
s2: Buffers

s2: Buffers

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The Buffer Type

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Buffers (the Memory Slayer)

Buffers are general-purpose byte arrays, most often used for reading file content and creating dynamic strings. This is more efficient than using string concatenation1, and the appendf() method gives us more formatting flexibility.

Buffers are (as of 20141217) containers, so they may have custom properties and act as a prototype for another value.

To create a buffer:

var b = new s2.Buffer();
assert b inherits s2.Buffer;
assert 'buffer' === typeinfo(name b);
assert typeinfo(isbuffer b);

The constructor optionally takes an integer argument - an initial amount of memory to reserve.

Buffers are, at the cwal level, inherently "stringable," meaning they can be used in most (not all) contexts which expect a string argument. The majority of APIs which take a string will also accept a buffer, treating its contents like a string and its "used" length (Buffer.length()) as its string's length in bytes. That will, however, have undefined results if one feeds invalid string data (non-UTF-8) through such conversions.

Buffer Members

The Buffer prototype inherits the base Object prototype and brings with it the following methods:

Buffer append(values...)

Appends each value to the buffer in "some string form," except for Buffer values, which are copied as-is in full. If a Buffer is appended to itself, it doubles its size and appends its entire current contents to itself. Returns this buffer object.

Buffer appendf(string format, values...)

Uses the C-level cwal_buffer_format() to append a formatted string to the buffer. It works similarly to java.lang.String.format(), and not like C's printf(). Returns this buffer object. Described in more detail in its own subsection. See also: String.applyFormat(), which is a proxy for this function. TODO: ensure that this variant behaves properly when appending a buffer to itself.

Buffer appendJSON(Value v [, int indent=0])

Appends the JSON form of the given value to this buffer. If the value contains cycles, they will be output in some functionally useless but slightly informative string form (TODO: reconsider that decision, maybe preferring an exception). The indent argument may be a positive value to add that many spaces of indentation per JSON level, or a negative value to use that many hard tabs per level. Returns this buffer.

integer|Buffer byteAt(offset[, value])

Gets or sets the byte value at the given byte index. An assigned value is masked against 0xFF. In setter mode it extends the "used" length if the given offset is past the end, then returns this buffer instance. In getter mode it returns an integer value between 0 and 255, or undefined if the offset is out of range.

integer|Buffer capacity([integer])

If passed no arguments, it returns this buffer's current capacity, in bytes. Otherwise it reserves at least the given amount of memory in the buffer (possibly more) and returns this buffer. It never reduces the memory amount unless the value is 0, in which case it immediately frees the current internal memory buffer (but it may be re-created by adding data to the buffer). It also never changes the length() (only the reserved capacity) unless passed 0.

Buffer compress([Buffer])

Compresses the buffer's contents in-place using a zlib-compatible compression algorithm (plus a 4-byte size header stored in big-endian order). Silently ignores requests to compress data which appear to be compressed already. If built without compression support, it throws an exception. If passed an argument, it evaluates that buffer, else it evaluates this buffer. Returns the buffer it evaluates.


If s2 is built with compression support, this is a string property holding the name of the underlying implementation ("zlib" or "miniz"), else it is a falsy value. See the compression section for more details.

mixed evalContents([string name])
mixed evalContents(object symbols)
mixed evalContents([string name ,] object symbols)
mixed evalContents(object symbols [,string name])
Evaluates the contents of this buffer as s2 code, as if it were in a file of its own, using an optional "file name" for error reporting purposes (defaults to typeinfo(name this)). Script location information generated by the eval'd code is (unlike when using second-round eval expansion) correct, i.e. relative to the buffer's contents. Note that this may be either a Buffer or a String.

If passed an object, all symbols in that object are imported into the eval'd scope as local variables. This works just like the "using" function modifier, so assigning over those variables from inside the eval'd script will not replace their original values, only their local copies. This function accepts its arguments in any combination: (string,obj), (obj,string), (obj), (string), or (/*no args*/).

Tip: the __FLC keyword makes a useful ad-hoc value for the script name argument. The eval'd script's name does not default to that value only because normal callback functions (as opposed to in-language features) don't have access to that level of script information.

ACHTUNG: as of 20171013, the contents of the buffer are temporarily moved out of the way during evaluation to avoid undefined behaviour if/when the buffer's contents are modified during evaluation. Thus, while evalContents() is running, the buffer will initially appear empty and may be modified. After evalContents() completes, the original contents are restored, discarding any changes made to this buffer instance while evalContents() was running. If you need to modify a buffer from within its own evalContents() (or some nested construct), use theBuffer.toString().evalContents() (or takeString()) instead, which will eval a copy of the buffer, allowing it to be safely modified. Prior versions had undefined behaviour in this corner case. This buffer-moving does not apply when a String is the "this" of evalContents() because Strings are immutable.

