
s2 sqlite3

s2 sqlite3

(⬑Main Module Docs)


sqlite3 Module

This module provides access to sqlite3 databases.

A note about SQL compatibility: the underlying db is sqlite3, so any SQL must be compatible with that. The module can be built using either the system-level libsqlite3 or a site-local sqlite3.[ch] by placing those two files in the local/ subdirectory of this module before compiling it. If the makefile sees them, it will use them instead of the system-level copy. As a rule, the sqlite3 team recommends always building with one's own copy of the library, rather than relying on a system-wide version which can be changed at the whims of… someone else.

Tip: Buffer.appendf() resp. String.applyFormat() can be used to escape strings for SQL. See the "q" and "Q" formatting options in the Buffer.appendf() section of the s2 manual. That said, "bound" parameters (via the SQLite3.Stmt.bind() member and various work-alikes) are always an easier and safer option than string escaping, in particular when accepting values from external sources. This module has been used in many scripts without the q/Q formatting options ever having been used.

Loading this module:

const SQLite3 = s2.loadModule('/path/to/');

Or with require.s2:

SQLite3 = s2.require(['s2mod!sqlite3']).0;
// or:
s2.require(['s2mod!sqlite3'], proc(SQLite3){ … } );

And then:

var db = new SQLite3(...);
// Or:
var db =;

DB Class Member Functions

Instances of this class are created with the module's constructor or its open() method, both of which are functionally equivalent. In sqlite jargon, an instance represents a single "db connection" or "db handle."

The module provides the following methods, only a few of which are "class methods", the majority being "instance methods":

new SQLite3(string filename [, string openflags])

Works identically to the open() method.

SQLite3 begin()

Increments a transaction counter, starting a new transaction if the counter is 1. This simulates nested transactions. Calling this obligates the script to call either commit() or rollback(). Once commit() and/or rollback() have been called the same number of times as begin(), the transaction is either committed or (if any rollback() calls were made) rolled back. Returns this object. Achtung: using transactions in conjunction with exceptions and garbage collection requires care. This support is exceedingly useful at the C level, but exceptions make it trickier to use properly from script code. See the transaction() member for one solution.

SQLite busyTimeout(integer timeoutMs)

Sets this database connection's "busy timeout" - the amount of time it will wait on a lock before failing the current operation due to a locking timeout. Set it to zero to disable the timeout handler. Throws if passed a negative value. Returns this object.

int changes()

Behaves exactly like sqlite3_changes(), returning the number of rows modified by the most recent INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE on this connection.

void close()

Closes the database connection. This unbinds the underlying native object from the script world and frees it. After calling this, calling any other member functions will trigger an exception. Clients normally don't need to call this - the garbage collector will do so as a side effect of cleaning up the db handle.

SQLite3 commit()

Decrements the transaction counter which gets incremented by begin(), committing or rolling back once the counter goes to zero, depending on whether rollback() was called for part of the nested transaction. Returns this object. Throws if no transaction is pending. It is important that clients not call COMMIT directly from SQL code, as that will get the database and this connection's views of the world out of sync.

SQLite3 createUDF( string funcName [, bool isAggregate=false], Function func )

Binds a function to SQL. Described in its own subsection. Returns this object.

SQLite3 each(Object)

Runs a query and calls a callback for each row of the result set or collects the results in an array. Described in detail in its own section. Returns this object.

SQLite3 exec(string|buffer sql, [, ...sql N])

Executes each argument as a single SQL statement, steps it one time and ignores any non-error results. Returns this object. Potential TODO: allow Objects and Arrays/Tuples to be passed in, between SQL strings, as bound parameter values for the SQL in the previous argument. e.g.: exec("sql… (?, ?, ?)", [1,2,3], "sql… $foo", {$foo: 123})

SQLite3 execMulti(string|buffer sql [, ...sql N])

Like exec() but prepares and executes each argument as (potentially) multiple SQL statements, separated by semicolons. This can, for example, execute the contents of an arbitrary SQL file (s2.Buffer.readFile() can read in such a file), which may contain any number and type of SQL statements. e.g. a schema can be imported this way.

string getFilename()

Returns the filename associated with this DB handle.

integer lastInsertId()

Returns the most recent row ID inserted via an INSERT operation run on this particular connection.

