
s2: Output Buffering

s2: Output Buffering

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Output Buffering

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Output Buffering

One of cwal's core features is the ability for the client to specify an "output channel" - a client-defined callback function through which all script-generated output "should" (by well-behaved clients) be sent. The "ob" API builds upon that, providing functionality similar to PHP's ob_start() family of functions. This allows capturing output for emitting later on. e.g. as one might do when buffering HTTP payload output so that HTTP headers can be sent before the payload (coughCGI modulecough).

In short, one "pushes" a buffer on the stack, and then any output which is generated via the normal output channel (specifically, output going through the C-level cwal_output() family of functions) are intercepted and appended to the current buffer. When the client is finished, one pops the buffer from the stack and output resumes its regularly programmed course. This API allows the client to discard the buffered output, fetch it as a string or Buffer, or "flush" it, all demonstrated and described below.

Reminder to self: we can't pass the underlying Buffers back to scripts because they are necessarily created outside of the Value management system, without an attached Value instance, because their lifetimes would otherwise be unduly problematic for many legal/conceivable use cases unless the client managed all buffer references himself (e.g. ob.push() would return the buffer and expect the client to manage it)1.

This API can be installed into a client-side interpreter using s2_install_ob() or s2_install_ob_2(). s2sh installs it as s2.ob.

Example usage (the indentation matches the buffering levels):

const ob = s2.ob;
const out = print;
assert 1 === ob.push().level();
    out("This will be flushed to stdout.");
    out("level 1");
    var v1 = ob.takeString();
        out("This will be flushed to level 1.");
        out("level 2");
        var v2 = ob.takeString();
    var v1b = ob.takeString();
    //ob.clear()// not needed b/c pop() will do this
assert v1 === 'level 1\n';
assert v2 === 'level 2\n';
assert v1b === 'This will be flushed to level 1.\n';

That outputs only the following:

This will be flushed to stdout.

While this example uses print() for generating output, output capturing applies when using any routines which use (perhaps indirectly) cwal_output() (or one of its sibling APIs) to generate their output. It does not (cannot) apply to code output via lower-level C routines like puts(3) or printf(3), and script binders are strongly discouraged from using those in script bindings. Using cwal_output() routes the data through the same channel the rest of the script world uses, which is far more flexible than using lower-level output routines (e.g. it allows us to implement buffering, send all output to a given file, or disable output altogether).

It is important to note that the memory owned by the underlying buffer(s) is managed outside of the interpreter's garbage collection system, a side effect of which is that push()/pop() operations may span script-side scopes. The getString() method (and similar ones) transform the underlying content into something managed by script-space, making that copy subject to the normal lifetime/garbage collection rules (the scope calling the method will be the initial owning scope for newly-created values).

The capture() method (added several years after the above text was written) greatly simplifies the process of keeping the OB levels consistent, effectively removing the onus of pop()ping from the user and guaranteeing that the levels stay consistent in the face of exceptions and similar error conditions.

OB Methods

mixed capture(string|function callback [, int captureMode=-1 | buffer captureTarget])

This convenience routine pushes an OB level, runs a callback function or evals a callback string, captures the output of all OB levels pushed since it was called, then restores the OB level to its pre-call state.

Throws if, after the callback, the OB level is lower than it was before the callback was called/eval'd. Such a case indicates serious mismanagement of the OB levels. The callback may push() any number of OB levels but is not required to pop() them: if it leaves extra OB levels on the stack, this function will capture them and pop them.

If the 2nd argument is a buffer, all captured output is appended to that buffer and that buffer is returned. If it's not a buffer, it's interpreted as an integer with the same semantics as pop()'s argument but with a different default value: if it's negative (the default) then the captured buffered output is returned as a string, positive returns the result as a new buffer, and 0 means to simply discard the result.

Managing OB levels is easier and safer with this approach, compared to manually managing push()/pop() levels, because it keeps the OB levels consistent even if the callback triggers an s2-level assert, exit, fatal, exception, a cwal/s2 out-of-memory failure, C-level interruption via s2_interrupt() (typically via Ctrl-C), or a similar "flow-control event."

Object clear()

Discards the contents of the current buffering level but leaves the buffer in place. Returns this. Throws if buffering is not active.

Object flush()

Pushes the current contents of the current buffer level down one level, such that it either gets appended to another buffer (if buffering is nested) or goes to the default configured output channel (if the first buffer level is flushed). Empties out the current buffer contents but leaves the buffer in place (does not change the level). Returns this. Throws if buffering is not active.

string getString()

Returns the current buffer contents as a string and leaves the buffer unmodified. Throws if buffering is not active.

integer level()

Returns the current buffering level, or 0 if not currently buffering.

mixed pop([int takePolicy=0])

Pops the current level of buffering. Must only be called after a corresponding call to push() (or it will throw). If passed no arguments or passed a falsy value then it discards any buffered data, freeing up its memory and returning this. If passed an numeric value greater than 0 it returns the buffered contents as a Buffer (exactly as for takeBuffer()). If passed a numeric value less than 0, it returns the contents as a String (exactly as for takeString()).

Throws if buffering is not active.

Object push()

Pushes a level to the OB stack. Must be accompanied by a matching call to pop() unless (special case) the current OB level is being capture()d, in which case capture() will pop() it if the script does not do so. Returns this.

Buffer takeBuffer()

"Takes" the underlying buffer away from the current buffering level, effectively clear()ing it and transferring the contents, in the form of a Buffer value, to the caller. Does not change the buffering level, and generating more output at this level will create a new buffer to store it in.

Throws if buffering is not active.

Sidebar: we cannot return a handle to the underlying Buffer without taking it away from the OB layer because it is not associated with a Value instance (because the lifetimes cannot be sanely managed that way).

string takeString()

Equivalent to calling getString() then clear(). This does not change the buffering level, only transfers output buffered at the current buffer level (including data flush()'d into it from a subsequently-pushed OB scope). Generating more output at this level will create a new buffer to store it.

Throws if buffering is not active.

Notes & Caveats


it would be conceivably possible for s2 to track the buffers in its s2_scope class, rescoping them as needed to keep them from being pulled out from under the client by lifetime management. Hmmm.

  1. ^ 20191215: since the addition of cwal-level scope push/pop hooks,