
s2: Internals

s2: Internals

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More than Anyone Needs to Know about s2 Internals

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Input and Output

The cwal engine defines a set of output APIs which get funnelled through an output function specified by the client during engine setup. Thus the application which sets up the engine specifies where a given cwal engine instance's "standard output" will go. Applications using C-level APIs like printf() and puts() do not go through this channel. Script bindings "should," if they need to generate console-style output, use the cwal_output() family of functions, which includes printf()-like variants. While the output channel is typically used for console output, it could just as easily be redirected to a GUI widget, a file, a buffer, or be discarded altogether (see the output buffering API).

Neither cwal nor s2 define any input channels, except for s2's basic APIs for loading file content. cwal does specify the cwal_input_f() interface, which is used by several APIs which stream input from arbitrary sources, but s2 currently makes no direct use of them other than via its few APIs which specifically read files

Tokenization and Evaluation

s2 uses the following distinct pieces to evaluate script code:

  1. libcwal provides the base Value and memory management subsystems, including the memory lifetime rules.
  2. A string tokenizer splits the inputs into atomic components like identifiers, numeric literals, strings, operators, etc. This is part of s2, not the core libcwal.
  3. An evaluation loop uses the tokenizer to stream tokens until EOF or an error is triggered. The evaluation loop manages anything having to do with syntax evaluation and handling of keywords. Values and operators parsed from that are pushed into...
  4. A stack machine, which is used to manage operator evaluation order and process the operators, which, in turn, apply themselves to the operands on the stack. The stack machine's API cannot see the tokenizer's API, which leads to some internally fudgery to propagate error location information when an operator triggers an error (as opposed to the parser doing so), because the stack machine does not (directly) have access to the script being executed (OTOH, it is capable of being used with arbitrary input source). Internally we use independent sub-stacks for each full expression (or subexpression), which makes it impossible for a subexpression to impact the stack of its pending LHS and allows the machine to recover from errors easily. By simply discarding a sub-stack (which happens regardless of success or error, anyway!), we return to our last known-good point in the parser/stack machine combination. This separation of stacks is done on the stack (as it were), and costs no more memory than a single master stack would, while being internally easier to manage because we have no danger of messing up the stack beyond the current (sub)expression.

Tokenization is really a two-step process: first comes a low-level tokenizer which knows how to handle individual, atomic script symbols, e.g. operators, quoted strings (not yet unescaped), identifiers, comment blocks, and numeric literals. (This tokenizer is lower-level because it derives from a tokenizer used by several other projects over the years, and is largely language-agnostic.) Then comes a second, s2-specific tokenizer which skips over "noise" tokens (comments and spaces) and compounds certain types of lower-level tokens into larger tokens. Examples include (parenthesis groups), [brace groups], {script blocks}, and heredocs (which look like {script blocks} to the evaluation engine, for historical reasons). Once this tokenizer is done with block-level tokens, the evaluation engine sees them as a single token with opaque contents. During evaluation, most such "compound" tokens get evaluated recursively (with regards to the current expression) and resolve to a single value.

The evaluation engine loops over the 2nd-level tokenizer's outputs, converting it into a series of operators and their operands (cwal Values). At certain points (depending on operator precedence, subexpressions, and other internals), it processes any pending operators waiting in the stack machine. Keywords are, for the most part, basically parser-level operators which resolve to a single value. Most do not directly go through the stack machine, except to evaluate any arguments, and most resolve to values. Some get translated into operators for evaluation at a later point, and some (like fatal and throw) trigger an error, some of which (e.g. return, break, continue, and exit) are handled at various points in the evaluation process. e.g. only loops handle (stop propagation of) the break and continue "errors".

The engine supports a "skip mode," which tells it to run through code as if it normally would, but to (A) consume as much as would be optimal for a given expression and (B) to have essentially no side-effects while doing so. e.g. it does not allocate new values in this mode, does not call script-callable functions, and uses the undefined value as a result for all expressions. This feature is the basis of short-circuiting, as it allows us to walk over the syntax without triggering any effects associated with that code. As an example: (0 && print(1,2,3)) will short-circuit the RHS by entering skip mode before traversing over 'print'. Because the RHS of 'print' is a '(', it normally looks like a function call. Because skip mode does not resolve identifiers, skip mode assumes that anything which could be a function call is a function call (that's the "optimal consumption" rule), and walks over it without calling it or processing its arguments. Skip mode can also be used to determine if a given input is syntactically valid without actually evaluating the code. Skip mode is also used internally to avoid processing of (while still tokenizing) default values of function parameters when a caller provides an argument for that parameter.

