
s2 POSIX Regexes

s2 POSIX Regexes

(⬑Main Module Docs)

POSIX Regexes and Features Common to POSIX and JS Regexes

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The Regular Expressions APIs

This library has two separate loadable modules which provide regular expression support. They have very-nearly-identical script-side APIs, the most notable exception being the set of regex-flavor-specific flags each API offers for configuring compilation and execution of regexes.

This page describes the common regex APIs and the APIs for the POSIX flavor of regular expressions. The specifics of the JavaScript flavor are documented in ../regex_js/. Note that it is perfectly legal to load and use both of the JS modules at the same time.

These modules each expose a single function which compiles regular expression strings in the module's own particular grammar and returns a module-specific type:

RegexType module( string pattern [, string compileFlags] )

The first parameter is a regular expression pattern in the module's regex dialect.

The second parameter is an optional string describing module-specific compilation flags, each one a single letter. The POSIX-specific compilation flags are described in a subsection below and those for JS flavor are described in that module's documentation. An empty string is legal for the flags.

The compilation function throws an exception if the pattern is syntactically invalid for the given regex flavor or an invalid flag letter is provided.

The compilation function is used like this:

const regcomp = s2.loadModule('/path/to/');
// or ----------------------------------^^^^^^^^^^^
const regex = regcomp( 'foo', 'i' );

Minor Achtung: Capture Limits

The JS and POSIX APIs differ in how they react if a regex contains more capture groups than the compile-time limit (10, as of this writing, including the full-string match (a.k.a. $0)).

The JS-flavor API will throw an exception when the regex is compiled if it contains too many captures. (It has to in that step because of how it stores the captures.)

The POSIX C API can execute such regexes but will only record as many of the captures as the user (i.e. this module) has configured space for. If more captures than that are found, they are considered for matching purposes but are not captured. In order to keep some semblance of compatibility with the JS API, the POSIX module will, instead of following the native C behaviour, trigger an exception if a given call to exec(), or any other method which performs string matching via regexec(), encounters too many captures. We "would" have the option of simply silently ignoring all captures past the configured limit, but we fail for compatibility with the JS module. That design decision is up for reconsideration later, but practice implies that we should apply the stricter option until/unless we later decide that the laxer approach would be more useful.

Sidebar: the reason for the relatively low capture limit is because increasing it increases the memory cost of every single JS-module instance. The dynamic memory cost of the POSIX API is unaffected by the capture count, but the JS module statically compiles in the capture buffers into each regex instance, and each capture cost more memory.

Common Methods

The regex type returned from module is a different type but they have nearly-identical interfaces. Their common methods and behaviours, as well as any significant differences in behaviour, are described below.

void destroy()

Immediately frees all native resources used by this regex. That also happens when garbage collection reaps the regex, but clients may force it immediately with this method. After this method is called, calling any regex methods on this object will throw an exception because the underlying C-level regex instance no longer exists.

void eachMatch(string text, string|function callback [,string matchFlags])

For each match of this regex in the given text, this function calls the given callback:

Any return/result value of the callback is ignored.

matchFlags may be any flags accepted by exec() or replace(), noting that the $ and E replace()-specific flags are automatically implied if the callback is a string (because this function would be useless with a string callback without those flags). The E flag is ignored if the callback is a function. The $ flag can be used to provide a callback function access to sub-captures.

Achtung: the POSIX regex C API does not support eachMatch() for regexes which are compiled with the s (NOSUB) flag, and attempting it will trigger an exception.

mixed exec(string text [, string matchFlags])

Returns false if the input string does not match, else it returns a list of the matches (but see the caveat below!). Element 0 in the list is the entire match and each subsequent element is the contents of a captured subexpression. Thus capture number N is element N in the result list. Both flavours of regex have a hard upper limit of captures (see the comments above on this topic), including the whole-match entry.

The second argument is an optional string of letters representing regex-flavor-specific match-time flags. The legal flags and letters for POSIX are listed in a following subsection and those for JS are in that module's documentation.

Achtung: the POSIX regexec() C API cannot report the substring position of matches for regexes which are compiled with the s (NOSUB) flag (not even for the whole-match part), so this method will, for such regexes, return true, instead of a list, on a match.

mixed matchAll(string text [, string matchFlags [, bool captureAll=false])
mixed matchAll(string text [, bool captureAll=false])

This function has two distinct modes:

In both cases, if no match is found a falsy value is returned.

matchFlags is an optional flag to change how matching works, exactly as described for exec().

