
s2: eval and Friends

s2: eval and Friends

(⬑Table of Contents)

eval & Friends

The eval family of keywords covers a wide range of functionality. A large, seemingly disparate set of features follow the same basic pattern as eval. Because they work "mostly" the same (enough so that they live in the same C-side function), they are documented together...

eval and its Many Brethren

The eval and scope keywords (collectively called "eval" here, for brevity) both do the same thing, with one difference: they evaluate code, but the scope keyword does so in a new scope, whereas eval uses the current scope (the one in which eval is called).

These keywords require that their operands be either s2 script code in {squiggly}1 form or an arbitrary single expression. When given a {squiggly}, the contents of that block is evaluated as a script, and the result value of the eval expression will be that of the last expression in the block (or undefined if the block evaluates to nothing). If given any other expression, it is basically evaluated as if the keyword were not there (but will use a sub-scope if the scope keyword is used, and eval specializations like catch will still do their things). One caveat is that most keywords start a new subexpression, ignoring any operators on their LHS. That leads to some potentially strange interactions when certain keywords are used in mid-expression.

Several other keywords are implemented as specializations of eval and scope2:

The keywords (return, break, exit, fatal, throw) treat a {...} RHS operand as an object literal. The rest treat it as a script block.

For the keywords return, break, exit, and fatal, the expression part to the right is optional - the undefined value is assumed if no expression is provided. The other keywords require a non-empty expression (an empty one triggers a syntax error).

Reminder to self: there might still be some cleanup pending in the handling of () in that context - s2_eval_expr_impl() should possibly treat keyword(...) like a function call, in that the parens bind immediately to the keyword. That, however would make eval (1)+1 work differently than eval 1+1 (even though the result is the same in that example, it's only coincidentally so). Optionally, we could do this special case only for the few keywords which allow an empty expression there, but that would introduce inconsistencies vis-a-vis other keywords :/.

catch resolves differently than the others:

Note that there is no try keyword:

var ex = catch { [,] }; // syntax error in the array literal
assert typeinfo(isexception ex);

Blatant syntax errors are normally fatal to the currently running script, but catch is capable of converting many normally-fatal syntax errors to exceptions when passed a {script block} or when doing "second-round" evaluation via the -> modifier (described below). It cannot do so when doing "first-round" evaluation on an arbitrary single expression because it must presume that a syntax error means that this branch of the script is not syntactically valid (not traversable by the parser). A script block, on the other hand, is known to be syntactically correct, in that we know where the closing brace is by the time catch does its work. If the contents trigger a syntax error, catch will convert that to an exception because it knows the script could potentially recover from an "inner" syntax error. The moral of the story here is that when catching exceptions, it's possible that the exception caught was triggered by a syntax error within the block (or in some code called through the block), as opposed to an exception the scripter knows might be thrown from some operation or other. s2 currently has no mechanism for distinguishing between exception types except for their code or message properties (or user-defined properties), but those are of limited practical use for purposes of dispatching exceptions based on their "type" unless one adopts the convention of storing Objects (from a hierarchy of exception types) as the message property. Bikeshedding regarding alternate solutions (by extending s2 in this regard) is actively underway.

"Second-round" Evaluation: the -> Modifier

The question: what should the following evaluate to?

var a = 1, b = 2;
eval "a"+"+"+"b"; // "a+b" or 3?
eval "a+b"; // "a+b" or 3?
eval { "a"+"b" }; // "ab" or 3?

IMO, the answer is that either approach is feasible.

By default the eval family of keywords evaluate ("a+b") as an expression resulting in the string "a+b". However, their behaviours can be changed slightly by passing them a -> symbol as their first argument. The right-arrow modifier changes evaluation such that if the result of the evaluation is a string, then the contents of that string get re-evaluated. If the RHS is not a string value then -> has no effect (it is ignored). This is necessary when, e.g. programmatically creating math expressions or variable names from parts of strings.

Mnemonic: the arrow "pierces into" the expression's value.


eval 1 + 1; // ⇒ integer 2
eval {1+1}; // ⇒ integer 2
eval "1+1"; // or...
eval "1" + "+" + "1"; // ⇒ the string "1+1" unless we use ->
eval -> "1+1"; // ⇒ integer 2

If the expression does not evaluate to a string then the arrow modifier has no effect.

Achtung: script location information, e.g. via the __FLC keyword or exceptions, may be "way off" when they come from script code eval'd this way, as they are addressing "virtual" code which is (effectively) expanded inline into the current script. However...