SQLite3 open(string filename [, string openflags])

Opens a database file. Intended to be called on the prototype instance, but may be called from any instance. Returns, on success, a new DB instance. The 1st argument is the file name, and may be one of sqlite3's special names like ":memory:" or "" (for a temporary database in the filesystem). Note that each in-memory database opened with the name ":memory:" is a unique database, not a single shared instance. The 2nd argument specifies the open-mode for the db, and can optionally be a string with any of these case-sensitive characters:

SQLite3.Stmt prepare(string Sql)

Prepares the given SQL and returns a SQLite3.Stmt instance. This is the only way to create new Stmt instances!

SQLite3 rollback([bool force=false])

Sets the current transaction into a rollback state. By default the rollback is not immediately applied - it is run when the final pending commit/rollback() call closes the transaction stack (see begin()). If passed a truthy value then it immediately forces a rollback and clears the transaction state, but doing so will cause any pending "outer" commits to throw an exception if they get called because no transaction is pending. The force option is intended for recovery when transactions and exceptions overlap and get the db in a funky transaction state. If the db gets in such a state, after handling all pending exceptions, call (catch db.rollback(true)) and ignore the result (it might fail for legitimate reasons, e.g. might not have a transaction active).

mixed selectRow(string|buffer sql [, bind = undefined [, asTuple=false])

Selects the first row from the given SQL's result set and returns it as either an Object (by default) or a Tuple (if asTuple is truthy). The 2nd parameter is an object/array/tuple for binding data to placeholders in the SQL (see Stmt.bind()). A bind value of undefined is a no-op (nothing is bound), so to return a tuple when there is no data to bind, use selectRow( "...", undefined, true ).

mixed selectRows(string|buffer sql [, bind = undefined [, asTuple=false])

The multi-row variant of selectRow(), which takes the same argument but returns an array of zero or more result rows as either objects or tuples, depending on the value of the 3rd argument.

mixed selectValue(string|buffer sql [, bind = undefined [, defaultResult=undefined]])
mixed selectValue(string|buffer sql [,defaultResult=undefined])

Executes the given SQL and returns the first column from the first result row. If no rows are found, the value of the final parameter is returned (defaulting to undefined). The second parameter specifies a single value or array/tuple/object of values to bind to the SQL before execution. Passing undefined as the bind data behaves exactly as if the argument had not been passed (because this simplifies script code). If passed two arguments and the SQL has no parameters to bind, the second parameter is interpreted as the default result value.Tip: because selectValue() prepares and steps a statement a single time, it can also be used for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements, but those have no result, so will return the default value.

Array selectValues(string|buffer sql [, bind = undefined])

Executes the given SQL and returns an array containing the value of the first column of each row. The second parameter specifies any value (or array/object of values) to bind to the SQL before execution. Passing undefined as the bind data behaves exactly as if the argument had not been passed (this simplifies certain uses by allowing them to blindly pass on the bind value from a higher-level interface). Returns an empty array if no values are found.

int totalChanges()

Works like sqlite3_total_changes(), reporting the total number of rows inserted, modified or deleted by all INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statements on this connection.

SQLite3 transaction(Function worker)

A safer variant of transactions support vis-a-vis exceptions. This function effectively calls (db.begin();; db.commit() or dbrollback()) ending with a commit() if the function does not fail (throw or propagate an error), and rollback() if the function fails. Any exception or fatal error is propagated back. Note that this uses the same pseudo-nested transaction support as begin/commit/rollback() do, meaning that a commit or rollback may not be immediate. See commit() for more details. In the context of the callback function, this refers to the current Db object. Returns this object. The return value of the callback, if any, is ignored.

This method is covered in more detail in a later section.

int transactionState()

Returns 0 if no transaction is active (begin() has not been called or transaction() is not running a callback), returns the transaction level (number of active begin() or transaction() calls) if a transaction is open and no rollback is pending, or returns a negative value if a rollback is pending (via rollback() or the equivalent having been triggered at the C level). Negative values are the negated form of the current transaction depth. e.g. -2 if two levels are still open with a rollback pending.