The core of s2 evaluates only single expressions. s2_eval_cstr() and friends build atop that to keep evaluating expressions until an error or the end of their script. Much of the lifetime management magic happens via those routines, as they are tasked with both keeping one pending expression's worth of results alive while also cleaning up anything which isn't needed, and handling that conflict of interests is not as straightforward as it might initially sound (that said, the (eventual!) solution turned out to fit quite nicely and led to improvements in cwal's core).

cwal's Lifetime Model in a Nutshell

cwal, s2's core engine, is, in a nutshell, a memory manager aimed at scripting languages. To that end, it provides APIs for creating and managing abstract Values (numbers, object, etc.), and cwal makes sure those can get cleaned up if the client fails to do so.

cwal's Value lifetime model is fundamentally very simple, and is summarized in this list:

That's the basis of the lifetime model, with the rest of cwal building off of the properties described above. There are exceptions and "fine print" to some of the details, but the overall model derives from the properties described the above list, as well as some properties implied by the above. e.g. the rules combined imply that it is impossible for any values in a Scope to be referenced by values owned by older Scopes, and the engine relies on that being the case (meaning it requires that to be the case for proper functioning). Generally this moving-about of values between scopes happens automatically as part of its normally inner workings, but higher-level bindings (s2 or client code) need to tell it to up-scope a Value in certain use cases. This is needed less often at the client level, and is mostly seen at the s2 level or the part of the app which initializes and reacts to the s2 engine (as opposed to code which gets triggered via scripts, which essentially never has need for dealing with scopes (and scoping issues) directly).

Garbage Collection

s2 uses libcwal's core garbage collection mechanism, meaning basically:

"Sweeping" and "vacuuming" are mechanisms the cwal engine provides to reap "abandoned" values. These algorithms apply only to the current scope, which is, by API rules, always the newest scope on the stack. Sweeping cleans up "temporary" values - those with a refcount of 0 and which have not otherwise been destroyed (most get destroyed as soon as they reach 0). Vacuuming cleans up not only temporaries, but all values in the current scope which are not reachable from script code and not otherwise protected from vacuuming (via cwal_value_make_vacuum_safe() or via containment in (or via) a vacuum-safe container). Trivia: Vacuum-safe values do not get unusual lifetimes or additional references, they are simply made immune to being vacuumed up (but not immune to sweeping). Vacuum-proofing as a feature was necessary to keep internal-use Values (with no direct script-visible reference) from being vacuumed up (examples include, but are not limited to, the core-most Value prototypes).

To the core cwal-level features, s2 adds a mechanism for figuring out (or, more correctly, specifying) when it is safe to sweep up temporary values in the current scope, and sweeps up and/or vacuums at a regular (configurable) interval (measured in full expressions, as it's never safe for s2 to sweep a given scope in mid-expression (due largely to our internal (mis-)use of temporaries)).

At its most aggressive, s2 will sweep or vacuum the current scope after every complete expression2. At certain points during evaluation, it toggles sweeping or vacuuming off in order to keep an in-progress expression from being swept up, but never for longer than it needs to. An alternative approach would be to explicitly add references to all of our temporaries, but it gets very cumbersome to make sure we unref them all at the proper times. It also doesn't solve the problem of a vacuum cleaning up expression-pending values (which are not visible from script code, and therefore subject to vacuuming). The current mechanism, it would seem, is easier to implement, and keeps all values kosher vis-a-vis sweeping and vacuuming (but implicitly prohibits ever running a recursive sweep across multiple scopes and requires one to be extra-careful in places where client-side callbacks can potentially interfere with one's understanding of the current values' lifetimes).