The location information problem is not exhibited (or exhibits predictably/usably) when using the evalContents() method of the Buffer and String classes:

assert 3 === "1+2".evalContents("optionalScriptName");
assert 3 === (new s2.Buffer()<<"1+2").evalContents("optionalScriptName");

In such usage, script location information is relative to the content's body, which may optionally be given a name by passing it as the first argument to evalContents(), as demonstrated in this s2sh session:

s2> print(" __FLC".evalContents('my script'))
my script:1:3
s2> print(eval -> " __FLC")
shell input:1:16

The latter example is off by only a little in this case, but that distance grows, possibly including a different script name, in large/complex eval'd blocks, and can lead to much confusion when following stack trace information through dynamically evaluated scripts. The suggested approach is therefore to use evalContents() except possibly for trivial use cases.

Note that the __FLC keyword makes a handy value for evalContents()'s argument! Also, evalContents() can be passed an object, the properties of which become scope-local variables for the duration of that call.

Note that while buffers are treated as strings in many cases, the -> modifier explicitely does not treat them as strings because doing so would open up a fatal case where a being-evaluated buffer modifies its own contents, thereby invalidating the memory which is being evaluated, leading to memory corruption. evalContents() specifically works around that eventuality. (That said, they may be documentation references which use -> on buffers, from before that bug was recognized.)

Scope vs. Eval

Generally speaking, prefer eval for simple expression evaluation and scope for anything which needs to do complex work and might create many temporaries, in particular if they may contain cycles. The scope will allow such constructs to be cleaned up more quickly (unless such a value is the scope's final result, in which case it is moved into the calling scope). That said, s2 uses implicit scopes in many places (e.g. around loops, function calls (including the parameter evaluation), and if/else blocks), and clients normally do not need an extra one to keep garbage collection working optimally.

Stopping Value Propagation: the double-semicolon trick

The result of a scope/eval block is the final expression in the block. Oftentimes we want to use scopes only to ensure that value lifetimes stay brief, and do not want a value to propagate out. This can be easily achieved by adding either a "dummy expression" at the end of the block or two semicolons:

scope {
 … arbitrarily long body …
 undefined; // Will be the scope's result.
 // Alternately, end the block with an extra semicolon:
 ; // a second semicolon after an expression clears any pending result

The first semicolon formally ends the previous expression (if it hadn't ended already) but keeps the result on the result stack (because the engine doesn't know who's going to consume it at that point). The second semicolon evaluates to an empty expression, which causes the pending result to be discarded and replaced by the undefined4 value.

Capturing an Expression's Bytes: the => Modifier

(Added 20171228.)

The eval, return, break, exit, and fatal keywords support the => modifier, which changes their behaviour to capture the body of their expression as a string, without evaluating the contents. If given a {block}, the result is the contents of the block, without the braces. If given a non-{block} expression, it captures the full text of the expression, including any comments in or trailing it, but not preceeding it. In both forms, leading/trailing spaces around the expression are stripped from the result. For example:

assert '3 * 2+1; 0' === eval => { 3 * 2+1; 0 };
assert '3 * 2+1' === eval => 3 * 2+1 ;
assert 7 === eval-> eval =>3*2+1;
// Embedded and trailing comments are included:
assert '1 + 2 + 3 /* hi */' === eval => 1 + 2 + 3 /* hi */ ;
// ... but leading comments are not (for boring internal reasons):
assert '1 + 2 + 3 /* hi */' === eval => /* hi */ 1 + 2 + 3 /* hi */ ;

The result can be eval'd later with any member of the eval family of keywords using the -> modifier, as shown in the last line of the example above. That isn't a new feature, per se - it has always been possible to use heredocs to construct arbitrarily large code strings. This syntactic sugar form simply formalizes that ability.

The body must be syntactically valid script code, or a parsing exception may be triggered, but it does not get semantically evaluated until/unless the contents are later evaluated.

Design sidebar: the scope keyword does not support the => modifier because the fact that it was a scope, as opposed to an eval, would be lost in the result. i.e. eval=>X and scope=>X would resolve to the same thing. The idea of having 2 keywords with identical behaviour makes me a bit ill, so scope does not support the => modifier. The results of eval=> can, however, be eval'd using scope->X.


  1. ^ Remember that heredocs count as {squigglies} for almost any purpose, but this is one of the exceptions (to avoid having to create related exceptions in its aftermath).
  2. ^ It turns out that the internal workflow for all of these keywords is essentially identical, thus they are all internally the same function.
  3. ^ Doh - an error-checking feature added to the C++ bindings can inadvertently bypass this in some (wildly hypothetical) corner cases, returning control to the script (in the form of an exception). They check for exceptions at the C level and are not aware of fatal's special-case processing (as it happens at the s2 level, not cwal level). This can be fixed by (internally) consolidating the various (internally) propagated result codes (return/exit/fatal/etc.) with the interruption support (which uses separate storage from the result value).
  4. ^ Pedantic side-note: at the C level that particular case translates to a NULL, so that we can differentiate between truly empty expressions and those evaluating to the undefined value (the default for any value which doesn't have a saner one).