This databas member function executes a query and steps over the results, calling a user-defined callback for each row. It can be used for non-fetching queries, but SQLite3.exec() and SQLite3.execMulti() are easier for the simple cases (but each() is handy when the SQL requires bound values).

The main advantage to using this function over explicitly preparing statements is that if the callback throws, C-level code takes care of cleaning up the statement, as opposed to script-side code having to catch the exception and finalize() the statement.


  sql: "SQL CODE", // required: Buffer or String (eval=>X and heredocs are useful for this)
  bind: X, // optional: parameter value or array/tuple/object of values to bind
  mode: 'o' | 't' | 'a', // optional: rows as (o)bjects, (a)rrays, (t)uples (default).
       //^^^^ these letters are case-INsensitive.
  each: string | function | array // optional: eval'd/call()ed/appended to for each row

Only the sql property is required, and bind must be set if the SQL contains any binding placeholders (see the SQLite3.Stmt.bind() method for details). If the bind member is an array, tuple, or object, it is bound as such (to map to an arbitrary number of binding placeholders), otherwise it is assumed to be a single value for a single bound parameter. Note that non-fetching queries can also be used but will not cause the callback to be triggered (so it need not be specified).

In the scope of the callback, this will resolve to the current row data, either in object or array form (depending on the 'mode' property). The callback may be any of:

If the callback throws, that exception is propagated. If it returns a literal false (as opposed to another falsy value) then iteration stops without an error. This can be used, e.g. to implement a row limit without including a LIMIT in the SQL clause.

In the context of the callback function/script, the following scope-local variables are set:

Trivia: columnNames gets defined only once for all calls to the callback, whereas this and rowNumber necessarily get redefined (and quite possibly recycled) for each row.

Example each() callbacks:

 (1===rowNumber) && print(columnNames);
 print(this.0, this.1); // array/tuple-mode column access
 // a function with the same effect, but for mode='o' (Objects)
 (1===rowNumber) && print(columnNames);
 print(this.colA, this.colB); // object-mode column access

(The string form is more efficient because it avoids the not-inconsiderable script function call overhead, but the function form is generally easier to work with.)

Note that each time the callback is called, the this value is reset to a new object/array, so the caller may collect rows by appending this to an array.

Sidebar: profiling has shown that if the caller does not retain a reference to 'this', the row list/object will be cleaned up and recycled for the next row, so it effectively (assuming recycling is enabled) costs the same amount of memory whether we create a new object/array for each iteration or reuse a single object/array for all iterations. The latter, however, makes it more difficult (and non-intuitive) for the client to collect a series of rows into a container for later use because he would have to copy each row. (Someday i'll stop trying to optimize things like that by hand (making sidebars such as this one unnecessary), and will learn to trust the memory manager do what it's there to do.)

Db Transactions

It is often useful to wrap db operations in transactions. Though sqlite does not natively support nested transactions, this API adds a layer of pseudo-nested transaction support because having it simplifies much of the C-level code [from which this binding originally derived]. Script code may use the begin(), commit(), and rollback() functions to manage transaction. However, using those requires careful attention to exception handling in order to keep the transaction stack level correct (and fatal errors may interfere with that). The simplest/safest approach is to wrap all transaction-level work inside a function call:

myDb.transaction( function(){
  affirm this === myDb; // just for demonstration purposes
  this.exec("update foo set bar=1 where baz is null;");
  ...  // transaction() may recurse:
  // if an exception is thrown or a fatal error triggered, the transaction
  // gets rolled back. If this function returns normally then the transaction
  // is committed.

Note that the API allows these to be nested. If any nested part fails (is rolled back), the whole transaction will be rolled back when the call stack comes back around to the final transaction in the stack. Because s2 unwinds the stack in the face of failed assertions, syntax errors, and the exit/fatal keywords, such exit conditions will also cause a rollback.

Here's an example of how one can detect a rolled back transaction:

if(const err = catch myDb.transaction( … )){
  // Transaction was rolled back (or maybe never started).
  // err is a normal Exception object.