One notable caveat is that sweeping and vacuuming are only safe (when they're safe at all) to do on the current scope. It cannot be safely called recursively up the scope stack because doing so may inadvertently pull values out from under native-level code lower down in the scope stack which is currently managing non-script-visible Values. The only way to eliminate that risk is for all native-level code which might recurse into the script world ensure that all of its own values are vacuum-safe, and that would a relatively invasive requirement to impose (and easy to forget, leading to mysterious lifetime-related crashes at unpredictable points downstream).

The core lifetime model, combined with sweeping and vacuuming ensure that, except in pathological cases which so far are mostly hypothetical (but could trivially be constructed, potentially unintentionally), script-created values get cleaned up as quickly as is feasible (i.e. safe), making their memory available for recycling. Recycling turns allocation of most subsequent values into an O(1) operation3, and the sizes of the recycling pools are configurable on a per-base-type basis (with default sizes based on prior experience). Experience with th1ish and s2 have shown recycling to cut the number of allocations by well over 90% for any appreciably-sized scripts. The larger the scripts, the better it generally performs. IIRC, the best i've seen is somewhere just over 98% of allocations saved via recycling, but a long loop which creates lots of numbers (e.g. loop control variables) can easily skew those results because the memory used for loop-local variables will get continually recycled upon each iteration of the loop. Scripts which never use loops may never even reach a mere 50% savings, but (unless recycling is off) they'll still see some (possibly notable) benefit from it.

Chunk Recycler

cwal internally manages a generic memory chunk recycler which is used by buffers, arrays, and hashtables when an empty instance needs to allocate memory for its underlying storage. This recycler requires no dynamic memory of its own - it uses the space inside recycled memory to manage the chunks. It has a client-configurable peak size and has an O(N) search component (N is the number of memory chunks being recycled), but the N is kept relatively small via internal optimizations (and there is another optimization on the drawing board (reminder to self: group them into an array, grouping on, e.g. length / sizeof(void*), or some similar algorithm).

In principle the engine can put any internally discarded memory into the chunk recycler. Most value types use a more specialized recycler which guarantees O(1) performance, so this recycler is not used for Values (by default, though it can optionally be used as a fallback if the value recycler is full or disabled). Some string memory (that which is considered too large for the dedicated string recycler) also goes into this recycler, which means s2 will be able to recycle more function body memory.

Initial tests show the chunk-based allocator to perform marginally better than the prior mechanism, saving approximately 6% of allocations in the amalgamated s2 unit tests.

Here are some numbers gleaned from a 64-bit build on 20141216 using the amalgamated s2 unit tests as input (~1900 lines of script code), pasted from the cwal metrics dump:

Chunk recycler capacity=35 chunks, 262144 bytes.
Chunk requests: 2404, Comparisons: 2362, Misses: 70,
  Smallest chunk: 48 bytes, Largest: 472 bytes
Reused 2334 chunk(s) totaling 264543 byte(s),
  with peaks of 14 chunk(s) and 3050 byte(s).
Running averages: chunk size: 63, response size: 72
Currently contains 12 chunk(s) totaling 2828 byte(s).
Current chunk sizes (ascending): 48, 129, 161, 161, 224, 232, 232, 280,
  288, 297, 304, 472

The interesting part is really the request count vs. comparisons and misses. Firstly, the delta between the request count and comparison count is less than 3%, meaning search time is being kept low (much lower than its O(N) element would imply). The entries are kept sorted by size, and the API provides for a hint to specify whether a larger buffer (and what magnitude larger) may serve the request, allowing it to stop searching more quickly when it knows it cannot find a suitable match. Secondly, roughly 97% of the requests for memory from the chunk recycler result in memory being reused (in his example - that is not a generic blanket statement). However, the recycler does not know if the downstream client might immediately need to realloc it, so a realloc() of the memory might follow. Over time the chunk recycler can be improved via better hinting, such that it can help better serve requests where a pending realloc() of the memory is likely or certain.