Note that for the two-argument form, the 2nd argument is only recognized as the captureAll toggle if it is a genuine boolean, not an arbitrary truthy/falsy value. i.e. matchAll("blah",true) will toggle captureAll on, but matchAll("blah", "1") would treat the 2nd argument as the flags and use the default value for captureAll.

Achtung: the POSIX regex C API does not support matchAll() for regexes which are compiled with the s (NOSUB) flag, and attempting it will trigger an exception.

Minor Achtung: remember that captures for the POSIX regex API are a pain in the butt when compiled with the BASIC flag.

string replace(string text, mixed replacement
               [, int maxReplacements = 0 [, string matchFlags]])
string replace(string text, mixed replacement, string matchFlags])

Replaces instances of the regex's match in the given string with the given replacement. This function is described in detail in its own section.

Achtung: the POSIX regex C API does not support replace() for regexes which are compiled with the s (NOSUB) flag, and attempting it will trigger an exception.

array split(string text [, int limit = -1 [, string matchFlags]])
array split(string text, string matchFlags)

This works similarly to "astring".split("pattern") except that it splits the first argument on this regex's pattern.

If a limit is 0 or greater, it captures, at most, that many elements, otherwise it captures all it can (just like string.split()). (Yes a limit of 0 is valid, but i have no idea why - JS allows it.)

matchFlags is an optional flag to change how matching works, exactly as described for exec().

Note that, like string.split(), this treats matching separators at the start and end of the input as empty entries at the start resp. end of the result list.

Note also that while string.split('') splits the string into its componenent characters, there is no equivalent with this API because the API forbids empty regexes. Splitting on a regex of "." will behave much differently, treating each character as a separator and returning a list of what's between those separators (empty strings).

Achtung: the POSIX regex C API does not support split() for regexes which are compiled with the s (NOSUB) flag, and attempting it will trigger an exception.

bool test(string text [, string matchFlags])

Works like exec() but returns true if the given text matches the regex, else false. i.e. it does not allocate a data structure for the result, so it's more efficient (but less informative) than exec().

Minor Achtung: Arrays vs Tuples

The regex APIs explicitely do not use the terms "array" or "tuple" when refferring to list-type return values. Any given routine may return either in any context where a list is returned, that type may differ between versions of the modules, and the different regex implementations may differ in this regard. i.e. it's possible that the exec() method for one module returns a tuple while the other returns an array.

For 99+% of use client-side cases, it doesn't make a difference either way: the two list types are used the same way until/unless the client wants to change their size or sort them or perform some other array-only operation. Element access and foreach() iteration are the same for both list types, and those are the only operations normally performed on string-matching APIs of this sort.

FWIW, the "preferred" return type is a tuple, as they're memory-lighter, but that's only possible when a given function knows, in advance, how many slots the result list will need (which isn't always the case).

Big Achtung: Strings vs. Buffers

Most places where the regex APIs accept a string, they also accept a Buffer, but results are undefined if such a buffer contains non-String data. Routines which accept accept callbacks (e.g. to iterate over matches or for implementing dynamic string replacement) disallow buffers as input because it would be disastrous if the buffers were modified by/via such callbacks while this API is traversing its contents.

Common Properties

Module-level Properties

The compilation functions each have a flavor property which names that implementation ("flavor") of regexes. It has the value "posix" or "js".


Each regex module's compilation function has a property named instancePrototype, the prototype which gets assigned to each new regex instance. This can be used to modify the behaviour of regexes without having to first instantiate one to get at its prototype.

An example of such modification would be to extend the string prototype in order to be able to make use of certain regex functionality. For example, the following code replaces string.split() with a proxy which can make use of either (or both) of the regex modules when a regex is passed as its first argument:

// Assume that the module's name in this context is regcomp.
if(const S = "".prototype.split){
    // Proxy function:
    "".prototype.split = proc(/*pattern,limit*/){
        return argv.0 inherits X
                ? argv.0.split(this, argv.1|||0)
                : S.apply(this, argv);
    }using{S, X:regcomp.instancePrototype};

    // Demonstration:
    var m = "a;b;c".split(regcomp(" *; *"));
    assert 3 === m.#;
    assert 'c' === m.2;
    m = "A;B;C".split(";");
    assert 3 === m.#;
    assert 'C' === m.2;

If the above were performed for both modules, string.split() would accept both types of regex, passing on the call if the first argument is not the module's own type.