Achtung: Avoid ON CONFLICT ROLLBACK Clauses

Reminder to self (and anyone who's listening): it turns out that using an ON CONFLICT ROLLBACK clause in a CREATE TABLE's constraints can mis-interact with our transaction level management, whereas ON CONFLICT ABORT (the default constraint handler) behaves how we'd like. It's not clear how/whether we can consolidate our pseudo-nested transactions with the ROLLBACK handler.

Specifically, the ROLLBACK conflict handler resets sqlite3's view of the transaction state, while this plugin is potentially still under the impression that a transaction is active. After the conflict handler has triggered, the next UPDATE/INSERT from client-side code will (at the level of this plugin) think it's in a transaction. but sqlite has left the transaction and is now running in auto-commit mode. That, in turn, causes this plugin's sanity check for "is COMMIT called during a transaction?" to trigger. That condition is normally very much a no-no because the plugin cannot keep track of its transaction levels if the SQL COMMIT command is used by client code, so COMMIT being called will cause this plugin to complain (it used to trigger a C assert, but as of 20191108 it triggers an s2-level exception).

This case appears when using transactions, a constraint handler is triggered, and the client code catches that exception and continues processing the transaction. Hypothetically, that only happens in test code, where an outer transaction is used to prevent changes to a database, where an inner transaction fails as part of a negative test, is caught by an exception handler, and the testing continues. In practice, continuing like that wouldn't normally happen outside of test code.

Achtung: Do Not Combine transaction() with begin()/commit()/rollback()

It might seem reasonable to roll back a transaction with something like:

  if(isDryRunMode) this.rollback();

That will, however, cause transaction()'s idea of the transaction state to get mismatched. In short, commit() and rollback() must never be called unless there was a prior call to begin().

The "correct" way to roll back a transaction() call without triggering an error is demonstrated in the following section...

Implementing Dry-Run Mode

A fairly common requirement in db-using s2 scripts is a "dry-run mode," in which all db-related operations are performed for test purposes but are rolled back rather than being allowed to persist.

That is trivial to implement by following this pattern:

const ex = catch myDb.transaction(proc(){
  if(isDryRunMode) throw this;
affirm ex /* we're expecting an exception! */;
(ex.message===myDb) || throw ex; // an unexpected exception
// Else we aborted the transaction due to our app's dry-run mode.

That is, throw some well-known value from the transaction() callback and check to see if that value is the exception's message property. In this example we simply throw the db handle because it's conveniently in reach.

User-defined Functions (UDFs)

EXPERIMENTAL: the API works, but the aggregate-handling conventions are still up for change.

SQLite3 allows clients to bind C code to SQL functions, such that calling those functions from SQL calls client-defined C code. In sqlite parlance these are called User-Defined Functions, or UDFs. This s2 binding allows the same, allowing both script-defined functions and script-bound native functions to be used as UDFs.

UDFs come in two forms: scalar functions and aggregate functions. Scalar functions evaluate some inputs (or take no arguments) and return a value (possibly null). Aggregate functions are intended to inspect data over multiple rows and return a result only after all rows are traversed.

Aggregates conceptually have 2 functions: a so-called step function (called for each row) and a final function (called once, at the end). This interface packs them into one function, but it sets a flag on the callback instance for the "final" aggregation call so that the callback can determine which mode to run in. This flag convention means that recursive UDFs likely won't work, but that does not seem like too onerous of a limitation (and if it is, we'll find another mechanism).

Creating a normal function:

const f = proc(){ var rc = 0; foreach(@argv=>v) rc +=v; return rc};
myDb.createUDF('myfunc', f );

// or:

myDb.createUDF('myfunc', false, f ); // 2nd arg: is aggregate (true) or not (false)

Note that no validation is done on UDF argument counts or types: this binding will pass on up to some internal hard-coded limit of arguments and will convert SQL types to/from their closest cwal counterpart.