String Padding

When cwal allocates a String value, it pads its length (internally) up to a common denominator. Testing has led to a current padding value of 8 bytes. That means a length-1 string and a length-8 string both internally take up the same amount of memory (cwal stores theirs size and adds a NUL byte to them, as well). The reason for the padding (initially an experiment) was to allow string recycling to be able to perform better than its same-length-only recycler could. Perhaps non-intuitively, this padding turns out to save both allocations and total memory because it allows the recycler to perform (best case) padding-size (==8) times better than an exact-match-only recycler can. To malloc-conscious readers, the moral of this trivia lesson is that oft-used/reused strings might be slightly more efficient (mainly in loops) if their sizes, including the (invisible to client code) internal padding, are a common multiple of that padding value. Why? Because it allows the recycler to serve more requests with less size-comparing if "looping" requests can keep re-serving the same-sized chunks which the GC just fed it at the end of a loop iteration. (More trivia: deep, deep in cwal, the padding is only observed in two places: the string allocator and the recycler. Everyone else (including s2) uses the string's "public" length, as the padding is an internal recycling detail.)

Pedantic side-note: the above does not apply to X-strings and Z-strings, as their memory comes from "elsewhere." Neither scripts nor C code (outside of cwal's internals) can differentiate between "normal" strings, X-strings, and Z-strings after they are constructed, but construction requires using one of their constructors, each of which has very different memory ownership semantics.

String Interning

If cwal's optional "string interning" feature is enabled4, cwal/s2 will automatically re-use (some) strings which are instantiated 2+ times concurrently (basically meaning, "in the same active call stack"). This does not extend the lifetime of string, but it does note each currently active string in its "interning table," a cwal-internal hash table-like construct optimized for low allocation counts and O(1) search speed. When a given string is used in two subsequent scopes which are not in the same active call stack chain, it might clean up the string between scopes (if there are no references to it), but in a given call stack, many in-use strings (including most identifiers) will be in the interning table, and using those strings in script code will not require multiple allocations. For example:

var s = "hi"; // gets interned here (if enabled)
var x = "hi"; // will see the existing instance and re-use it.

Once those go out of scope, "hi" will be cleaned up unless it was initially re-used from a higher-up (older) scope. If those two strings are used in different scopes run one after another, but not in the same call stack, the first instance would have been cleaned up by the time the second was requested, in which case cwal will take the memory back from the recycle bin or (if needed) allocate a new one.

Here's a simple demonstration from s2sh:

// without interning...
s2sh> s2.dumpVal("hi","hi")
s2_cb_dump_val():434: dump_val:
string@0x26da900[scope=#2@0x7fff1561e6a0 ref#=1] ==> "hi"
s2_cb_dump_val():434: dump_val:
string@0x26da950[scope=#2@0x7fff1561e6a0 ref#=1] ==> "hi"

// and now with interning (in a different session)...
s2sh> s2.dumpVal("hi","hi")
s2_cb_dump_val():434: dump_val:
string@0x1867e30[scope=#2@0x7fffdf620090 ref#=2] ==> "hi"
s2_cb_dump_val():434: dump_val:
string@0x1867e30[scope=#2@0x7fffdf620090 ref#=2] ==> "hi"

That's essentially all one needs to know about it, but note that it also applies to non-keyword identifiers as well as quoted strings (within the limits explained below).

Whether or not any given string is "internable" at all is determined by a (C-client customizable) predicate function provided to cwal by its client application (s2sh, in this case). s2sh only interns identifier-like strings under a certain (unspecified) maximum length, or any (byte-)-length-1 string, regardless of its contents (because it's common to have \n and similar, as well as single-letter identifiers, in script code). (In the meantime, length-1 ASCII strings are normally (depending on build-time configuration) built-in constants.)

String interning tends to benefit most in longer scripts, especially those which do any significant amount of looping. It costs a bit of peak/total memory (anywhere from 2-20kb, depending on many factors), but generally reduces total allocation counts by a small amount (a few percentage points for most scripts). Interestingly, it generally provides a more notable boost, in terms of percentages, if recycling is disabled (savings of just over 25% have been seen in the s2 unit tests).

To experiment with the effects of interning when using s2sh, pass the (-S -m -v -v) args (in any order) to the interpreter to (A) enable string interning and (B) dump out lots of metrics at the end, including memory usage, allocation counts, and the entire contents of the string interning table as it stands immediately before shutdown of the global scope (don't expect to see any out-of-scope strings there, as they've already been cleaned up). One can use --S (with two dashes) to explicitly disable string interning if it's enabled by default in a given build (or to supercede a prior -S, sometimes useful in shell-script-based testing).