Buffer fill(byte [, startAtOffset=0 [,length=up to length()]])

Fills a range of bytes in the buffer with the given byte value. The byte may be an integer or a string (in which case the first byte (not UTF8 character) is used), and that value is masked against 0xFF. This function never writes beyond the buffer's length() (as opposed to its capacity()), and will truncate larger requests to the current length. Returns this buffer object.

Potential TODO: if given a string, fill the whole buffer with that string. The question then becomes whether or not to expand the buffer if this routine would need to do so to apply the full string to the final block.

bool isCompressed([Buffer])

Returns true if the buffer's contents appear to have been compressed using the compress() method (or its C-level equivalent). Works whether or not compression support is enabled. If passed an argument, it evaluates that buffer, else it evaluates this buffer.

bool isEmpty()

Returns true if 0===length(), else false, but this function is more efficient than a size comparison because it does not have to allocate an integer for the return.

integer|Buffer length([integer newLength])

If called with no arguments, returns the "effective length" of the buffer, in bytes. The "length" is generally interpreted as the "used" space - the space where memory has been filled by the client, but that does not necessarily hold if the client sets the length or chooses to follow other conventions for determining how much of the buffer is "used" by his script. If called with an argument, it sets the length and returns this buffer.

integer lengthUtf8()

Assumes the buffer is either empty or contains only valid UTF-8 and returns the number of UTF-8 characters in the buffer. This is equivalent to, but notably cheaper than, calling aBuffer.toString().length().

Buffer new([initialCapacity=0])

Deprecated: prefer new s2.Buffer() instead.

new Buffer([initialCapacity=0])

Evaluates to a new buffer with the given initial capacity (in bytes). Will trigger an OOM error if the requested capacity cannot be allocated, and such errors are invariably(?) fatal to a script.

Buffer operator<<(arg)

Passes its argument to the append() method and returns this object.

Buffer readFile(filename)

Appends the contents of the given file to this buffer. Throws on error. Returns this buffer instance. If this function is called without a Buffer instance as its this, then it behaves differently: it creates a new Buffer instance, populates the buffer from the given file, and returns the new buffer. Thus it can be called "statically" or its reference can be copied and called without a this. Empty files result in an empty buffer, not null.

Buffer replace(string needle, string replacement [, limit =0])
Buffer replace(int needle, int replacement [, limit = 0])

Replaces instances of a string or byte value (in the range 0 to 255) in this buffer and returns this buffer. If limit is greater than 0 then only the first that-many instances will be replaced, else all of them will be.

Buffer reset()

Is equivalent to setting the length (not capacity) to 0, but also zeroes out (does not free) the buffer's memory. Returns the buffer object.

Buffer resize(integer n)

Similar to capacity(n), but (A) forces the buffer's size to the given value (a value of 0 acts similarly to reset()) and (B) does not free the memory like capacity(0) does (but instead sets its contents to an empty string, like reset() does). Returns the buffer object.

Buffer slice([byteOffset = 0 [, byteCount -1]])

Creates a new buffer from a byte range of this buffer, starting at the given offset (default=0) and copying the given number of bytes (a negative value means "until the end"). Returns a new buffer.

Potential TODO: if passed a Buffer as its first argument, append the result there (and return that buffer) instead of creating a new one.

string substr(int characterOffset [, int numberOfChars=-1])

Works just like String.substr(), counting offsets in terms of full characters (as opposed to bytes, like the toString() method). If the buffer has no (used) memory associated with it, this function behaves as if the buffer contained an empty string.

string takeString()

Transfers the entire memory of the buffer into a new string value which takes over ownership of that (now immutable) memory. This is an optimization to use in place of toString() when the buffer will otherwise be discarded, to avoid creating an unneeded copy of its memory. After calling this, the buffer will be empty but can still be used.

string toString([offsetInBytes = 0 [,lengthInBytes = this.length()]])

Creates a new string value from a copy of the contents of the buffer, or null if the buffer has no memory (which is different from a buffer with an empty string as content!). If passed no arguments it returns the whole buffer as a String value. If passed 1 argument it returns the first N bytes of the buffer as a String. If passed 2 arguments it returns a string from the memory range (offset,length), truncating the length to fit within the current length of the buffer. Be very aware that when passing 1 or 2 arguments the substring might have a truncated multi-byte character, leading to an invalid string! The substr() method can be used to work with character-counting ranges.