The scalar function created above can be used like:

assert 3 === myDb.selectValue("select myfunc(1,2)");

Creating an aggregate function requires that we pass a truthy value as the 2nd parameter:

myDb.createUDF('myaggr', true, proc(/*args*/) {
  if($udfFinal){ // the "final" call
    // gather and reset our accumulated data:
    const rc = store.result;
    store.result = 0;
    return rc;
  }  // else it's a normal call: accumulate or do whatever we need to do...
  foreach(@argv=>v) store.result +=  v;
} using { /* place to accumulate results */ store: { result: 0 } } );

The call()-local $udfFinal variable is set to true on the final call of an aggregate callback and false for all other calls (also for scalar UDFs (because the plugin can't distinguish between scalar and non-final aggregate calls without extra infrastructure)).

Any state used by the aggregate should be reset in the "final" call so that the next time the aggregate is used it has a clean working state. When creating an aggregate with non-trivial state, it may be necessary to either initialize the callback's state via withThis(), importSymbols()/using, or to check for its existence in the callback and initialize it as needed. An aggregate which may throw/propagate an exception should clean up the state before throwing, as the framework will not make the "final" aggregate call if it throws during a non-final call. (Reminder to self: we may want to consider adding a "first" function to this API, which the library would call before the aggregate is called the first time (for each given DB-side invocation) so that any initialization could be done there/then.

Aggregates are used like:

myDb.selectValue("select myaggr(a) from t");

Trivia (select myaggr(*) from t) will result in each call being passed no arguments. That's just how sqlite does it.

Parameters and result values are converted from SQL to script-space as needed, and such conversions should "just work", so long as no exotic data typing is going on. Results values which cannot be converted to SQL (e.g. Functions) will be converted to SQL NULL (as is the undefined value).

createUDF() has another call form which is simpler to use for more advanced cases but requires slightly more code for the simpler cases shown so far:

myDb.createUDF( 'name', {
  deterministic: true, // default==false
  aggregate: false, // default==false
  step: proc() { … } // the UDF callback
} );

The deterministic flag is described below...

Deterministic vs. Non-Deterministic UDFs

Most UDFs always return the same values for the same inputs, and are thus said to be deterministic. sqlite allows clients to tell it that functions are deterministic so that it can better optimize out calls to them, but by default it pessimistically assumes that functions are nondeterministic (while the documentation recommends flagging functions as deterministic whenever possible). Likewise, UDFs bound with this API are not flagged as deterministic by default. To enable it, use the createUDF() form which takes a configuration object as its 2nd parameter, and set the config object's "deterministic" property to true before passing it to createUDF(). That property is only inspected when the UDF is initialized. This approach is demonstrated above. Optionally, the "deterministic" flag may be set on the callback instance itself, but that flag is only checked when createUDF() is called with no configuration object.

Example of setting the deterministic flag on the callback:

myDb.createUDF('myAggregate', true, proc agg(){
    if($udfFinal) { … final call … }    else { … }
    this.deterministic = true;
    // aggregation state can also be initialized here

But that can be done more simply using createUDF()'s object form:

myDb.createUDF( 'name', {
  deterministic: true,
  step: proc() { … } // the UDF callback
} );

UDF Notes, Caveats, and Limitations

  1. The aggregate API conventions are up for reconsideration. i'm not all that happy with having some magically-named local variable, but no better option currently comes to mind (other than splitting the step/final methods into two functions).

  2. Error reporting: s2/cwal-level errors triggered from UDFs are reported via an sqlite3-level error and also continue to propagate via the s2 engine. This means that errors (e.g. exceptions thrown) in UDFs will be reported to the user in an intuitive manner (the routine running the SQL in question will propagate it). It also means, however, that exit-causing conditions, syntax errors, and keywords like assert and exit, when triggered from UDF code, propagate as well, and will end the current script.

  3. Accumulating data for aggregates: where it is accumulated is your business. Storing it in the function instance sounds reasonable, mostly, but in such cases the data's owning scope will be the scope which owns the db handle (as the db stores UDFs in a container-like fashion (necessarily, for lifetime purposes)). Because SQL-type results won't participate in cycles, though, they are not subject to any "GC deathtraps", so their owning scope is largely irrelevant.