Memory Usage

Disclosure: most of what follows was written between 2014 and 2016 (and now = Dec. 2019). The core infrastructure costs of s2 have grown a bit since then, but the memory usage patterns described below have not changed significantly. Note that scripts/files linked to in this section may well be very old versions (current at the time these docs were written).

s2's memory usage is, if i may be so bold as to say so, outstandingly low in the general case. It can evaluate many scripts in less memory than the script itself requires, averaging less than 1 allocation per line of code, and can (depending on how one cares to count) average less than 1 allocation per 3-55 lines. These numbers are based on the following...

The resulting memory usage has, for the s2 unit test scripts, consistently been as frugal as described above. The memory usage varies, of course, depending on many factors, but in relatively basic scripts (like the unit test scripts it targets) it performs remarkably well in terms of memory usage and allocation counts. If value recycling is disabled, the allocation counts shoot through the roof, but the peak memory tends to drop by a couple KB because the recycling bins are kept empty.

Here's an example based on the current unit test suite as of this writing (20141129)...

Applying the above-described total cost formula: total allocations (105647) minus script size (60623) minus overhead cost (24216) = 20808 bytes and (1032-overhead=474) = 518 allocations.

If we count the overhead, that's an average of 0.63 allocations per line of script code. If we discount the overhead cost, it's an aggregate of 0.31 allocations per line of script code. In either case, execution of the script requires less dynamic memory than the script itself does.

s2's overhead cost grows as infrastructure is added (global functions, shared class methods, etc.), but the overhead cost is flat for all scripts and can be re-used for any number of scripts in one interpreter session. Even if we count the overhead cost, the total memory usage for the evaluation is less than the size of the input, and still averages less than 1 allocation per line of script code. That is all due to the combination of value recycling and the lifetime management/garbage collection mechanisms. In principle, provided that scripts keep potentially-orphaned cyclic structures from propagating to seldom-visited older scopes (where they cannot be swept resp. vacuumed up until control returns to the scope in question), and do not otherwise indefinitely collect data they no longer use (but still reference), s2 can run a script (again, in principle) forever with some flat peak memory cost.


Sidebar: the majority of cwal's job is pointer tracking, and pointers cost 8 bytes each on 64-bit platforms, compared to 4 bytes on 32-bit platforms like the one used for this test. Because of this, most of the core cwal data types cost notably more on 64-bit platforms. In practice, on average, cwal-related memory (largely pointers) tends to cost roughly around 40-60% more RAM on 64-bit platforms compared to 32-bit. The allocation counts should be close to the same for both, at least as far as the cwal/s2 bits are concerned6.

As an admittedly apples-vs-oranges point of comparison (because engine startup costs are only a very small part of the overall picture), here are the valgrind-generated numbers for running an empty script through various interpreters installed on this machine (32-bit ARM running Linux):

Comparatively speaking, s2 clearly falls into the "low memory usage" category of script interpreters.

Note that startup costs say essentially nothing about runtime allocation behaviour, as startup costs tend to include primarily resources which are global to the script environment, and not subject to cleanup like script-created values are.

How Low Can We Go?

On 20141128 s2sh got a "cleanroom" mode, which sets up the s2 interpreter without any prototype-level infrastructure or global symbols, leaving just "raw s2." The lack of built-in functions makes it not much use as anything other than a glorified calculator, but it works (clients can still create script-side functions, but not having the prototype methods limits them severely). Maybe someday we'll add "levels" of APIs, each level installing the previous level and some additional functionality. e.g. level 1 might be to include prototypes and their methods, level 2 might include the "most important" global functions, and level 3 might be "everything but the kitchen sink." Maybe.

The reason for this feature is to test how much memory the core needs, without the higher-level infrastructure which clients generally need for it.

Let's jump straight to some code. Here's a test script we'll run through clean-room mode:

var a = [1];
for( var i = 0; i < 1000; ) i=a[i%3]++;
for( var i = 0; i < 1000; ) i=a[i%3]++;
for( var i = 0; i < 1000; ) i=a[i%3]++;
for( var i = 0; i < 1000; ) i=a[i%3]++;
a; // script result, so we can output the array

(Notice that we explicitly use the postfix ++ operator, as it historically had problems "letting go" of temporaries which live in higher scopes. We do that to show below that that's no longer a problem.)