A similar proxy could be used to allow string.replace(pattern,replacement) to accept (regex,function) arguments:

if(const R = "".prototype.replace){
    "".prototype.replace = proc(/*needle,replacement*/){
        return argv.0 inherits X
                ? argv.0.replace(this, argv.1)
                : R.apply(this, argv);
    }using{R, X:regcomp.instancePrototype};

    assert 'abc' === "AbC".replace(regcomp('[A-Z]'), proc(x){return x.toLower()});
    assert 'abc' === "Abc".replace("A","a");

Per-Instance Properties

Each regex instance has the following standard properties assigned to it:

The values of those properties can be used to save and restore a regex for later use.

Specific Methods in More Detail


string replace(string text, mixed replacement
               [, int maxReplacements = 0 [, string matchFlags]])
string replace(string text, mixed replacement, string matchFlags)

Replaces instances of the regex's match in the given string with the given replacement. replace() only accepts strings, not buffers, as input text.

High-level replacement values like objects and arrays will be appended in JSON form, but any cycles in such constructs will trigger an exception. If replacement is a function then:

  1. It is passed the complete match text of each match and the result of the call becomes the replacement.
  2. In the context of the callback, this refers to the regex instance.

If maxReplacements is passed in, it must be an integer. A value of 0 or less means unlimited, else the number of replacements is limited to the given value.

matchFlags is an optional flag to change how matching works, exactly as described for exec(), plus it supports the following string-form flag letters which only work for this routine:

Sidebar: we do not export symbols named $0...$N, as would be more conventional vis-a-vis other regex APIs, because: (A) it would be much less efficient to do so. (B) it would be possible to inadvertently resolve, e.g., $4 from an older scope (because of s2's liberal symbol lookup rules), which cannot happen when referencing the captures via $.

When using a function for the replacement, the function is passed the full string of each match. If the $ matchFlag is used then captures are available as described above. Without that flag, the function may nonetheless perform replacement based on capture groups by calling exec() on the regex from within the replacement callback, like so:

// JS syntax:
const x = regcomp('\s*([a-z]+)\s*(;)?');
// POSIX syntax
const x = regcomp('[ \t]*([a-z]+)[ \t]*(;)?');
// Normalize inputs to upper-case and strip extraneous spaces:
affirm 'A;B;C' === x.replace( 'a\t  ;\tb; c', proc(oneMatch) {
    const m = this.exec(oneMatch);
    // At this point we know this regex matches the input (oneMatch),
    // so we don't need to bother checking whether m is falsy.
    return m.1.toUpper() + (m.2 ||| '');
} );

However, that requires running the regex twice on each matching part of the input, so using the $ flag is recommended if captures beyond the whole-match capture are needed.

Here's a functionally equivalent example which uses the $ flag to make the captures available and the E flags to demonstrate using a string as a callback body:

// Using the same regex as above:
affirm 'A;B;C' ===
  x.replace( 'a\t  ;\tb; c',
            eval=>{ $.1.toUpper() + ($.2 ||| '') },
            '$E' );

Remember that eval=>{...} does not evaluate its contents: it captures them as a string. The E flag then causes that string to be eval'd for each replacement.

Sidebar: no buffers as input? Buffers are not allowed as input here because, when used in conjunction with a replacement callback/eval, it would be possible for the buffer to be modified during traversal, which would lead to Undefined Behaviour. Working around that (by moving its contents out of the way during traversal, similar to how s2.Buffer.evalContents() works) would be rather fidgety. Interestingly, though, passing a buffer as a replacement value is legal because without a callback there is no risk of it being modified during the replacement process. It might seem sane to permit buffer inputs when the replacement is not a callback, but that could still potentially backfire badly when invoked in certain convoluted recursive contexts.

POSIX Regex Specifics

POSIX Compilation Flags

See also: JS compilation flags

Regex compilation may be modified by providing a string of single-letter flags. Unknown flags cause an exception to be thrown. The flags for this module are listed below. The upper-case names listed next to each flag are the C-level names for the flags, with the exception of BASIC, which is does not exist at the C level (C-level POSIX regexes default to BASIC mode unless the EXTENDED flag is used, whereas this API does the opposite because basic-style regexes are not terribly useful).

POSIX Match-time Flags

See also: JS match-time flags

Like compilation flags, flags which change regex matching behaviour at match-time may be provided as a string of letters describing the flag(s):

Achtung: Locale-dependent Matching

The POSIX regex API uses locale-dependent pattern matching and this module does not set the software's locale because it cannot know if the overlying software has done so, or what effects changing that setting might have on the rest of the app. Thus, unless the software or environment changes the locale, these regexes will use the "C" locale for matching purposes and will likely not match non-ASCII strings or patterns.

Potential Regex Module TODOs

The following list applies to both of the modules, though priority would be given to the JS-style module because, frankly, that regex flavor is more familiar to this developer.