  4. Overwriting functions (creating the same-named UDF twice) does not work properly: for some reason, sqlite is keeping the old callback pointer, which has been killed off via GC at the point, leading to it stepping on a stale pointer when the UDF is called. Not sure why this is happening. Because of that, createUDF() will throw an exception if the same name (case-insensitive) is used more than once. UDFs live as long as the database they're added to (longer if a longer-lived reference is held elsewhere).

  5. Case-sensitivity: this function internally treats names case-insensitively (it has to cache them for lifetime purposes), and SQL function calls are case-insensitive as well.

  6. As is always the case in s2, a function called without a this will be its own this in the context of any calls to it. i.e. in a UDF callback, this will be the callback itself. We might want to reconsider that and bind the db handle as this.

SQLite3.Stmt Class

The Stmt class represents SQL prepared statements. Statement instances are created calling SQLite3.prepare() on an opened database, but convenience APIs like SQLite3.each() exist so that client code does not need to touch Statement handles directly for most simply db uses.

ACHTUNG: When using prepared statements, it is important to call their finalize() method (or otherwise let the statement go out of scope and be garbage collected) before the underlying db handle is closed, or results are undefined. (Potential TODO: add a weak ref from the statement handles to their dbs. In practice this has never been a problem, but cleanup ordering could hypothetically lead to one if client code does not finalize statements.) If destruction ordering is left solely to the garbage collector, and the statements live in the same scope as the database, their destruction order is undefined, so be sure to finalize() statements. It is highly recommended that one use the SQLite3.each() function, when possible, to avoid having to manage statement handles.

Stmt Member Functions

This class has no "static" methods, only methods usable on instances created via SQLite3.prepare().

Stmt bind(integer oneBasedColumn [, Value = null])

Binds a value to the given 1-based parameter index. Numbers and strings are handled "as expected." Booleans are treated as numbers 0 and 1. null and undefined are both treated as SQL NULL. Buffers are bound as blobs, not strings. Potential TODO: allow binding of enum entries via their .value part?

Stmt bind(Array|Tuple)

A convenience form of bind() which binds all values from the array to their associated bound parameter slots. Note that while bind indexes are 1-based, the array's/tuple's contents are 0-based.

Stmt bind(Object)

Binds named parameters. The object parameter's property keys must match the SQL bound parameter names identically, including the prefix :, $, or @ character, but also note that $ is a legal s2 identifier character and need not be quoted. e.g. stmt.bind({":foo":1, "@bar": 2.0, $baz: 'three'}), making the dollar prefix slightly simpler to use for this purpose. Literal integer keys are treated as 1-based parameter indexes, so binding the object {1:x, 2:y} and the array [x,y] are equivalent for SQL with two unnamed SQL parameter placeholders (a literal question mark or ?N, where N is a 1-based parameter index).

Stmt bind(undefined)

Is a special case to simplify some higher-level convenience routines which might or might not (depending on local conditions) want to pass a parameter to bind. Passing undefined has no effect - the argument is simply ignored and this function becomes a no-op.

Stmt clearBindings()

Clears all bind()'d values. Returns this object.

Stmt each(function callback)

Steps through this statement's result set and calls the given callback for each row. In the callback this is the Stmt object. If the callback returns a literal false (as opposed to a different falsy value), iteration stops immediately without an error. Returns this object. The callback can use this.get(), this.rowToArray(), or similar routines to fetch the current row's values. The callback must not call routines which modify the statement cursor, e.g. step(), exec(), or finalize().

Stmt exec([bind params…])

bind()s the given parameter(s) (if any), step()s the statement one time, reset()s it, and returns this object. Its bind parameters may be an Object of key/value mappings, an Array/Tuple of positional parameters, or a list of non-Object/Array/Tuple values to bind to the parameter index corresponding to their position in the argument list. e.g. exec(1,2,3) and exec([1,2,3]) are equivalent. Binding- and SQL-execution errors are propagated out. This routine is intended to simplify Statement management for some cases, e.g.:

db.prepare("insert into t(a,b) values(?,?)").exec(1,2).exec(3,4).finalize()

Potential TODO: if passed multiple arrays or objects, exec() it one time for each such parameter. e.g. the above example could then use exec([1,2], [3,4]).