Buffer uncompress([Buffer])

If isCompressed() is true, this decompresses the buffer's contents in-place, else it has no effect. It silently ignores requests to uncompress data which does not appear to be compressed. If built without compression support, this throws an exception (see the compression section for more details). If passed an argument, it evaluates that buffer, else it evaluates this buffer. Returns the buffer it evaluates.

undefined|integer uncompressedSize([Buffer])

If isCompressed([Buffer]) is true, returns the uncompressed size of the buffer, else returns undefined. Works whether or not compression support is enabled (see the compression section for more details). If passed an argument, it evaluates that buffer, else it evaluates this buffer.

Buffer writeFile(string filename [, append=false])

Writes the entire contents of the buffer (the "used" space) to the given file. Throws on error. If the second argument is truthy then the file is appended to, else it is truncated. In either case, it is created if needed. Throws on error. Returns this buffer object.

Formatting with appendf()

Buffer.appendf() provides a java.lang.String.format()-like mechanism for formatting strings. It resembles, but differs significantly from, C's printf(3) conventions. Its first argument is a string describing the format. Its second and subsequent arguments are values for the formatting specifiers. It does not support explicit locales and currently provides no format specifiers which could make use of them (except doubles, which are output basically as if the "C" locale is in effect, with an unspecified level of default (or maximum) precision).

A format specifier has this syntax:


The N part of %N$ specifies the 1-based argument index which should be formatted. It is 1-based because that is how java.lang.String.format() does it (and it incidentally lines up with the argument numbers after the format string). However, unlike in Java, the index number is not optional2. The value at that argument index is expected to be of the type(s) specified by the format specifier, or implicitly convertible to that type. Any given argument may be referenced any number of times. Unreferenced arguments are ignored but an exception is thrown if a requested argument index is out of bounds or if the format string appears malformed.

The flags field may currently only be a +, which forces numeric conversions to include a sign character even if they are positive.

Anything which is not a format specifier is appended as-is to the buffer. %% is interpreted as a single % character, not a format specifier.

How the width and precision are handled varies depending on the type flag, which must one of the following single letters:


Note that the buffer is appended to by this function, so when re-using a buffer one may need to set its length to 0 (or call its reset() method) before calling this to ensure a clean string value. Similarly, when converting the buffer's contents to a string after appending, Buffer.takeString() might be preferable over Buffer.toString(), as it transfers the memory over to a new string, rather than allocating a copy (it allocates (possibly recycles) only a small wrapper, internally called a z-string).

When formatting fails an exception is thrown and the buffer's length is reset such that looks like no appending had happened (its end-of-buffer cursor points back to the pre-call location), but in fact its memory might still contain the exception's error string somewhere between the 'used' position and the 'capacity' (don't rely on this behaviour, but don't be surprised by it, either - it's a side-effect of the underlying error reporting mechanism reusing the buffer to avoid another allocation).

Here's an example script which wraps this functionality into a function which returns a formatted string:

const formatString = proc callee(/*fmt, …*/){
 const b = callee.buffer ||| (callee.buffer = new s2.Buffer());
 return b.appendf(@argv).takeString();

Or, similarly:

const formatString = proc(/*fmt, …*/){
 return b.appendf(@argv).takeString();
} using {b: new s2.Buffer()};

Either form can be used like this:

print(formatString('0x%1$06x', 0x1234));
// outputs: 0x001234

Or simply use String.applyFormat():


Or, more simply (and more recently):


Compression Support

If enabled at build-time, the Buffer.compress() and uncompress() methods can be used to (un)compress buffered data. It uses a zlib-compatible compression prefixed by a 4-byte header storing the (unsigned) uncompressed size of the buffer in big-endian order.

To enable compression support when building s2, do one of the following at build-time:

Only one of those options may be enabled: if both are, a compilation error will be triggered.

Minor pedantic caveat: the compression libraries use their own allocators, and are not subject to any memory management/limits in s2. i.e. even if s2 is configured to use, at most, 100kb of memory, the underlying APIs might allocate a gazillion bytes. Likewise, in my experience valgrind likes to complain about things in both zlib and miniz now and then, so don't be surprised if new valgrind warnings turn up when compression is enabled.

See the buffer unit test script for examples of using the compression API in script code (search that file for "compression").


  1. ^ i like to say that, but it's only abstractly true. The total overhead of calling a script-bound function is notably higher than appending a few strings together (but a function call might not need to allocate - they often get by using only values from the recycling bins).
  2. ^ a b Patches to improve that would be welcomed :);
  3. ^ That behaviour is up for debate. That was inherited from sqlite3_printf()'s %q modifier.