins, demonstrating some semblance of structure.

Testing Modules

The canonical whcl source tree includes a shell script which simplifies the testing of Require modules. To create a module test, place a file in the same directory as the module, with the same base name but with a ".test.whcl" extension. A typical test script Requires the module(s) it is testing and throws an error (or asserts) on failure. Here's an example session:

[stephan@host:~/fossil/cwal/whcl]$ ./

Individual tests can be run by passing one or more module names to the test script (without the .test.whcl extension part), and valgrind tests can be run by passing -vg to the script1, e.g.:

$ ./ -vg moduleName1 moduleName2

Pass it -? to see the full help text.

Random Tips and Tricks

Fetching a single module using conventional call semantics is simple:

decl -const module [R 'moduleName'].0;


  1. ^ Noting that valgrind may well report that the system-level module loader leaks memory. Not my fault.
  2. [^ 3 ]
    XPM: don't knock it 'til you've tried it!
  3. [^ 4 ]
    whcl pro tip: add such comments outside of function bodies to save