void finalize()

Frees all resources associated with the statement. It is critical that clients call this when done with a statement, (A) to avoid wasting resources and (B) so that the database does not misbehave. e.g. it might throw an error if one tries to close it while statements are still opened, and closing statements after the db is closed might step on a stale pointer. This unbinds the underlying native object from the script world and frees it. After calling this, calling any other member functions will trigger an exception (as opposed to stepping on a stale pointer). Scoping and garbage collection will normally ensure that statements are finalized before their owning db, but clients "really, really should" finalize statements themselves whenever possible, to avoid potential downstream errors or side-effects. If statements are stored solely as local variables, and not properties of longer-lived objects, then scoping and refcounting will reliably take care of finalizing them. See this section for examples of how to manage their lifetimes.

mixed get(integer zeroBasedColumn)

Returns the value of the given 0-based result column index. It is illegal to call this function unless step() (or equivalent) has returned true (or equivalent) to indicate that it has fetched a row of data. The type of the returned data depends on the underlying db view of the data - the closest-matching s2 data type is used. Note that it is legal to use this in conjunction with stepArray() and stepObject(), but those functions basically obviate this one for many use cases.

Stmt reset([bool resetCounter=false])

Resets the statement so that it can be executed again. If passed a truthy value it also resets the current row counter, otherwise it does not. Does script code even have access to the row counter? Apparently not. Potential TODO: if passed true, also call clearBindings() instead of resetting the (unused) row counter.

Array rowToArray()

Returns the values of all columns of the current row as a new Array. It is illegal to call this unless step() (or equivalent) has returned true (or equivalent). See also: stepArray().

Tuple rowToTuple()

Works just like rowToArray() but returns a Tuple. See also: stepTuple().

Object rowToObject()

Returns the values of all columns of the current row as a new Object. It is illegal to call this unless step() (or equivalent) has returned true (or equivalent). See stepObject() for important details. Remember that the order of object properties is unspecified, and the order of the returned object's properties will not (or will only coincidentally) match the order of columns from the db's result set.

bool step()

"Steps" the cursor one time and returns true if the statement has a row of data, else false. Throws on error. Returns false for non-fetching statements like INSERT or DELETE.

Array stepArray()

Similar to step(), but if it fetches a row, it returns the row's contents as a new Array value. Returns a falsy value at the end of the result set. Unlike stepObject(), array entries are guaranteed to be in the same order as the result columns.

Object stepObject()

Similar to step(), but if it fetches a row, it returns the row's contents as a new Object value. Returns a falsy value at the end of the result set. Remember that the order of the fields in s2 Objects is unspecified (and can potentially change at runtime), so the field order matching the column name order would be a pure coincidence (unless there is only one result column, of course ;).

Tuple stepTuple()

Works just like stepArray() but returns the list as a Tuple value.

Non-function Members

The following non-function members are set on each new Stmt instance:

Managing Stmt Lifetimes

As mentioned several times already, prepared statements must be finalized (or destroyed by GC) before their owning db is closed, or results are undefined (possibly a crash). So long as statements only exist in newer scopes than the db was opened in, and never propagated out of those scopes, this is never a problem. When in doubt, wrap a statement up in a distinct scope (or in a catch block):

const db = ….;
scope {
  const stmt = db.prepare(...);
  // At the end of this scope, if stmt is not somehow propagated
  // out, it will be finalize()'d during GC.
  ; // an extra semicolon (empty expr.) ensures that nothing propagates out.
// db is still opened here or an exception propagated and we never
// reached this point.

Alternately, but arguably less readable:

var stmt, ex = catch{
  stmt = db.prepare(...);
stmt && stmt.finalize();
// or, more simply, unsetting it will also finalize it IF there are no
// more references to it:
unset stmt;
// An explicit finalize() does the job even if other refs are active, though.
ex ? throw ex : unset ex;
// … else continue …

Calling finalize() (or GC-induced destruction) disconnects a script-side Statement from its C-side bits, and calling any further C-bound methods on the Statement afterwards will trigger an exception (as opposed to stepping on stale C-level data). Thus an explicit call to finalize is always safest in cases where references to statements might be held beyond the scope they are initialize created in. If the statement bubbles up the scope ownership chain (as distinct from script-visibility purposes) to the same depth as (or an older scope than) its owning db, there's a very real danger of automatic finalization (at GC-time) being run too late. Using the patterns demonstrated above (or equivalent) are strongly recommended in order to keep that from happening. Or prefer to use SQLite3.each() for SELECT-style queries instead, as it takes care of that statement management.