We run it like this:

$ ./s2sh --a -cleanroom -f 2.s2 --S -v
verbose: Clean-room mode is enabled: NOT installing globals/prototypes.
result: array@0x7bbc0[scope=#1@0xbebe92dc ref#=0] ==> [

Note that we disabled string interning (with --S) because that's known to take up 2-10kb. We leave the "value recycler" on because the only reason not to is when testing for lifetime-related problems which the recycler often hides or delays (normally when testing new C code). The chunk recycler is left on because it no longer takes up any memory of its own.

Point of reference and maintenance reminder: this code and the numbers below were last updated on 20141205. In 2015 nothing changed (because of extended medical leave), and in 2016/17 not too much changed in terms of memory costs (modulo the "eval holder" added in late 2017, but that doesn't affect the memory costs described here).

On a 64-bit build, valgrind reports:

==10992== HEAP SUMMARY:
==10992== in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==10992== total heap usage: 63 allocs, 63 frees, 7,154 bytes allocated

That's not bad, but … the majority of that memory is going to the system-level setlocale(), not cwal! Valgrind's massif tool tells us that cwal allocated only:

->41.52% (2,770B) 0x44479E: cwal_realloc_f_std (cwal.c:2974)

That was on a 64-bit Intel system. Here's the same on a 32-bit ARM ODroid U3:

==9072== HEAP SUMMARY:
==9072== in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==9072== total heap usage: 66 allocs, 66 frees, 4,018 bytes allocated

And massif tell us that cwal takes only:

->41.45% (1,522B) 0x3AE8A: cwal_realloc_f_std (cwal.c:2974)

With that memory it is reading a small script, running 4 loops of 1000 iterations each, incrementing 4000 entries in 3 cells of an array, and outputting the resulting array in nicely-indented JSON format (full disclosure: the JSON formatting actually happens on the stack and is streamed to its destination, not held in memory).

As a point of comparison: a DOS-style terminal screen (80 columns by 25 lines) has 2000 screen cells, and in the old days, one cell was one byte, if you didn't count colors and other meta-attributes. My current terminal is 185x33, or 6105 cells. i.e. all of the dynamically-allocated memory used in the above demonstration would easily fit in a terminal window.

cwal's internal metrics give us lots of details about where that memory is going. The following dump is from the 32-bit run. The sizeof()s are higher in 64-bit mode but the alloc counts are approximately the same, except that some types are recycled in different bins (due to differing sizeof()), so alloc counts may differ marginally between 32- and 64-bit:

cwal-level allocation metrics:

TypeId/Bin[1]/Name   AllocRequests   Actually allocated count * Value-type sizeof() ==> total bytes from allocator

3   0 integer    14986       6  (000.04%)  * 24 ==> 144
5   1 string     3007        9  (000.30%)  * 24 ==> 345  Incl. string bytes plus NULs
6   4 array      3003        3  (000.10%)  * 44 ==> 132  Not incl. cwal_list memory
7   2 object     6           3  (050.00%)  * 32 ==> 96
8   5 function   4           4  (100.00%)  * 48 ==> 192
11  2 buffer     0           0  (000.00%)  * 32 ==> 201  [2] Incl. total allocated buffer memory and non-Value buffers
12  5 hash       1           1  (100.00%)  * 48 ==> 48   Not incl. cwal_list table memory.
13  8 cwal_scope 3008        0  (000.00%)  * 40 ==> 0    [3]
14  6 cwal_kvp   10          7  (070.00%)  * 16 ==> 112  Key/value pairs (obj. properties/hash entries)
19 -1 cwal_list  0           0  (000.00%)  *  0 ==> 272  Total alloced cwal_list::list memory used by arrays, hashtables, ...

Totals:          21017       33 (000.16%)[1]==> 1542

The recycler moves some bits of memory around, counting them
only once, so do not search for an Absolute Truth in these metrics!

[1] = Types with the same 'bin' value share a recycling bin. A value of -1 indicates
either no recycling or a separate mechanism. "Normal" strings use their own pool,
separate from x-/z-strings, despite the indication otherwise above. The bin numbers
incidentally (almost) correspond to the types' relative sizes.