Misc. Tips and Tricks

Practice has revealed some useful tips and tricks for this plugin...

DB Initialization Wrappers

In non-trivial scripts it's often useful to have a function which, when called, returns the app-wide shared database handle and opens the db the first time it's called. e.g.:

myApp.db = proc x(){
  x.$ && return x.$;
  affirm typeinfo(isobject this.sqlite3);
  return x.$ = new this.sqlite3(this.config.dbFile,'r');

That can be encapsulated in a generic function which creates such wrappers, with something along these lines:

const dbAccessor = proc(config) using{S:sqlite3}{
  affirm typeinfo(iscontainer config);
  affirm typeinfo(isstring config.dbFile);
  return proc f() using{S, C:config}{
    return f.$ |||
        (f.$ = new S(C.dbFile, C.dbOpenFlags|||'w'));

(Got all that?)

Which would be used like:

const myApp = { config: {dbFile: '/path/to/my.db' ... } ... };
myApp.db = dbAccessor(myApp.config);

It's a simple matter to extend that to accept some SQL code which gets executed when the db is opened, e.g. to enable a certain pragma (e.g. to turn on foreign keys). At its most basic, the constructor call might be changed to something like:

new S(C.dbFile, C.dbOpenFlags|||'w').execMulti(C.dbOpenSql ||| 'select 1')

But a more "complete" solution might offer a choice of initializing the db using either SQL or a callback function by setting a dbInit property in the configuration object to either a string/buffer (SQL) or a callback function:

const dbAccessor = proc(config) using{S:sqlite3}{
   affirm typeinfo(iscontainer config);
   affirm typeinfo(isstring config.dbFile);
   return proc f() using{S,C:config}{
       f.$ && return f.$;
       const d = new S(C.dbFile, C.dbOpenFlags|||'w');
       if(typeinfo(isstring C.dbInit)
          || typeinfo(isbuffer C.dbInit)) d.execMulti(C.dbInit);
       else if(typeinfo(iscallable C.dbInit)) C.dbInit(d);
       return f.$ = d;

Dynamically Replacing Methods with Transaction-capable Versions

Use case: we have a class which has multiple methods which we would like to work within transactions, but we don't want to have to wrap all of their code up in a transaction() call. Here's a simple way to do it…

For this to work well we need a function which returns our database handle. Assume, for purposes of this example, that we have such a function and it looks something like this:

const db = proc x() using{S:theSqlite3Module, C:myConfigObject}{
  return x.$ ||| (x.$ =, C.dbOpenFlags|||"w"));

That function opens its database, using the file specified in a configuration object, the first time the function is called, and returns that database object on each call.

With that in place, we can then create a function which transparently converts arbitrary other functions into db().transaction() callbacks:

  Returns a new function which wraps function f in a call to
  db().transaction(...). All arguments passed to the replacement
  function are passed on to the original function, and its "this" is
  applied to wrapped function. The replacement function returns
  the same thing as f.
const transFunction = proc(f){
   affirm typeinfo(isfunction f);
   return proc() using{f,F,db} {
       var r, t=this, a=argv;
       return r;
} using{db, F:proc(){r=f.apply(t, a)}};

(Got all that?)

So, for example, if we have a class which uses our db()-provided database handle and has a save() method, we could transactionalize that method with: MyClass.method = transFunction(MyClass.method). Then future calls to that method would automatically wrap up the save() logic in a transaction (or take part in a pseudo-nested transaction).

SQLite3 Utility Modules for require.s2

This module sees heavy use in my websites, and several require.s2 modules have been created for use with it: /dir/s2/require.d/sqlite3?ci=trunk