[2] = % applies to allocation counts, not sizes. The total alloc count does not account
for cwal_buffer::mem (re)allocations, but the total size does. A request/allocation count
of 0 and memory >0 means that only non-Value buffers allocated memory.

[3] = Scopes are always stack allocated and skew the statistics, so only allocated scopes
are counted for totals purposes.

Value/KVP Recycling: 15985 recycled, 33 recycler misses.
Bin #  SlotSize  Capacity  Hits   Misses  Currently holding (recyclable for type(s))
  024       80    9981        6   6     (integer, unique)
  232       30    3           3   2     (object, buffer)
  444       30    3000        3   3     (array)
  548       50    0           5   0     (function, native, hash)
  616       80    3           7   2     (cwal_kvp)
strings:    50    2998        9   3
Currently holding 444 bytes (sans raw string bytes) in 13 slot(s) in 5 bin(s).

Client-reported memory: currently 96 of 96 total reported bytes

Chunk recycler capacity=35 chunks, 262144 bytes.
Chunk requests: 3008, Comparisons: 3000, Misses: 8, Smallest chunk: 24 bytes, Largest: 180 bytes
Reused 3000 chunk(s) totaling 72000 byte(s), with peaks of 3 chunk(s) and 228 byte(s).
Running averages: chunk size: 62, response size: 23
Currently contains 3 chunk(s) totaling 228 byte(s).
Current chunk sizes (ascending):  24, 24, 180

cwal_engine instance appears to have been stack-allocated (not by cwal_engine_init()). sizeof(cwal_engine)=916

Total bytes allocated for metrics-tracked resources: 1638

s2-side metrics:
Peak cwal_scope levels: 4
Peak eval depth: 3
Total s2_stokens (sizeof=16) requested=51040, allocated=6 (=96 bytes), alive=0, peakAlive=6, recyclerSize=6
Total calls to s2_next_token(): 81108
Saved 816544 bytes and 51034 allocs via stack token recycling :D.

Apparently either cwal or massif has a small discrepancy in their accounting, as cwal counts a few more bytes than massif does. It is not uncommon to see such small (1-2kb) differences between values reported by valgrind and massif (a valgrind tool), though, so i'm not going to sweat it.

It only had to allocate 33 values for the whole script, out of 21017 value allocation requests. i.e. only 0.16% of the values used by the script required memory allocation.

All i can say to that is: Holy <expletive> :-D!

Sidebar: the reason for the 3003 array allocations is: one comes from the script, one is from cwal's internals, and one from the evaluation engine. During evaluation it uses an array to keep the pending result value safe from being garbage collected, and that array and its list memory (probably that 180-byte chunk in the chunk recycler) get reused 3000 times. Update 2016-03: that array is no longer needed, due to improvements in vacuum protection in the cwal core, and was factored out. Update 2017-11: a similar array was (re-)added at the scope level, needed in order to handle errant temporaries in certain obscure script constructs. The hope is that can eventually be factored out, but doing so requires some detailed surgery on the stack machine's handling of value references.


  1. ^ "References," in this context, does not specifically mean "to acquire a reference," but explaining the subtleties of the semantics here would take us on a very long tangent!
  2. ^ Such a frequent cleanup is primarily useful in trying to trigger lifetime-related bugs caused by reference mismanagement. For the general case, a sweep interval of 3-5 would seem fairly reasonable, and a vacuum interval of 3-5 also seems (from prior experience with th1ish) reasonable (but also means vacuuming will rarely trigger because most scopes don't run long enough to trigger that, but that's generally okay because scope cleanup is even more thorough than vacuuming).
  3. ^ Potentially O(N) for strings, where N is some relatively small number based on the number of strings in the recycle bin modulo some small padding number. Strings padding is described elsewhere in this document.
  4. ^ When using s2sh: the -S and --S flags turn this on and off, respectively.
  5. ^ 20160303: the best i've measured to date is 1 allocation per 5.4 lines of code (for a given definition of "line of code", of course).
  6. ^ At least one recycling optimization uses sizeof()s which may differ between platforms, potentially causing slight variations in the amount of memory recycled.
  7. ^ HOLY COW!